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Chapter 670

Chapter 670 Only He Knew That His Heart Was Beating Rapidly


The cold winter wind whistled past the thriving city, and heavy snow covered the city in a silveryblanket.

The pure-white snowflakes that were scattered in the air brought light to the dimly lit city.

It was an especially cold night, and there were not many pedestrians walking on the streets. It was rarethat the bustling city got so quiet.

A sleek black Bentley limousine drove on the snow-covered streets, unhindered by the heavy snowfall.

In a dark alley, several tall and burly hooligans in tattered clothes and wielding weapons drooled asthey stared lecherously at two beautiful foreign young women.

Snowflakes landed on the girls' long hair and melted.

Their curvaceous bodies could be vaguely seen under their thick down jackets. It was a tantalizingsight.

The hooligans exchanged glances, flashed a perverted smile, and spoke teasingly in Russian, "Thesetwo chicks are not bad. It's been a long time since I've tasted foreign flesh. They look small and cute,but I'm sure that they're naughtier than our local women. We'll have a feast tonight, boys!"

The two young women's faces turned pale when they saw the hooligans that suddenly appeared infront of them. They held each other's hands and took several panicked steps backward!

The hooligans walked up in front of the young women and tried to grab them. Their lecherous gazeswere revolting.

"Run!' The taller young woman reacted first. She pulled the other, weaker young woman and dashedout of the alley!

"Chase them! Don't let our chicks get away. Otherwise, we won't have any women to comfort ustonight..." The hooligans started running while hurling obscenities.

The two young women were not as strong as the men, and they were already exhausted from theirpart-time shift at a restaurant. They were on the verge of collapsing while they frantically ran away.

The hooligans were about to catch up to them when a dazzling beam of light shone on their faces.

They were almost blinded by the light.

The two young women were also blinded. They ran toward the car, but it stopped abruptly before itcould run over them. The two women fell sitting on the ground out of shock.

"Help! Help..."

The taller woman seemed to have found salvation. She scrambled onto her feet and threw her body onthe Bentley.

Moscow at night was a paradise for criminals. The young woman knew that people would rather keepto themselves when they encounter a crime, but she did not want to let go of the chance that she mightbe saved.

Through the car window, Luke glanced coldly at the young woman.

The man's expression was as cold as the weather outside.

"Start driving." There was a hint of displeasure in his voice as he glanced at the driver.

He was not a saint. He did not have sympathy for other people in danger, much less those that did notbring him any benefit.

The driver started the engine and was about to drive away.

The taller young woman watched in despair as the car began to move away. Meanwhile, the hooliganshad already caught her friend and began to rip apart her down jacket.

"Ah... no... go away..." The feeble young woman cried out in English.

She struggled helplessly. Her voice was muffled, and her expression was as innocent as a bunny. Thatmade the hooligans laugh even more brazenly.

"I thought she's quite slender, but she's quite voluptuous..." One of the hooligans said to hisaccomplices.

"Beatrice!" The taller young woman was afraid, but she braced herself and rushed toward thehooligans. "Let her go, you b*stards!"

She yelled in English, and the name that came out of her mouth made Luke pause.

He turned around and looked at the young woman named "Beatrice" through the car window. He saw afragile figure with long and straight black hair struggling in the hooligans' grasp. Her helplessnessreminded him of a vague figure in the depths of his memories.

"Save them," Luke suddenly ordered the driver.

The driver was surprised, and he hesitated. "We should mind our own business, Sir. If Mr. Robert andMs. Kassy find out..."

The driver felt something cold, black, and hard against his waist.

He looked at Luke in astonishment and realized that he did not understand that man at all.

They had only interacted for a few days. The man looked gentle and elegant, but he had a ruthless andmysterious personality. He managed to extend his influence over the entire company in a few dayssince he joined Beshev Corporation, and no one dared to disobey him.

The driver could only get out of the car.

The hooligans cackled brazenly as they saw the driver. "Looks like we've gotten ourselves another bigfish, boys..."

The driver did not speak. His body flitted nimbly amid the knife-wielding hooligans and sent themsprawling on the ground. They wailed in pain and begged for mercy.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you..." The young woman named Beatrice bowed deeply at the driver.

The driver frowned and wagged his hand. "I'm not the one who saved you. My employer is."

Then, he opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

Beatrice and the other young woman glanced through the car window.

They saw the man's impeccable side profile from the half-open car window. His masculine featuresseemed to be sculpted by God's hands, and his lips were slightly curled upward in an ambiguous smile.He was smoking, but his hand holding the cigarette was perfect, like a work of art. He was indeed acharming man!

"Thank..." The two young women were caught in a daze. When they came to their senses andremembered to thank the man, the car had already driven away.

In the car, the driver drove leisurely along the street while stealing glances at the man in the backseat.

Luke's eyes were closed for a short rest. His expression was as cold as ever, but he placed a hand onhis heart.

Only he knew that his heart was beating rapidly.

He missed her, that gentle and sweet woman.

In the mansion.

Bianca fed Tommy and managed to coax the energetic baby to sleep. She was beginning to feeldrowsy too.

Suddenly, Bianca felt her heart beating faster. She covered her chest and felt uneasy.

She went to the bedside cabinet and took out Luke's photo.

Her gaze was gentle as she caressed Luke's face. "They said that you are dead, but I don't believe it. Ican sense that you're still alive. After I bring the company back on track, I'll bring the kids to look foryou in Moscow, alright?"

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