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Chapter 668

Chapter 668 Decided With No Chance For Objection

At the end of the meal, Mr. Norman chatted with Bianca in private about the details of developing themountainous area.

He would support Bianca's decision to develop a residential area there.

Bianca hesitated before letting Mr. Norman know her concerns. "I've surveyed the geography of thisarea, Uncle Jack. The existing conditions aren't anything special, but the environment here is amazing.If T Corporation embarks on this project, I'm not too worried about technical challenges like carving themountain or dredging the water channels. Instead, I'm concerned about connecting the area to thepublic transport network..."

T Corporation's engineering team was top-notch, and Bianca was not worried about the technicalaspects. What she worried about was that the remote area was not connected to any public transportlines.

For many house-buyers, accessibility to public transport was a major factor. It would also cause thearea to develop rapidly.

If the residential area was poorly connected, the beautiful scenery would not matter. T Corporationcould build the best houses, but most of them would remain vacant and unsold.

Mr. Norman looked at Bianca's clear eyes. He wanted to pat her shoulder, but he hesitated andknocked on the table instead. "You don't have to worry about public transport. By next February,construction will begin for Lines 15,18, and 21 of the A City Subway that will go from Downtown A Cityto Bay Town. Phase 9 of the A City Light Rail that goes from A City Train Station to Bay Town shouldalso begin construction at the same time. When that happens, Bay Town will be connected to the citycenter." "Is that true, Uncle Jack?"

Bianca smiled, seemingly in disbelief. "Connecting Bay Town to the city center is big news! Why didn'tour marketing department hear any news of it?"novelbin

If the corporations had known about the news, they would have fought over the plot of land and droveland prices sky-high. Why would land prices remain so low then?

Mr. Norman said lovingly to Bianca, "I've just submitted the proposals for those projects to the higher-ups, and it'll take some time before I receive a reply. I can't promise that all of the projects will beapproved, but I can guarantee that we'll get at least two subway lines and the light rail extension. Ihaven't told anyone about this news yet, Bea, you're the only one who knows about this. You'll have tokeep the information a secret before the higher-ups approve the projects. I've watched that Luke boygrow up, and I've always been impressed by his capabilities. I didn’t expect that he would... This is theonly way that I can help you."

Bianca stared at Jack's stern but loving expression and his graying sideburns. She could feel tearswelling up in her eyes. "Thank you. If I manage to obtain this plot of land, I'll make sure that we will notcompromise on the quality of the houses. I want to build the best houses and benefit the citizens of ACity."

Mr. Norman nodded and smiled. "Do your best, child. I trust in your capabilities. I've never set foot inthe business world before, but I've heard that it's cruel and merciless like the battlefield. You'll have tobe wary at all times that someone might be scheming against you. If you need any help, don't hesitateto come to me. I'll help you wherever I can."

The last sentence sounded familiar. Queenie had told her the same thing.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman had not formally recognized Bianca as their birth daughter, but they were alreadyshowering their love and care on her. Bianca was very grateful for that.

Bianca decided that she would go to the Norman residence to personally thank them after the situationin T Corporation went back to normal again.

Another general meeting was held in T Corporation in the afternoon. Bianca arrived on the dot onceagain.

Most of the shareholders were already there when she arrived.

Jenson was the last to arrive. He sauntered into the conference room at five minutes past the hour.

To him, Bianca was only an inexperienced young girl incapable of leading a multinational company likeT Corporation.

He decided to come to the meeting late to embarrass Bianca.

Bianca seemed nonchalant as she watched Jenson enter the conference room and find his seat. Afterhe sat down, Bianca glanced at him and said to the shareholders, ' Now that everyone is here, let'sstart the general meeting."

Looking at Bianca, the shareholders thought that the atmosphere in the room was stifling.

The woman might seem frail, but she could be dominant and assertive when it came to seriousbusiness. She reminded them of Mr. Crawford.

In the previous general meeting, several shareholders wanted to cash out their shares, and Biancabought their shares without any hesitation.

Bianca originally controlled slightly more than half of the company. After the purchase, her ownership ofthe company rose by another ten percentage points. That made her a dominating force in the company.

After a standard introduction, Bianca went straight to the main point and talked about the plan todevelop the remote mountain.

As expected, many shareholders opposed the idea, especially Jenson, who was clamoring for support.He wanted to remove Bianca from her position as acting CEO.

A young shareholder who worked together with Luke gave his opinion. "Ms. Rayne, I believe that theproject is viable, but the upfront cost is too big. It'll take five to eight years before we see any returnsfrom a residential project, and that's too long for our company that's on the verge of collapse. I wouldsupport the project, but considering our current circumstances, it'll only put us in a more perilousposition..."

Bianca pressed her lips together. If Mr. Norman had not confided with her about the subway extensionsto Bay Town, she would think twice before proceeding with it. Now that she knew about the futureprospects, she was determined to see the project through.

It would be a great loss if she did not grasp the opportunity.

If the project succeeded, it would surely bring T Corporation to greater heights.

Bianca gave a signal to Zayne, who proceeded to give a presentation of the project on the big screen inthe conference room.

Zayne spoke at length about the pros and cons of the project, as well as the expected returns.

At the end of the meeting, Bianca appointed Zayne as the project manager and Anton Wheeler as hisdeputy. They would be in charge of the development project.

The decision was made, and no one could object.

In a secret chamber in Moscow.

The man's sculpted face remained pale, but his handsome looks were breathtaking.

Even though he was fast asleep, he still possessed an overbearing demeanor.

A pair of high heels walked down the stairs, and the man suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze wassharp and penetrating like a hawk. Kassy, who had just entered the room, saw those eyes andreflexively took two steps back...

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