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Chapter 659

Chapter 659 She's About To Give Birth

Bianca was shocked when she heard the news from Gordan.

Her emotionless face finally displayed a hint of joy.

"Gordan, is it true? Luke is still alive? Where is he now? Are you sure that man is Luke? If it is him, whyhasn't he come home yet?"

Her anxious attitude and eager face made Gordan feel bad.

He handed a pile of documents to Bianca, gulped, and said, "Bianca, I'm not sure if the person in thephoto is Luke. There’s no conclusive evidence yet."

Bianca looked at the pictures. The pictures were blurry, so she could only see the figure of a tall andthin man who stood tall.

The man had his back to the camera and was wearing a cap, so she could not see the man's face atall.

Bianca looked at the picture and stroked the figure on it. She did not speak for a long time.

Maybe it was because she missed Luke too much, so as she looked at the figure, she thought that itcould be him.

"Based on the investigation, this man was in a vegetative state but he has a face that matches Luke's.He previously secretly recovered in Sheffield Hospital for about a month, which coincides with the timewhen Luke disappeared.

"When he was hospitalized, a mysterious party paid for his medical expenses. The other party kepttheir identity well hidden. My people went through a lot just to find out very little about them. I askedsomeone to check this man’s hospitalization record and the surveillance footage, but everything waserased. We couldn’t find anything except for this photo of his back."

Gordan's words made Bianca's initially joyful face turn dark.

The baby kicked her softly, as though it felt Bianca's sorrow and wanted to comfort her.

Bianca reached out and stroked her belly when she felt the baby’s kick.

Her brows furrowed tighter. She firmly believed that Luke was still alive.

Gordan looked at Bianca's sad face, coughed lightly, and continued talking, "If it is Luke, as long as heis in Russia, I’ll find him! What we can confirm now is that Luke is still alive. However, if it turns out thatLuke is in a vegetative state, you...”

Bianca comforted the restless baby in her stomach and said softly, "As long as Luke is alive, no matterif he’s in a vegetative state or if he can't stand for the rest of his life, I will be by his side. It's just that... Idon’t even know if he’s alive. I’m such a failure as a wife..." "Sorry, Bianca. If it weren't for me, Lukewouldn't have met with an accident. You can hit me and scold me. It was all my fault, it had nothing todo with you!" Gordan said guiltily.

He grabbed Bianca's wrist and slapped himself hard on the face.

The loud slap shocked Bianca and brought her back to reality. It was not until a burning feeling camefrom her palm that she pulled her hand back and shouted, "What are you doing? I..."

Suddenly, her stomach hurt terribly and big beads of sweat rolled off her forehead as she uttered, "I...My stomach... Ah... My stomach hurts..."

Gordan saw that Bianca was in unbearable pain and his expression changed. He anxiously steppedforward to check on her. "Bianca, are you alright?" 1

Tina, Bianca’s secretary, needed to hand some documents to Bianca and was walking to the CEO’soffice when she saw that Bianca had broken out into a cold sweat.

Old Master Crawford had mentioned to her to keep an eye out on Bianca's condition because shecould give birth at any time. Tina, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately understood whatwas going on.

"Ms. Rayne, hold on. I'll take you to the hospital right away." Tina struggled to help Bianca up and saidto Gordan in an anxious tone, "Mr. Gordan, Ms. Rayne may be giving birth now. Come and help me."

Gordan immediately agreed and carried Bianca. They rushed out in a hurry. "Bianca, trust me, you andthe baby will be fine! We'll take you to the hospital right away!"

Bianca almost lost consciousness due to the pain. Her amniotic fluid broke on the way to the hospital.

When the pain was unbearable, she thought of Luke's voice and beautiful smile over and over again.That was the only way she could deal with the heart-breaking pain.

Luke was still alive.novelbin

Gordan had brought her such news, and this news was the reason she worked hard to fight the pain.

However, she resented him for not coming home earlier to be with her and the children. He did notbother to know about how their unborn baby was doing.

Now, their third baby was about to be born but he was nowhere to be seen.

Bianca's tears fell, and the severe pain she felt in her lower abdomen almost made her faint.

There seemed to be a lot of people shouting around her. She could not hear what they were saying.She just kept whispering, ‘Luke, Luke...’

Armstrong Manor.

The graceful Susan Armstrong was enjoying afternoon tea in the living room with her best friends.

When she heard the news that Bianca was about to give birth, she sneered and put down the cup oftea she was about to sip on. Her face turned gloomy and weird. "Bianca is about to give birth? Oh, timeflies..."

Among them, a plump lady burned with rage as she said, "Susan, your father -in-law favors the wickedAllison and her family over yours. He passed most of the Crawford family's properties to them and onlyleft you a pitiful amount of shares. He’s being so unfair to you and Louis! Now that Luke is no longeraround, his wife has taken over all of his properties. Meanwhile, you and Louis are still getting nothing.I truly sympathize with you..."

Another lady dressed in mink raised her eyebrows and added oil to fire, saying, "I told you a long timeago to get Louis married and have children as soon as possible. Even if he has an illegitimate child,you’ll still be able to get your hands on the family business. Allison and her son are scheming good-for-nothings. Those two took away all the old man’s love, and now, the old man’s heart is always in favor ofhis grandson! Bianca is about to give birth to another Crawford this time. If she has another son, you’llbe in an even worse situation...’’

Their words made Susan, who was already extremely annoyed, even more gloomy.

She sneered, her sharp nails almost scraping the ceramic layer off of the teacup. She spat out aninaudible sentence from her red lips. "We’ll see if she’s able to give birth to the child without anyhiccups..." 1

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