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Chapter 620

Chapter 620 You’re Here Too, Mr. Doyle...

Sue was on the hospital bed receiving an intravenous transfusion. She was shaking and struggling tobreathe as she looked at the newborn daughter next to her and thought of the perilous episode earlier.

She gently caressed the elder twin who was fast asleep. Her lips were pale as she spoke to Bianca,"This is the elder twin. The younger twin isn't as fully developed as the elder because of the inducedlabor, and the doctors are still trying to save her life..."

Sue's heart wrenched when she thought of her younger daughter, as though an invisible threadwrapped around her neck.

Tears fell from her eyes again.

Bianca hurriedly took out a napkin and wiped Sue's tears. "Your baby will be fine, Sue. You shouldn'tcry after you just delivered a baby... It's when your eyes are the weakest. What happens if you ruin youreyes? Don't think that I'm exaggerating. When I was working part-time in a hospital while studyingoverseas, I've seen such cases with my own eyes. There was a pregnant woman who was sufferingfrom depression, and she eventually became blind after crying every day... You can't become like that.You have two cute babies under your care.’ 1

Sue seemed to have understood something.

Bianca was right. She could not afford to wallow in despair. Otherwise, who would take care of thebabies?

When Nina heard from Bianca that Sue was in the hospital, she hurriedly rushed over with a fruitbasket.

She saw Jason standing still in the corridor like a statue.

He had a cigarette in his hand. His expression told Nina that he was plagued by countless worries.

"You're here too, Mr. Doyle..." Nina greeted Jason, then pointed at the door in front of him. "Is Sue inhere?" "Mm," Jason was visibly pained as his gaze fell on the door.

Nina was curious when she saw Jason hesitating outside, as though he wanted to go in but dared not."Why are you outside the ward, Mr. Doyle? Why don't you go inside?" She asked.

"I.... Never mind. I want to smoke, but I can't do that in the ward. You should go in and check on Sue.She's not in a very good condition," Jason stammered.

When Sue regained consciousness earlier, she had yelled at Jason and told him to get out of the ward.

Sue was so weak, and their other baby was still at risk. He could not bear to leave the mother andchildren behind.

That was why he stood there, patrolling between Sue's ward and the operating theater. However, hedared not go in and meet Sue's accusatory gaze.

Looking at Jason walk hurriedly toward the operating theater, Nina shrugged and went into the room.

Nina breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Sue was safe.

She placed the fruit basket on the table and went up next to the bed. "Are you OK, Sue? Bianca saidthat you had an accident, and I came over right away from my house because I was so worried. Whathappened? Why did you suddenly deliver the babies? Aren't you a month away from the expecteddelivery date?"

Bianca did not explain too much over the phone, and that was why Nina was so confused when shesaw Sue.

Bianca explained the incident to Nina in detail.

Nina was furious after hearing the story. "That Bailey woman is too much! Does she even care aboutthe law? Does she think that she can bully Sue just because she comes from a wealthy and influentialfamily? If I were here earlier, I’d slap that woman a few times!"

Sue smiled gently when she saw that Nina was angry because of what happened to her. "I'm fine, Nina.What happened today caught me offguard, and I'll take extra care of my babies in the future. BaileyQuarrington won’t get to lay a finger on them again."

Bianca considered Sue's situation and suggested, "I don't think Bailey has given up yet. If she can't gether hands on the bone marrow now, she'll definitely find another opportunity to abduct the babies...How about this, I'll ask Luke to find two reliable bodyguards for you, though it might be troublesomethat your freedom might be restricted..."

Sue stared at Bianca. Her eyes were filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Bianca. It's no problem at all.Sorry to trouble you and the boss."

Now that she had experienced how influential the Quarrington family could be, she knew that it was tooeasy for Bailey to take her babies away.

Without someone to closely guard her and her babies, she might not be that lucky next time."

Bailey was obsessed with saving her child. Sue had to accept Bianca's suggestion for the safety of herchildren.

"Wah... wah..."

The baby suddenly woke up from her sleep, and her cries broke the silence of the ward.

Nina leaned closer curiously. She had never seen such a small baby before.

She was surprised as she gently poked the baby's cheek with her finger." Your daughter's skin is sofair, just like you. Who do you think she looks like, the mother or the father?"

Bianca stopped Nina from poking the baby. Then, she lifted the baby in her arms and started to coaxher. "Don't cry, my dear baby. Your Mommy is very weak now. Don't let your Mommy be sad..."

She gently patted the baby's back.

Sue saw that her daughter stopped crying, but the baby's mouth opened and closed. "What's wrongwith the baby, Bianca?" She asked worriedly.

"She's probably hungry. You should breastfeed her, Sue, but the first feeding will hurt quite a bit..."

She handed the baby to Sue, opened Sue's shirt, and instructed her to breastfeed.

The baby’s mouth instinctively clung to Sue's nipple and started sucking...novelbin

The spacious hospital room instantly fell silent.

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