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Chapter 607

Chapter 607 He Won't Let Her Off Easily This Time!novelbin

The sunset was picturesque.

In a cafe near T Corporation, the elegant tune from a piano sounded soft and smooth. It did notinterrupt the customers' whispered conversations.

Bianca was quite familiar with the cafe as she had been here more than once. Both the environmentand the service here were top-notch, perfect for talking business. She had negotiated with a few clientshere before for collaboration.

However, this time...

Bianca stirred the steaming cup of coffee in front of her with a spoon but did not feel like drinking it.

After a moment's hesitation, she spoke her mind anyway, "Julie, I invited you out here to ask yousomething."

Julie, who was opposite Bianca, had light makeup on.

She was excited for the family reunion banquet tomorrow and did not notice Bianca's unusual behavior.

She looked at her watch somewhat impatiently, saying, "Bianca, you can just go ahead and say it. Mymom asked me to go home early after work. She said she’d take me to the store to pick out a gown."

Bianca turned pale and tried hard to keep her voice steady. "Julie, are you sure you're Mr. Norman andhis wife's daughter? Has it occurred to you that there might be... a mistake?"

Julie was suddenly taken aback and looked up at Bianca. As if the little secret in her heart had beenseen through, her face seemed a little pale.

However, she maintained the shocked look on her face and said with a feigned nonchalant smile, "Howcould it be a mistake? My parents asked the most famous detective agency in A City to investigate thematter, and I matched the results. Even if the investigation results are wrong, you believe in thetechnology these days, don't you? Even the DNA test proves that I'm Mr. Norman and Mrs. Norman'sbiological daughter. How can that be false?"

Bianca really wanted to say that someone might have tampered with the DNA test.

However, when she saw Julie's expectant look, she swallowed what she wanted to say next.

After thinking about it, Bianca racked her brains to continue to dissuade her. "Julie, there’s no absolutecertainty about anything. Maybe something went wrong. The Norman family will probably invite tons ofmedia outlets to the family reunion banquet to tell everyone your identity. If it turns out they've really gotyour identity wrong after that, the Norman family will become a laughing stock and you'll be in anawkward situation too..."

Julie, who was blissfully indulging in her fantasies just a moment ago, suddenly came to her sensesand grew vigilant toward Bianca. Her voice showed her displeasure as she asked, "Bianca, what doyou mean? Do you think I'm impersonating the Norman family's daughter?"

Bianca put down the spoon she was stirring the coffee with, saying patiently and kindly, "Youmisunderstood me. I just-"

Julie did not feel like having her coffee either. "Bianca, I warmly welcome you to my family reunionbanquet tomorrow but don't make such a misleading remark again. Even my parents have confirmedmy identity and acknowledge that I'm their biological daughter. As an outsider, you don't seem to haveany right to comment, do you? Besides, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you whether I'm theNorman family's daughter or not. Why are you so agitated?"

Bianca lowered her eyes and said nothing. She just stared blankly at the pure black liquid in the coffeecup with misery.

She did not know how to explain it to Julie.

Was she going to pull out the DNA test she got and tell Julie that her previous tests were false?

Julie would not believe her. She might even suspect her motives. She dared not risk ruining theirfriendship if she brought up the matter.

Seeing that Bianca was no longer talking, Julie also realized that she had been too aggressive. Julierestrained herself a little, and her tone became pitiful again. "Bianca, I'm sorry that I somewhat lostcontrol of my emotions, but you probably know that I've been searching for my birth parents for years.During that time, I only knew sadness and pain. Now, I've finally met them. No one else will know howmuch I cherish this. I don't want anyone to ruin my bliss now. Can you understand how I feel? Alright,that's all for today's talk. I gotta go home and try on my gowns. You'd better go home early too."

With that, Julie got up from her seat, waved to Bianca, and hurriedly left the cafe.

Bianca closed her tired eyes and became more and more depressed when she thought of Julie's familyreunion banquet tomorrow.

People were probably all this strange.

If she had no idea that Jack and his wife were her biological parents, their family reunion banquetwould not stir her emotions at all.

However, now that she knew they were her closest family members and they wanted to acknowledgeanother woman as their daughter, Bianca still felt bitter even though she was not close to them.

It felt like someone else was taking over something that belonged to her, and she somehow feltuncomfortable with it.

Bianca returned to the CEO's office. Luke had already finished his work for the day.

Seeing Bianca come in with a listless look on her face, he immediately got up and approached her,asking with concern, "What's the matter? You don’t look so well."

Bianca shook her head and sat down in a chair. ”1 just talked to Julie and hinted that she's not theNorman family's daughter. But I don't know if she's playing dumb or if she’s really in the dark. Shedoesn't believe me at all..."

Luke walked up to her and rubbed her head. "Silly girl, how could you just go straight to Julie? Shewouldn't believe it even if you told her the truth.

She’ll only resent you if you screw up her family reunion banquet. I know you're suffering now, but itdoesn't matter even if the Norman family holds a family reunion banquet tomorrow. The truth will comeout one day, and the Norman family will be the one to regret it the most. Of course, if you don't want theNorman family to hold the family reunion banquet, I can do something to stop it. I don't really want youto return to the Norman family because you may face a lot of criticism once you become the Normanfamily's heiress. The conflict between Leia and I is also Mrs. Norman's sore point. I'm more worried thatshe would stop us from being together."

Bianca was at a loss. "I don't know what to do now..."

Luke comforted her and said, "It's alright. I'm with you. Trust me, tomorrow's family reunion banquetisn’t going to succeed."

Bianca looked at him in astonishment. "Why?"

Luke smiled at her mysteriously. "It's a secret. You'll find out tomorrow."

In fact, he had secretly investigated the truth of Julie and the Norman couple's DNA test report that saidthey were a match. It was Leia playing tricks again this time.

An unprecedented chill flashed across the man's bright eyes as he thought of the investigation results.

It seemed Leia had not learned her lesson from last time. He would not let her off so easily this time!

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