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Chapter 595

Chapter 595 Would You Want To Meet Your Birth Mother, Bianca?

The emcees noticed that Lanie and Ranie Crawford were first prize winners. Especially the brother,who had won six first prizes by himself.novelbin

They invited their mother to come on stage for an interview, hoping that she would share her thoughtson raising her kids.

Bianca walked up the stage.

Everyone exclaimed when they saw that Bianca was pregnant. She seemed too young to be a mother.

From her face, she looked like a college graduate and not like the mother of two, no, three children.

The female emcee helped Bianca get on stage and brought her microphone in front of Bianca. "Goodday to you, Madam Rayne. You are Blanche Crawford and Rainie Crawford's mother. You must'vetaught them well so that they could win so many awards. Can you share your thoughts andexperiences with the parents here? Also, do you have any hopes for your children's future?"

Queenie furrowed her brows when she saw Bianca.

She still could not forgive Bianca and Luke for hurting Leia.

However, she felt conflicted when she saw that Bianca's children were so successful.

If she disregarded her prejudice toward Bianca, Bianca was undoubtedly an outstanding woman.

Compared to Leia, Bianca was a more capable woman and was a better match to Luke.

However, ever since Leia disappeared from the hospital for an entire day, she seemed to have come toher senses and stopped being obsessed with Luke.

Queenie did not know what happened, and she could not get Leia to tell her the truth.

Her intuition told her that Luke was somehow involved in the abduction.

Bianca also noticed Queenie sitting in the VIP seat.

She smiled politely at Queenie, then took the microphone and addressed the audience. "Good day toyou. I am Blanche and Rainie's mother. I want to thank the emcees and the teachers for giving me thechance to share my thoughts on parenting with everyone here. To be honest, I am quite surprised thatmy children have won so many awards. Usually, I give them free rein to do whatever they want, and Ican't say that I have any secrets to share other than that I pay attention to their hobbies. Hobbies are achild's best teacher because they can learn what they truly love. My son loves numbers, and he's acutein logic and deduction. Meanwhile, my daughter has certain talents in art. That's how I got them todevelop in those areas..."

Bianca's speech attracted applause from the audience. Even Queenie could not help but clap herhands.

She found that Bianca was indeed outstanding. No wonder her daughter could not compare to her.

At the end of the award ceremony, everyone filed out of the hall in an orderly fashion.

To prevent any accidents, Bianca waited for the crowd to disperse before she took the children by theirhands and left the hall.

Sean walked behind them as their bodyguard.

At the front gate, Bianca accidentally met Queenie again.

She was holding her handbag and waiting for her driver to arrive.

When Queenie saw Bianca, she nodded at her. Then, her loving gaze fell on the two children.

Rainie was an extroverted girl, and she was already familiar with the woman who had given her theaward anyway. She ran away from her mother and toward Queenie excitedly. "Madam! Thank you forgiving me the trophy today..."

Queenie crouched so that she was at the little girl's eye level. She smoothened the little girl's hair andsaid gently, "You're welcome. You're an amazing girl, Rainie. You deserve the award."

Bianca felt nervous in front of Queenie. After all, Leia was a barrier between the two. She did not knowwhat to say.

She remembered that Queenie was at the hospital a few days ago for a blood test and asked out ofconcern, "I saw you at the hospital that day, Mrs. Norman. Are you alright?" "It's nothing serious. I wasat a routine blood test, and my cholesterol levels are slightly high. I'll just have to watch what I eat,"Queenie answered carelessly. She was pinching Rainie's soft cheek with her right hand, and the joy inher heart was immeasurable.

She desired a pair of good-looking grandchildren.

Now that she had found her birth daughter, she should start matching her with a proper suitor. It wouldnot take long before she would have her own cute grandchildren too.

Luke returned from the company at night. The caretaker quickly went up and removed his coat.

After changing into his slippers, he looked around the living room and did not see Bianca. "Where'sMadam?" He asked.

"Madam just went into the study," the caretaker replied.

Luke quickly went upstairs to the study. When he opened the door, he did not see anyone inside.

However, the light was on.

Baffled, he turned around and told the caretaker downstairs. "There's no one in the study."

The caretaker who was tidying the living room was surprised. She replied," Madam has been waitingfor your return in the living room. Just earlier, she said that she went to the study to look for somedesign references. Did she return to the bedroom after that?"

Luke headed toward the bedroom.

As soon as he pushed open the door, he felt a bulky figure fall into his arms.

He smelled the familiar feminine scent and reflexively hugged her." Naughty girl!"

She was hiding behind the door to prank him!

Bianca hugged Luke's waist and looked at him with sparkling eyes and a bright smile. "So, did I giveyou a fright?"

Luke lowered his head and kissed her forehead. "Mm, you frightened me.

What if you tripped and fell? What if I didn't manage to catch you?"

Bianca rubbed her head on his chest like a cat and said confidently, "That won't happen, because Iknow that you'll definitely catch me. I'm so happy today, Luke, our two babies are so amazing. Theywon almost all the awards, and all the other parents were looking at me enviously... It's a pity that youdidn't manage to go to their award ceremony." "Our children are the best. There will be moreopportunities in the future, and I'll make sure that I attend those."

Luke gently caressed Bianca's hair, and his gaze suddenly turned serious.

He shifted the conversation topic and ventured, "Have you ever thought of looking for your birth mother,Bea? If she happens to live in the same city, would you... want to meet her?"

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