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Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Why Would “Luke Crawford" Turn Himself In?

The setting sun was like a burning flame, shrouding the lake surface with color and lighting up themansion like the scene of a dream.

Bianca sat peacefully next to the artificial lake, resting her cheek on her hands. She felt bored as shelooked at the fish swimming in the lake.

The nurse quietly stood by her side.

A string of footsteps walking toward Bianca broke the silence.

Bianca saw Luke walking toward her while facing away from the sun. She smiled happily, but her tonewas doubtful. "Why are you back so early?”

Bianca knew that Luke had been very busy lately. He would usually come home almost close tomidnight, and sometimes he would reek of alcohol because of the business dinners he had to attend.She felt sorry for him.

The nurse nodded politely when she saw her employer approach. Then, she discreetly went away andgave the space to the lovers.

Luke walked in front of Bianca's rattan chair and sat down.

He loved to hug her in his arms. He thought that it was an intimate action.

The woman's soft and fragrant body was an addiction.

"I saw the news today. I didn’t expect that Leia would attempt suicide. Are we in the wrong?" A hint ofguilt flashed in Bianca's eyes as she looked at Luke.

Luke held her small hand, caressed her smooth hair, furrowed his brows, and sighed slightly. "Shebrought this upon herself, and she only has herself to blame. It's not like she doesn't know that I haveno affection for her, but she insists on clinging to me. There's no reasoning with that woman!’

Bianca hugged his neck and said worriedly, "The incident at the engagement ceremony will ruin therelationship between the Crawford and Norman families. Now that the public opinion is against you, it'llnegatively affect T Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Norman love their daughter so much, and they definitelywon't take this lying down. I'm afraid that they might find trouble with T Corporation, and there's still thatCD. I'm afraid that Leia would do something rash in her desperation. She might hand the CD to theauthorities or expose it through the media..."

It went without saying that civilians should not cross people with political power.

No matter how wealthy a civilian might be, they would not have the influence or clout of a politician.

Luke might be the leader of T Corporation, a multinational company with immense financial resources,but he was only a businessman, and he was not as powerful as Jack Norman.novelbin

No matter how big his corporation might be, it would all amount to nothing if he was found guilty of acrime.

"Leia is a self-centered woman. Do you think that she would commit suicide? It's all just an act togarner attention. As for the CD, don't worry about it. It's all within control. Even if Leia exposes thecontents of the CD, I have a countermeasure for it. The worst thing that could happen is a dip in ourshare prices, but that won't last for too long. Financial losses are nothing; I'll make that money backeasily.

"Bea, I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm afraid that you're hurt when you're with me. I'll give you a legalstatus in the future, and you can stand proudly by my side."

Luke's low and resonant voice was like fine wine. His earnest feelings were reflected in his eyes.

Bianca lifted her head to meet his gaze. What she saw was a bottomless abyss from which endlesslove sparked.

"I'm not hurt, really. Even if I don't have a status, I'm happy as long as I'm with you. To me, lovingsomeone means loving, tolerating, and trusting their everything. I don't need a reason to love you."Bianca smiled brightly as she leaned onto Luke. Her eyes were charming and beautiful like crescentmoons.

Luke kissed her lips and held her hand.

The man's hand was bony and solid, while hers was soft and smooth.

The man's fingertips were warm, but hers were slightly cool.

The contrast between the big and small hands was perfect.

It was symbolic of their love. No matter what their differences might be or how many obstacles therewere, they did not let go of each other.

At the Public Integrity Committee headquarters.

Two officers in uniform, one male and one female, were seated at a round conference table.

The man was in his thirties. He seemed stern and unyielding.

The woman was in her late twenties. She was not very beautiful, but her demeanor was quite unique.

Gordan Norton was sitting in front of them. Currently, he had a brazen grin on his face, and his legswere crossed. Occasionally, he would cast a seductive wink at the female officer. The male officerwanted to punch him!

It was rare for the female officer to meet such a handsome and elegant man. His skin was smooth andperfect, like a blooming flower.

She would have been charmed if not for her strong mental fortitude.

'What a menace!' She cursed in her heart.

"Is everything you said true, Luke Crowford? If the investigations prove that your statement is false, doyou know that it is a serious crime to take the fall for someone else?" The male officer saidthreateningly.

He had many doubts. They had received incriminating evidence that Luke Crawford of T Corporationhad given a bribe to the former City Secretary that had fallen from grace. Even before the media gothold of the news, someone with almost the same name as Luke Crawford surrendered himself to thePublic Integrity Committee and said that the man who had bribed Mr. Schmidt was himself.

Luke Crowford's name was only one letter away from Luke Crawford. The pronunciation was almostthe same.

It was a truly unbelievable coincidence.

However, the man could clearly recount every detail in his meeting with Mr. Schmidt. He could reciteevery word in that conversation and describe every detail in the plots of land that Mr. Schmidt hadapproved. There were no flaws.

However, it was precisely because of his flawless statement that made the officers suspect thatsomething was amiss. How could it be such a coincidence?

Meanwhile, the mature officer had returned with his subordinates.

The young officer with the plump face suffered an injury. His wrist was dislocated.

They did not manage to apprehend the alleged criminal, and they were angry at Luke Crawford'sarrogant attitude.

When they entered the room, they were shocked to see "Luke Crawford" sitting there, beinginterrogated by their superiors.

They opened their eyes wide. Why did the arrogant ‘Luke Crawford" turn himself in?

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