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Chapter 479

Chapter 479 Pay The Price for Her Idiotic Behavior!

Leia had worn a white dress because she thought that she looked pure and innocent in white.Someone once told her that she looked like a beautiful flower when she wore white.

On the way to the restaurant, Dexter had dirtied Leia's dress.

It might not be an obvious stain, but Leia, perfectionist that she was, went to the boutique next doorand bought a new set of clothes.

After Leia changed her clothes and arrived at Restaurant Nine, Luke was not there yet.

In the luxurious restaurant, Leia sat by the windows. She was looking at the city lights with an unwillingexpression on her beautiful face.

On a normal date, the man would be the one waiting for the woman at the restaurant.

However, she went as far as making a booking in advance and waited for Luke. She felt wronged...

Leia was dressed in an elegant yellow cocktail dress. Paired with her alluring makeup, she lookedclassic and dreamy under the restaurant lights.

Her expression carried a trace of pitiful charm, which made her look extremely delicate. She couldarouse men's desire to protect her.

She booked a regular table instead of a private room.

The first reason was that she felt that her beauty should be appreciated by men, and the other was thatif Luke and she were seen on a date in public, they would definitely make headlines the next day. Thatwas what she wanted to happen.

About half an hour later, Luke arrived at Restaurant Nine.

Luke saw Leia looking out the window with her head resting on her chin. He slowly walked to theopposite chair and said, "Sorry, Ms. Norman, I’ve been occupied by work lately. Sorry to keep youwaiting." i

He pulled the dining chair and sat down.

Luke was a noble, elegant, profound, and cold man that could charm anyone.

When Leia saw Luke, there was no doubt that she was overjoyed. The complaintsand dissatisfactiontoward him had disappeared. She felt like the colors were more vibrant, and the sky was brighterbecause of him!

It was as though he was her holy water, rejuvenating her dry and withered spring, making it gurglingand flowing again.

She felt alive because of him.

Leia answered softly, "Don’t worry about it. I didn't wait for long. I only arrived just now."

Even though she waited for him for nearly an hour, Leia was willing to as long as she could lay hereyes on him. As long as Luke showed up, she would be happy even if it meant that she had to wait forhim the entire night.

Luke concealed the coldness in his eyes. He smiled like a gentleman at Leia as he said, "What do youfeel like having? I'll get the menu."

Leia thoughtfully said, “I'm not a picky eater. You can order whatever you like."

His handsome face became more refined the more Leia looked at him. Luke smiled and said, "Howcould that be? I’m sure you have a favorite dish, Ms. Norman. Order whatever you want; don’t be astranger. I'm not

hungry now, so I’ll just order some hors d'oeuvres."

Even if all the world’s delicacies were in front of Luke, he was not in the mood to enjoy it with thatwoman.

If he did not have ulterior motives, he would not bother to play nice with such an unappetizing woman.

He was waiting to go home so that he could have supper with Bianca and the children.

Although Bianca usually cooked home-cooked food, it tasted amazing, and she was no worse than aprofessional chef. He had become picky with food after he had Bianca's cooking.

However, since she got pregnant recently and with the consideration of reducing her workload, thefamily hired chefs and nutritionists to cook for them.

Occasionally, Bianca would also cook for the family.

He enjoyed the family time and cherished the warm feeling when he had a meal with his family, i

Leia was taken aback by his response and smiled even more sweetly. "We have known each other forso long, Luke. Why would you still call me Ms. Norman? Call me Leia from now on. I have been to thisrestaurant with my parents before. The food here is delicious, and you will definitely find something thatyou'll like. How about you tell me your tastes, and I’ll order for you?"

Luke looked at Leia as he answered, "Thank you for your kindness, Ms. Norman. I don't have a favoritedish. You can go ahead with your order, don't mind me."

Leia was angry that Luke insisted on calling her "Ms. Norman.”

Luke had never referred to Bianca as "Ms. Rayne." Now, Luke was like a stubborn donkey that did notlisten to what Leia said. She felt annoyed and helpless. 1

However, it was precisely his arrogant character that made her obsessed with him.

Anyway, she had time. Bianca would be soon forced out of the game. She could afford to be patientwith Luke.

Leia felt a little better as she thought about that.

To avoid an awkward situation, Leia ordered meals, desserts, and drinks, all of which were small inportion but delicate in taste.

The waiter was extremely efficient. He quickly brought the food and backed off respectfully.

At the dining table, Leia tasted the food every once in a while.

She saw that Luke only drank a few sips of his drink and probed, “Luke, what happened between youand Ms. Rayne? I heard she canceled the engagement. I thought the both of you were very loving.How could such a thing happen?"

Looking at Leia's ignorant and innocent eyes, Luke sneered sarcastically inside. He answered casually,"Nothing, it happened and there is no way around it. Maybe I have too many shortcomings that it madeher feel insecure, so she insisted on leaving." 1novelbin

Leia looked at Luke's lips and gently comforted him, "It doesn't matter. If Ms. Rayne wants to leave, lether be. It's her loss giving up a good man like you. Many women in A City want to marry you. You lost a

tree, but you still have a forest." "Oh? Does the forest include you, Ms. Norman?" Luke's longeyelashes dropped slightly, concealing the gloom in his heart.

He did not want a forest; he only cared for Bianca.

For a long time, his heart had been so cold and dark that even if a dense forest grew there, it wouldonly wither and decay. Although Bianca, his little tree, was weak and faltering, she was extremelytenacious. It had taken root in his barren soil, growing his barren heart into a patch of emerald green.

Luke knew that Leia was trying to test him, so he looked at her and just uttered a few words. Hisexpression was slightly cold. 1

Sooner or later, she would have to pay the price for her idiotic behavior!

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