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Chapter 437

Chapter 437 Bianca Was Blushing From Ear To Ear

Mavis went to the CEO's office to ask Luke why he changed his mind.

Before the meeting, he had said that they were going to sign the agreement with Vivi Group.

She did not expect to see that heartbreaking scene at the door.

Mavis wanted to laugh, but she felt something stuck in her throat. It was uncomfortable, and at thesame time, it felt like it was burning.

She had fallen in love with Luke the moment she laid her eyes on him.novelbin

Mavis had returned to the country after graduating from an internationally renowned design college.Many large corporations wanted to recruit her, but she chose Crawford Industries that was on the brinkof bankruptcy only because Luke was the general manager. She noticed Luke's infinite potential sincethen.

Indeed, he did not disappoint her. He managed to turn the tables, expand the business, wrested it fromhis family's control, and renamed it T Corporation.

The more she interacted with Luke, the more she was smitten by his character.

Her love toward him became stronger, like a flower bud hidden in a dark corner that could never bloombut could never wither either.

Luke might not know that Mavis had a crush on him, but she found herself lucky that the man did nothave any scandals involving other female socialites or young celebrities.

She was satisfied that he had been keeping his reputation untarnished.

She felt that if she kept on doing what she was doing, he would eventually notice her feelings towardhim.

Her characteristics, ideals, and worldviews were similar to his. She thought that there would be noother woman more suitable for him than her.

Unexpectedly, about six years ago, he was carrying a pair of twin babies and smiling blissfully. He toldher that he had become a father.

The news came like a bolt out of the blue.

Mavis's heart bled when she saw the twins!

When did that happen?

Why did she not realize that he had carnal relations with some other woman?

Perhaps she had not noticed that for a period, whenever she talked to him about work, he would getdistracted or sometimes smile at nothing. She remembered being surprised about it, and she wonderedif he had a change of character.

Now that she thought about it, Luke was obviously in love with someone.

Mavis had tried to find out who the mother was, even hiring private detectives to do so. However, shecould not find anything. Every clue led to a dead end.

She had tried to beat around the bush and ask Luke about the identity of the twins' mother, but Lukehad cleverly diverted the topic every time.

He eventually became impatient, and Mavis did not want to make him angry.

As the years passed, Mavis's self-proclaimed "love rival" never appeared.

Luke remained the same, except that he had two cute children by his side.

His everyday habits did not change, and she continued to wait for him.

Her crush on him gave her a sense of inferiority that could not be removed.

She dared not confess to him. She was afraid that she could not handle the rejection, which mightcause an irreparable rift to form between them.

Now that she saw the man he loved being physically intimate with another woman, tears welled up inher eyes. She was usually strong-willed, but at the current moment, she was assaulted by acomplicated mix of agony, jealousy, and sorrow. Her cold face turned pale.

She turned around and left silently.

Her back remained straight, though her beautiful eyes were as cold as a glacier...

In the office, the couple were engrossed in their longing kiss and did not notice that Mavis was lookingat them through the door.

A long time later, Luke let go of Bianca.

Her petite face was blushing hard after the intense kiss.

His heart instantly softened. He wanted to protect her tenderly.

Luke pecked on Bianca's lips again; the kiss earlier was not enough. "You should go back to the designdepartment first. I'll be holding a meeting with the board of directors soon. Those old geezers will beraising a fuss if Vivi Group decides to call off the collaboration. I'll have to placate them for a bit.’

Bianca nodded and blushed. ’I know...’

She went back to the design department.

The employees in the design department were chatting in small groups instead of working. They knewthat they had to go back to the conference hall later.

When Bianca returned to her seat, she noticed that Sue and Nine were playing Flappy Bird on theirphones.

The two were engrossed in the game and did not notice Bianca's return.

Bianca tapped Nina's shoulder and gave her a shock. Nina accidentally tapped on her screen.

Nina's unfortunate bird... died an honorable death.

Nina turned to glare angrily at the person who had tapped her shoulder. When she saw that it wasBianca, she pouted and complained, "Ah, Bea, why did you tap me? I was so close to 400 points..."

Sue rolled her eyes at Nina. She waved her phone and boasted, "It took you that long to reach 400points? I'm already past 1000!"

Sue put her phone away, pulled Bianca to her seat, and whispered to her," Hey, Bea, when I went tothe washroom earlier, I saw Ms. Laviere coming out of the CEO's personal elevator, and she was asgloomy as she could be. You two didn't argue, right?" 'Mavis went to the CEO's office earlier?'

Bianca was surprised. She shook her head. ’I didn't see Ms. Laviere there."

Sue held Bianca back and continued to gossip to her, "I say, Bea, Ms. Laviere seems to have a crushon the boss. You have to be careful. That woman isn't a pushover... you might be wondering why theboss never had a girlfriend after so many years, right? It's not only because the boss doesn't have anyinterest in other women, but also because Ms. Laviere had been removing all women who had anyinteraction or showed any interest to him..."

Sue had been working in T Corporation for many years, and she had heard all sorts of gossip stories.Nothing escaped her discerning eyes.

Nina leaned close and eavesdropped on their conversation. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and shesaid softly, "Ms. Laviere like the boss? That can’t be! She always keeps a distance from the boss. Ididn't notice anything!" "That's what you don't know, silly girl. Don't you know that men like women whoplay hard to get? The more they can't get something, the more they’d want it..."

When Sue saw that Bianca's expression became unpleasant, she said softly, "Of course, our boss isn'ta shallow man. He only loves you and no one else. Otherwise, Ms. Laviere would have already gottenher way. You have to be careful of Ms. Laviere though, I don't know what she might do."

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