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Chapter 427

Chapter 427 You Matter The Most To Me

Phoenix Town.

A little past seven o'clock, Luke and Bianca walked out of their room to prepare to return to A City.

When Bianca passed by the next room, she saw that the door was ajar. She casually glanced inside.

She saw a long-haired girl in a white bathrobe leaning back on a pink cushion in a daze.

A bunch of purple wind chimes tinkled above her head.

The girl's pretty little face was streaked with tears, and she seemed to be in a daze as if she could nothear...

Bianca was stunned when she saw that face. It looked like Scarlett Quincy, the waitress she knew fromBlue Honors.

Bianca wanted to take a closer look but heard the vintage carved door shut with an abrupt bang,immediately cutting off her curious gaze.

She could not help but tug at Luke's arm. "The girl in the next room looks like Scarlett..."

Luke looked at her in confusion. "Scarlett? Who?”

Luke was so indifferent to other women that he could not remember their faces or names.

Bianca reminded, "Don't you remember? It's the Blue Honors waitress whose Persian cat wasdrugged...’

Luke remembered the incident at the mention of it.

His face darkened at the thought that the woman's cat had hurt Bianca." Her cat scratched you, and wehaven't gotten even."novelbin

Bianca felt that they were not on the same level of communication.

She sighed. "It was just an accident. I think the girl looks nice. She didn't do it on purpose... I wonderwhy she's here with tears on her face. Do you think she ran into some bad guy?"

Bianca thought of the intense events in the next room last night. The girl kept crying, "No." It did notlook like she was playing hard to get. She cried her eyes out as if she was violated.

When she saw that the girl in the room was Scarlett, Bianca was immediately struck with compassion.

After all, she was an acquaintance. Besides, she was strangely fond of the girl, and she wanted to seewhat had happened to Scarlett. Was she in danger?

Luke held Bianca’s waist as he walked out and said with a straight face," Curiosity killed the cat. Mindyour own business. Don't worry. The security here is good, and there won't be any dangerousaccidents." "But..." Bianca was still a little worried.

Seeing Bianca's eyes still persistently glancing at the next room, Luke picked her up by the waist.

"We’d better get back, or we'll be late for work. I have a lot of things to do today. Have you finished yourquarterly performance review yet? Your department is holding a review meeting this afternoon." "Huh?There's a meeting this afternoon? But I'm only halfway through..." "Yes, so we must hurry back andfinish our tasks." Luke pressed his lips with satisfaction when he saw that Bianca no longer cared aboutthe rest.

He had always been cold. Other than the woman he cared for, he would not care about the others.

Scarlett's pet had hurt Bianca, it was a blessing that he did not give her trouble. There was no way toget him to meddle in her affairs!

The car drove smoothly until it reached A City and finally stopped slowly at the T Corporation's parkinglot.

Luke turned his head and saw Bianca sound asleep in the passenger seat. Her little heart-shaped facewas full of drowsiness.

Luke never knew that pregnant women could be so drowsy.

He was about to wake her up, but he closed his mouth again without saying a word.

The man shook his head helplessly and turned up the heat in the car a little. Then, he pressed aswitch, reclining Bianca’s seat into a makeshift bed so that she could sleep more comfortably.

Then he pulled a few documents out of his briefcase in the back seat and sat back in the driver's seatto review them.

After an unknown amount of time, Bianca woke up in a daze.

She rubbed her groggy eyes and saw that she was lying in her seat while Luke was working in thecar...

Bianca could not help but touch her nose in embarrassment and said to Luke, "Sorry, I fell asleepagain. I didn't mean to..." "It's okay. How’s your rest?" Luke asked instead.

"You should have woken me up. It's half-past nine now. It's already half an hour into the workday."Bianca looked at the time on her phone and frowned.

"You slept so soundly. How can I wake you up? You are the most important thing to me right now. Workcomes second." Luke chuckled.

Bianca was a little stunned.

She had not expected those words to come out of the workaholic's mouth. She was touched, but shealso felt guilty. He had been too nice to her, and she had no way to repay him.

Bianca changed into her formal clothes in the ladies' dressing room. After returning to the office, sheworked on her presentation.

She had been busy all morning, and the results were remarkable. Bianca was relieved when shefinished all her reports before two o'clock.

The quarterly review meeting of the design department was held at two o'clock.

Luke sat in the head seat, with Louis on his left and Mavis on his right.

The other colleagues in the design department were also seated according to their positions, so theconference room was full.

Bianca was a little nervous, even though she had presented to a crowd before.

It was her first time formally attending such a work review meeting.

When she heard Mavis, Sue, Tom, and even Bella speak so incisively and brilliantly, it made her feelbutterflies in her stomach.

"Bianca, it's your turn." Nina, who sat next to Bianca, discreetly touched her arm. Bianca snapped outher distraction and came to her senses instantly.

Luke's deep voice rang at the same time. ’Go on."

Bianca took a deep breath to calm herself down. She walked to the projector, inserted her flash driveinto the laptop, opened the folder, and started her presentation.

"Hello, I'm Bianca from Design Team Two. I’d like to divert your attention to the screen for a fewminutes. Thank you. This is my work report for the third quarter of last year. The first slide is the totaldesign orders I received, and the second slide is the profit summary. The third slide is the follow-upsand customer satisfaction report, and the fourth slide is the new quarterly work plan. Now, let's have alook at the details..."

Bianca was dressed in a well-fitting formal suit, with her long hair tied into a simple ponytail. Her bright,watery eyes stood out in her palm-sized little face. She did not apply any lip gloss, but they werenaturally rosy and glossy.

Different from other employees' monotonous and boring templates, Bianca's slides looked refreshingand pleasant. Its content was accurate and on point. She even highlighted the key data, which showedher rigor and seriousness.

Bianca's charming voice rang in the conference room. The half-hour explanation drew rounds ofapplause.

Louis gave her a thumbs up. "Good job, Bianca!"

Luke was rendered speechless.

'Since when did others have the right to praise my woman?’

Bianca's mood soared after being praised. Sue, Tom, Nina, and the others all showed admiration forBianca.

Mavis and Bella were smiling, but not in the depths of their eyes.

In particular, Mavis had a flash of jealousy in her smiling eyes...

Bianca had no idea that a brewing conspiracy was about to attack her...

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