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Chapter 397

Chapter 397 If Jack And His Wife Knew The Truth...

At the same time, at the Norman family house.

Leia had nothing to do that day, so she just stayed at home.

Jack and Queenie had something to do elsewhere, and the caretaker went back to her hometown forthe New Year. She was the only one at home.

She was too lazy to cook for herself. When she got hungry, Leia took out a pack of instant mac andcheese, tossed it into the microwave, and ate it.

While eating the mac and cheese, Leia turned on the TV, browsed through a few gossip entertainmentprograms, and switched to a particular channel.

That was because she starred in a period drama television series that was premiering on television thatday.

The show had not started yet. Leia waited while watching the commercials.

Suddenly, the television presented a news flash of the arson case.

A female reporter held a microphone and reported to the camera, "We are now located at theheadquarters of T Corporation in A City. Hundreds of reporters are gathered here right now. Everyoneis very dissatisfied with T Corporation's official explanation, and they want to get to the bottom of theGreenview Regalia arson case. Earlier this morning, Mr. Giovan Sonny, the victim, attempted to commitsuicide by jumping off the building. From our sources, we were told that it was related to the secretpersecution by T Corporation. I hope Mr. Crawford can give us a clear explanation..."

Leia's eyes were glued to the screen. She forgot to eat her mac and cheese.

There were too many people on screen, and it was almost impossible to see who was who, but Leiacould instantly see at a glance the man that was in the center of attention.novelbin

He was too dazzling.

The sun was bright outside, but he even outshone the sun.

The man's healthy skin was pearlescent in the light. His high nose bridge was glowing like a gemstone.

He stood quietly among the noise, noble and indifferent, as if he was detached from the mortal world.

Leia looked at him obsessively.

She was looking forward to how the man would answer those incisive questions.

Leia wanted to see T Corporation get in trouble, trapped in the quagmire of scandal, unable to extricatethemself. That way, she would be able to get close to Luke. 1

Everyone held their breath for Luke's answer.

The reporters kept filming and taking pictures, lest they missed any of Luke's words.

Luke stood in front of everyone, handsome and tall. His indifferent temperament kept him apart, and hecarried himself with a mature elegance.

He looked at the camera and said calmly, "Mr. Giovan's incident today is purely an accident. I canempathize with Mr. Sonny's grief of losing his wife and child. I am very sorry that he was disturbed bythe incident and chose to end his life. On behalf of T Corporation, let me apologize profusely to hisfamily!"

He had placed the blame on himself. The people at the scene were silent for a moment.

Only Giovan's brother and sister-in-law continued to make a scene. "That's nonsense! My brother wasobviously threatened byT Corporation, and that was why he wanted to commit suicide! Luke, youbastard! You should take full responsibility for what happened to him! After the tragedy, you and thedevelopers disappeared collectively. Instead of apologizing to my brother and his family immediately,they tampered with the fire and rescue department records afterward in an attempt to destroy theevidence. What's your explanation for such underhanded behavior?

"I pity my brother who lost his wife and child as well as his home that he had toiled for more than tenyears to earn...

"We thought of seeking compensation through legal means, but we are nobody and our words don’tcarry much weight. Even our posts on the Internet get deleted in a manner of seconds. Any sane manwould be driven mad by such oppression. That's why my brother chose to die!' "Mr. Crawford, is thattrue? Has the fire records ever been tampered with?" "Mr. Crawford, have you manipulated publicopinion to completely block information negative to T Corporation, thus depriving the victims a voice?""Mr. Crawford, are you really..."

Countless reporters rushed forward, raising their microphones high and pointing all of them to Luke. Allof them tried to get the juiciest information out of him first so that they could also help the victims tobuild up public opinion.

After all, T Corporation had always been cautious for all those years, and its corporate image hadalways been good with almost no negative news. In addition to that, their company had always beentrusted by the public.

With this negative news, their competitors would not let go of the opportunity to kick them while theywere down.

Among them, many reporters were bought over by their competitors.

Luke glanced at the reporters tightly surrounding him. The man's dark gaze was calm.

He said solemnly, "When T Corporation received the news of the arson incident, it was immediatelyprioritized. We went to Greenview Regalia right away to verify the actual situation and activelycooperated with the fire department in their work. Since the establishment of T Corporation, itssubsidiaries have always placed the utmost importance on the people's safety. The accident wasindeed caused by unfavorable supervision. I once again apologize to everyone!"

The noble and elegant man bowed deeply to everyone.

He continued, "As for the tampering of fire records you mentioned, I will set up a special task force toinvestigate the matter thoroughly. If we found that T Corporation's subsidiaries indeed, against theirconscience, have committed such actions, I will most definitely strictly punish all parties involved andresolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the owners.

"In addition, T Corporation has always acted openly and honestly. There is no secret operation thatdeprives owners of their rights, and we do not curtail public opinion!

"Every company has its own set of standard operating procedures. If something goes wrong, wealways follow legal procedures. Whether how much responsibility each party, which are the GreenviewRegalia, the nanny, the property management, the fire protection contractor, or the developer, shouldtake on for the arson case, all of it shall be up to the discretion of the court. Other than that, TCorporation will also give the victim 25% more compensation according to the compensation resultdetermined by the court. Everything will be done in an open and transparent manner! If the mediacontinues to take matters out of context and influence public opinion, T Corporation vows to take legalmeasures to enforce accountability to the end!"

The reporters were in a collective uproar.

The man's answer was flawless. No one would be able to nitpick any flaws.

The media still had all kinds of questions to ask him, but Luke waved his hand before his specialassistant, Jason, and the public relations manager came on stage.

They were in charge of dealing with everything that followed.

At that point, Leia was no longer in the mood to eat.

She had to agree that the man's public relations skills were top-notch. She admired the man'scourageous vigor and sharp methods, and how he remained calm in the face of such a crisis. Otherpeople might waver and fail, but he was able to handle it with ease...

If he did not waver in the face of that crisis, how was she going to approach him in the future?

Moreover, she found out that Bianca was the birth daughter of her adoptive parents...

If Jack and his wife knew the truth, she would never have a chance to win Luke's heart...

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