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Chapter 381

Chapter 381 She Did Not Expect That Bianca Would...

Leia treated Bianca, the designer, as her assistant. Bianca was tasked to fill Leia's water bottle andhelp her with her lines. Leia even asked her to get coffee from the cafe nearby.

She did not give Bianca any chance to rest.

Whenever she gave her orders, she did not speak haughtily. Instead, she would gently "beg1' and use"Please" to ask for anything, which meant that the other people did not have the chance to criticize her.

The employees of the advertising department thought that it was rare for a famous celebrity to behaveso humbly. They thought that Bianca should be happy working for her.

Normal people would rarely, if ever, get the chance to be a celebrity's assistant.

Bianca knew that Leia was purposely making her life difficult, but she tried not to be angry.

She was in no position to cross Leia, and she did not want Leia to complain to her father Jack, whichmight cause trouble for Luke.

When she came back with Leia's coffee, she stood next to the director and watched the next take.

"Cut!" Josef had stopped the shoot countless times. Bianca could not help but giggle.

She was not gloating. Instead, Leia’s performance was thoroughly mediocre.

She tried her best to flaunt her femininity and forgot that the subject of the shoot should be theperfume.

The more dissatisfied Josef was, the worse Leia's performance became. It had become a vicious cycle.

The handsome Scandinavian male model who was supposed to be Leia's partner was commendable,but he was also getting tired and grumpy from the repeated failed takes caused by Leia.

In Josef's many years of shooting movies and commercials and his encounter with countless famousactors and models, he had never seen an actress as wooden as Leia. She was like a puppet with abeautiful exterior but no soul.

The shoot should have been wrapped in one morning, but by the end of the day, they were not close todone. Josef was an internationally renowned director whose time was precious. He was extremelyfrustrated with Leia's performance.

When he heard someone giggling next to him, he furiously turned his head to look at the source of thelaughter!

However, when Josef saw Bianca's giggling face, he was shocked!

The woman was dressed in conservative office wear. That was a striking contrast with her clear eyesand docile facial features.

She looked so young and tender but at the same time eye-catchingly seductive. She could be theobject of indulgent fantasies.

Josef could not see Bianca's name tag clearly.

He turned to ask the advertising department manager in German. "Who is that girl? Did your companyhire her as a model? Her character is very suitable for the theme of this campaign. How about we useher as the model for the commercial?"

The advertising manager glanced at Bianca, noticed from her nametag that she was from the designdepartment, and replied to Josef, "Mr. Josef, that young lady is an employee from the design

department. Ms. Norman asked her to be her temporary assistant. The model of the commercial shouldbe Ms. Leia Norman. It's not very appropriate to replace her abruptly, right?"

While Bianca was in college, she took several semesters of German. In fact, she was quite fluent in thelanguage.

Soon, she realized that Josef and the advertising manager were talking about her. She walked in frontof the director, slightly confused, and said," Nice to meet you, Mr. Josef. I am Bianca Rayne from thedesign department. Ms. Norman's assistant could not make it today, and I'm here to help hertemporarily."

Bianca's accent was spot-on. If one did not know her, they might even think that she was German.

A sparkle appeared in Josefs blue eyes. He repeated Bianca's name several times and smiled. "Nice tomeet you, Ms. Rayne. I think that your character suits the Queen series perfumes very well. Are youinterested in trying out?"

Josef was a rather arrogant man, and he was not afraid to offend Leia. He was not going to flatter thecelebrity but instead tried to keep his distance from her.

The advertising manager was shocked when Josef asked Bianca sincerely.

He knew that Josef set very high standards for his actors. Leia might not be an international celebrity,but she should have the experience to match Josefs standards.

It was not out of the ordinary for amateurs to star in commercials, but how would Bianca Rayne,someone who had never appeared in front of the camera before, be able to satisfy Josef?

Bianca was at a loss when she heard Josefs invitation, but she instantly declined it without giving it athought. "Mr. Josef, I am a designer. I don't have any screen experience, much less star in

commercials. If I become the model for the commercial, the progress for the shoot will definitely bedelayed. Thank you for the offer though."

Josef waved at Bianca. His harsh gaze was filled with anticipation and confidence. "No, I think thatyou're the perfect choice! How about this, Ms. Rayne, go and get changed, and we'll do a test shoot. Ifit doesn't turn out as expected, then well forget all about it. Is that OK with you? Suzanne, take her tothe make-up room!"

The cosmetician led Bianca backstage to put on make-up and get changed. She did not give time forBianca to decline.

Leia stood there awkwardly and looked at Bianca.

It was supposed to be her time to shine. She had asked Bianca to come to be her servant.Unexpectedly, the unremarkable Bianca had somehow caught Josef's eye, and Bianca was going toreplace her as the model for the shoot!

Bianca never had any screen experience. She was a total amateur!novelbin

She did not believe that Bianca would do better than her!

When Bianca reappeared again, everyone's eyes opened wide and stared at her.

Her long, black hair was permed into a big wave. Gone were her innocent and pure looks, and she wasnow a seductress. The contrast was huge, but no one thought that it was awkward.

Bianca stood there, like a Queen!

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