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Chapter 375

Chapter 375 Will You Marry Me, Bianca?

Luke hugged Bianca in his arms.

He wrapped his strong arms around her delicate waist and showered her with indulgent kisses.

The kisses that carried the fragrance of cream, cherry, and strawberry seemed to be especially tasty.

Bianca was lost in the man's gentle kisses.

His embrace was too warm, and the light was too gentle. Luke's long eyelashes seemed almosttransparent under the light, and Bianca was moved by his unbelievably gentle expression.

The kisses lasted for a very long time until Luke's hands started to reach beneath her shirt.

Bianca came to her senses. "Luke, shall we... eat some cake for now?"

The handsome man hugged her body dominatingly and said hoarsely, "All I want to eat now is you."

Those words made Bianca's heart thump faster.

Bianca noticed that the two children were not there. She pushed herself away from his embrace. "Um,let's finish the birthday celebration first... Where's Lanie and Rainie?"

She had always been afraid whenever Luke looked at her that way.

His gaze carried the insatiable desire of a beast. She would be helpless if he had his way.

The sea of flowers in the living room under the gentle illumination of the lights had become thebackground.

Bianca's shy and flustered expression was clearly seen under the light.

She wanted to look for the children, but Luke grabbed her wrist. "They went off to play because theyknow what we're about to do. Don't worry, they won't get lost in our house. Stay with me tonight,Bianca." "I'm already staying with you every day!" Bianca's heart was thumping wildly. There was a hintof panic in her voice.

"It's not the same." Luke's slender fingers caressed her lips, then kissed heavily on them.

After that, he took out an exquisite box from his pocket.

He opened the box, and a dazzlingly beautiful diamond ring was brought into view.

"Bianca Rayne, will you marry me?" Luke suddenly got down on one knee like a gentleman and askedher the question he had been keeping within him.

Bianca stared at the huge diamond ring. She could not believe her eyes.

Eighteen small diamonds surrounded a big diamond. It was very beautiful...

Bianca was almost moved to tears. She covered her mouth tightly.

'Luke is proposing to me?'

She was dumbfounded, and she was even wondering if she was dreaming until Luke stood up...

The man's tall body towered over her petite body. When he wore the diamond ring onto her ring finger,Bianca came to her senses and realized that he had indeed proposed to her!

Luke's short hair brushed Bianca's cheek. "Earth to Bianca, if you're not replying to my question, I'llassume that you agree to the proposal. From now on, you are Luke Crawford’s wife, and till death dous part. Don't ever think of leaving my side, hm?" "Luke...’’ Bianca was still in a daze.

Her heart was a complicated mix of emotions as she looked at the ring on her finger.

She did not expect that Luke would be proposing to her at this time.

It was not that she did not want to marry him, but there were too many obstacles between them. Shewas prepared to wait for a long time.

She had even thought that being able to live together with Luke and the two children would be enough.She did not need any titles.

"I've been quite busy at the company lately, but I will hold a grand wedding ceremony for you. I want toannounce to the world that you are Luke Crawford's woman. Bianca, will you marry me?" The tip of hisnose pressed against hers, and she asked again.

The man's gaze was crystal-clear.

It was a simple promise, but it sounded dominating, as Luke always did.

Bianca's gaze was misty. Her long eyelashes fluttered charmingly.

Her fingers intertwined with his, and she started speaking solemnly, "I will. As long as you love me andI love you, nothing can come between us, right? I want to be married to you, Luke Crawford, so that Ican take care of you and the two children for the rest of my life."

Bianca's words might be plain, but it had moved Luke. He responded by wildly kissing her.

Luke carried Bianca off her feet and brought her to the bedroom, then pinned his beast-like body onhers...

Bianca came to her senses. "Lanie and Rainie are still in the living room, they..." "Don't worry. They'renot children anymore. They will go to bed when it's time." After that, Luke blocked her mouth with hislips...

'They're only five years old! Aren't they children?' Bianca was speechless.

When the man was in the mood, there was nothing that she could do!

She wanted very much to hug the children, but Luke did not give her any time to think. He was tellingher how much he loved her with his body!

"Achoo!’ Meanwhile, the two children eating downstairs suddenly sneezed at the same time.

Rainie stuffed the final bit of cream into her mouth. Her stomach was bloated.

She covered her mouth and yawned. "The cake is so tasty, Big Bro. I wonder if Mommy enjoyed eatingit? We should sleep soon. I want Mommy to tell me a bedtime story."

The little girl was used to Bianca telling her a bedtime story every night before she slept.

Lanie opened a pack of wet wipes and carefully wiped the cream off his sister's mouth, face, andfingers.

"Daddy and Mommy are making babies now. I don't know what that means, maybe they're using thecomputer to design one. We shouldn't disturb them. Maybe we'll have a little brother or sister soon." 3novelbin

Lanie had seen his mother being pinned under his father's body before. They seemed to be doingsomething shameful, and Mommy seemed to be crying and in pain. He thought that Daddy wasbullying Mommy, but Daddy denied ever doing so.

That was when he went to ask Nina, his godmother, about what was going on.

"That's, uh, how your Daddy tells your Mommy that he loves her," Nina stammered. "You'll know whenyou grow up. They're making babies, and that was how you and Rainie were made too..." "Really, BigBro? Are we going to have a little brother or sister soon?" Rainie looked at Lanie innocently.

"Mm, yes. We should go to bed now. Maybe the little brother or sister will be ready by tomorrowmorning," Lanie said as he held his sister's hand and walked to the bedroom, i

As they walked past their parent's bedroom, the handsome boy looked at the tightly shut door, and hiseyes flashed with anticipation. 1 'I hope that Daddy and Mommy will make a smart little brother for meand not one as naive and gullible as Rainie...'

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