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Chapter 356

Chapter 356 Shock and Disbelief!

In the private room, a purebred Persian cat was sleeping lazily on the snow- white fur carpet.

The Persian cat's long fur blended perfectly with the carpet...

Bianca did not notice it. She nearly stepped on the cat's tail with her high heels, which caused thesleeping cat to suddenly pounce.

As it pounced, it bared its teeth and hissed at Bianca, which gave her a huge shock!

She instinctively took a step backward, and she lost balance. If not that Luke supported her in time, shewould have fallen on the floor!

"Are you OK?" Luke held Bianca in her arms while staring daggers at the " perpetrator."

The Persian cat was not intimidated by the man's imposing aura.

It shook its fur and started at the family of four with its sky-blue eyes. It looked like an arrogant butgraceful noblewoman.

Rainie could not help but fall in love with that cute and furry creature.

She excitedly crouched down and stared at the cat while petting its soft fur. "Wow, Mommy, this cat isso pretty!"

The Persian cat purred as though it enjoyed the attention.

"That's a Persian cat, Rainie. I've seen it in picture books! It's so cute!" Lanie also fell in love with thecat. He quickly ran over and touched its head.

Old Master Crawford was not fond of animals, so pets were forbidden in Crawford Manor. Lanie andRainie were only children, and they were naturally attracted to the cute animal. They started playingwith it and did not want to leave.

Bianca was helpless when she looked at the two children and the cat.

She wanted to step forward to get the children, but her left ankle emanated a searing pain which almostcaused her to lose her balance.

Luke's gaze fell on her left ankle when he heard her hiss in pain.

"Don't move!"

Luke helped Bianca to a nearby stool, took off her high heel and stocking, then carefully examined herdelicate ankle. He furrowed his brows when he saw that it was slightly red and swollen. When he gentlymassaged it, Bianca gasped in pain.

"Don't worry, it's just a superficial injury," Luke comforted her.novelbin

"Mm." "Daddy, Mommy, can we bring this cat home? I love it so much!" Lanie ran in front of Bianca andLuke and asked seriously.

He was a boy, but he loved the cat more than Rainie. Seeing that the cat owner was not around, hethought of bringing it home to become his pet.

"You can't do that," Bianca spoke before Luke opened his mouth. ’This cat belongs to someone else. Ifwe take it home without saying anything, their owner will be very sad when they can't find it. Also,taking things without permission is theft. That's not only immoral but also illegal. Lanie, if you andRainie like cats, Daddy and I will buy one for you." "But Great-Grandpa doesn't allow pets in thehouse." Lanie seemed disappointed.

"Don't worry. If Great-Grandpa doesn't like pets, we'll keep it in another house." Bianca winked andpatted Lanie's head.

"Yay! Mommy is the best!"

He was ecstatic when he heard that they could have their own cat.

He ran to his sister and tugged her arm. "Rainie! Mommy said that we can have our own cat. Are youhappy?"

Rainie kissed the cat in her arms and glanced at Lanie. "I’m happy, but I really want to bring this onehome..."

Just as she finished speaking, the cat in her arms suddenly pounced and landed in a young woman'sarms!

The woman was in her early twenties, and she was dressed in a waitress's uniform. She looked quitebeautiful with her long and curly eyelashes and her big and animated eyes.

However, she seemed quite shy.

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you, honored guests. The cat belongs to me. I thought I'd already locked itin its cage, but it somehow escaped. I apologize and hope that you will forgive me... Madam, I... I canpay any medical fees for your sprained ankle...’

The young woman looked apprehensively at Bianca as she looked at Bianca's swollen ankle.

She seemed to be fearful of the man.

She did not dare to look at Luke in the eye. Instead, she looked at Bianca and the two children whilegently pressing her lips together.

That young woman was a waitress, and all the guests there were socialites. Some guests like to orderthe workers around because of their status, as though the workers were their servants.

Some guests had eccentric personalities and had made her life difficult.

The young woman was prepared that Luke and Bianca were such people.

"You shouldn't apologize. I'm the one who should say sorry. I didn't notice your cat and nearly steppedon its tail. I'm the one who's at fault," Bianca said gently.

Bianca thought that the young woman seemed familiar at first glance, especially those beautiful eyes.She could not remember where she had seen them before.

The young woman did not expect that the woman with a refreshing smile was so kind. She smiledgratefully at Bianca.

That had left a good impression on Bianca.

The young woman might be wearing a waitress's uniform, but that could not conceal her uniquedemeanor.

"Can I play with your cat for a little longer, Miss? I'll return it before we leave.' Lanie and Rainie liftedtheir heads and stared at the Persian cat in the young woman's arms.

The cat's owner hesitated for a moment, but seeing how cute and innocent the children were, shehanded the cat to them.

The two children happily took the car. Then, the cat's owner turned to speak to Bianca. "Madam, whenyou are about to leave, you can send the cat over to the service department office. Just say that it's forScarlett Quincy..." 2

Bianca looked at the two cat-crazy children and smiled at Scarlett as a sign of gratitude. 'Thank you,Ms. Quincy. Sorry for the trouble. I'll make sure that the children take good care of the cat, and they'llreturn it to you before we leave."

Not far away, Leia was hidden behind a thick patch of trees. When she saw the young woman in thewaitress's uniform, her eyes widened in incredulity.

'Scarlett Quincy?'

Leia started trembling when she heard that name.

'Scarlett Quincy... why is she here?*

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