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Chapter 348

Chapter 348 This Is My last Warning to You

Regal Capital.

"You can live here for now, Nina. I've paid a year's rent in advance, and the lease wont be up for morethan half a year. It's non-refundable, and it'll be vacant anyway," Bianca said as she held Nina's hand.

"Thank you, Bianca. Without you, I don't know what I should do if I'm alone. " Nina looked around theone-bedroom house with homely furnishings. She was extremely grateful for Bianca.

Right now, her mother's full attention was on her brother Jean. Anna was running up and down differentprison departments to help Jean and ignored what Nina was doing.

Moreover, if her conservative mother found out that she was pregnant, she would be forced to abort thebaby.

"I'm the one who has to apologize to you.’ Bianca's gaze was once again suffused with guilt.

"Stop saying that. What happened has happened, and there's no use regretting it. You're my bestfriend, and I don't want to see you living in the guilt. What we should do now is to think positively. Ibelieve we'll get through this even if it's difficult. I should be at the child-bearing age.

Perhaps this child is a gift from heaven," Nina said gently as she caressed her stomach.

Nina was an optimistic and cheerful young woman. It was easy for her to come round to certain things.

"Mm. I believe that your baby will be the cutest child in the world. It'll look like you!" "I hope that it'll looklike me too..."

Nina smiled when she imagined that she would soon have a baby that would call her Mama. It wouldlook like her and be as cute as Lanie and Rainie.

She even looked forward to giving birth to the baby.

Bianca sat Nina down on the couch and went to clean the bedroom. "It's been some time since I lastlived here, Nina. The room is quite messy. Rest for a bit while I clean up."

Nina wanted to help. "I'm pregnant, not disabled. Must you treat me like a child? Let me help with thecleanup as well."

Bianca stubbornly held Nina down. "You saw your medical report too. Your constitution is weaker thannormal people, and you might suffer a miscarriage if you're careless. You should rest as much as youcan. When I was pregnant with Lanie and Rainie..."

Nina helplessly listened to Bianca tell her precautions and pointers while bearing a child. She might saythat Bianca was annoying, but she felt very warm in her heart.

After cleaning up the room, Bianca went down to the grocery store in the neighborhood and boughtvegetables and poultry.

While she was walking up the stairs, she met Daisy, who just got back from the wet market.

Daisy was walking casually with a live chicken under her arm...

The two had not met each other for some time.

Daisy could see that Bianca had become more beautiful than before, especially her pink and tenderskin. Meanwhile, her daughter had to conduct outdoor interviews, and because of that, her skin hadbecome dry and rough. Her heart was wracked by jealousy.

"Hey, isn't that Bianca?" She said shrilly. *1 thought you've found yourself a rich sugar daddy, andyou've moved to a luxurious mansion. Why are you back here so fast? Did you get dumped? Ha, Iknew that you can't rely on sugar daddies, but you don't listen. That man must've found himself ayounger and more beautiful woman. If you knew that you weren’t going to be so lucky, you shouldn'teven have dreamed about it!"

Bianca hated that middle-aged woman a lot, not only because she was patronizing, but also becauseshe was very fond of gossip. Bianca would have given her a tight slap on her face if not that she wasrespectful toward her elders.

"Don't you know that you're very annoying, Aunt Daisy?" Bianca said abruptly while glaring at Daisy.novelbin

"What did you say?" Daisy opened her clouded eyes wide. She could not believe that Bianca wastalking to her like that, 1

Bianca was taller than Daisy, even when she was wearing flats.

She towered over Daisy imposingly. "Some elders have kind hearts and mind their manners. Thoseelders deserve my respect. However, there are many elders like you who not only are unreasonableand ignorant but also indulge in gossip... I'd like to ask you, Aunt Daisy, what's the point of youdegrading me? Would your gossip and insults make you a better person? Or would it advance yourdaughter's career?" "You... How dare you speak to me like that, you wench? If you're guilty of somemisdeeds, why shouldn't I say it? Stop pretending to be virtuous!

You're nothing but a mistress!" Daisy was livid. She wanted to throw eggs at Bianca and claw her face.

"Let me say this one last time, Aunt Daisy, I'm not a mistress!"

Bianca clenched her fists so tightly that her fingernails were about to break the plastic shopping bags.

She looked at Daisy unpleasantly and said, "I don't care if you believe it, but I have to tell you that theman is my boyfriend, and I am the birth mother of the two children. We were separated for many yearsbecause of a misunderstanding, and we've finally reunited again. This is my last warning to you. Do notspread any false rumors about me, or else I'll see you in court!" i

Bianca's tone when she was at her limit was powerful and resonating.

Her gentle face seemed aggressive when she made that threat, which caused Daisy to suffer a shock.

Even the usually haughty and unreasonable Daisy became docile in front of that soft-spoken andgentle girl.

Bianca shot a glance at Daisy, then walked around her and went up to the fifth floor.

Daisy came to her senses when she saw Bianca turn the corner. She spat and cursed, "Pah! How dareyou insult me, you mistress? You'll eventually pay for your immoral deeds..."

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