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Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Bianca Annoys Her Love Rivalnovelbin

"Wow! Isn't that Leia Norman? I didn't expect to meet her here!" Sue whispered excitedly next toBianca's ear.

Sue was a fan of television dramas, and she occasionally followed entertainment news. Naturally, sheknew who Leia was.

Leia wore light make-up, and her hair was tied in a ponytail. She was dressed in luxury brand casualclothes that accentuated all her body curves and made her look elegant.

Bianca was not familiar with Leia. As far as she knew, Leia Norman was a celebrity, i

Leia seemed a lot more beautiful in the movies. Both of them had met in real life, but they had neverinteracted with each other. When Bianca saw that Leia was choosing the same gown, she smiledpolitely and let go.

"I'll go look at the other designs,” Bianca said.

To her, she did not mind relinquishing her choice to Leia.

After all, there were so many other designs in the store.

However, Bianca did not expect that her act of courtesy was interpreted as an act of provocation.

Leia wore high-heels, which made her taller than Bianca in flats. She stood arrogantly before Biancaand said, "All the gowns here are one-of-a-kind in the world. They’re only for sale and not for rent. Youshouldn't come here if you can't afford it. Not everyone deserves to step in this store."

Bianca was surprised by Leia's sudden hostility.

As far as she knew, she was not acquainted with the celebrity, so why would Leia single her out?

Sue had taken out her phone and was going to discreetly snap a few photos. Her good impression ofLeia instantly vanished when she heard what Leia said. Leia's roles in the movies were always pureand gentle. Was that her true colors?

"You're here to shop for gowns again, Ms. Norman? We've received a new shipment lately. You'lldefinitely find something you like," a sales clerk came up to Leia and said.

Leia was a regular in the store. Not only she had an influential family, but she was also a celebrity. Thesales clerk was very eager while serving her, while she ignored Bianca at the side.

Leia was very pleased with the sales clerk's flattery. She shot a glance at Bianca and grunteddisdainfully. "Why would you allow shabbily-dressed people into the store?"

Bianca frowned as she looked at Leia, not sure why the celebrity was being so hostile.

The sales clerk immediately flattered Leia, "You can treat it as though they aren't here, Ms. Norman.What gown would you like? I have a catalog here. Do you want to see it?" "Do you know her, Bianca?"Sue asked. She could sense the enmity coming from Leia and the sales clerk.

Bianca shook her head. "I don't know her."

Sue could not understand why Leia was so hostile to Bianca if they did not know each other.

Was it because Leia treated "peasants" with disdain? How rude!

Leia walked in front of Bianca and sized her up from head to toe.

She sneered and looked at Bianca as though Bianca was an object put on sale.

Bianca felt uneasy when Leia looked at her that way.

"So that's all you've got,” Leia chuckled and said those words that baffled Bianca.

Bianca could not tolerate Leia's arrogant attitude anymore.

"Do you know that you're very rude, Ms. Norman?" Bianca's expression turned cold.

Leia's gaze on Bianca seemed even more disdainful.

'Is this the woman that Luke loves? She can't even withstand the slightest provocation.'

Leia thought that she was better than Bianca in every aspect, so why did Luke love Bianca?

Sue glared at Leia, then held Bianca's hand and took her to another display rack. "Let's ignore thatcrazy woman, Bianca. She's a celebrity, but listen to the things she says! I thought she'd be gentle inreal life, like how she is in the movies. So, that's all fake. Tsk tsk, how pretentious..."

Leia's smirk froze on her face. She suddenly realized that she was in the mall and nearly broke out incold sweat.

She singled out Bianca earlier and forgot that they were in a public place.

What if someone had recorded that interaction?

Her tantrum in Xavier's bar had been caught on video, which had negatively affected her pure image.The talent company treated the PR crisis as an emergency and managed to salvage the situationbefore it got worse.

Even so, for some of her fans, her image had been permanently tainted.

Leia swept her gaze around her and noticed that there were only a few other customers picking gownsat some distance away from her. She breathed a sigh of relief.

When Leia saw Bianca picking a pure white gown, she walked in front of her and said, "This is thenewest design from Gucci. This gown itself will cost you many years of your salary. You can't afford it,right? Just pick something, and I'll foot the bill."

Leia's condescension was obvious.

Bianca laughed out of exasperation. Before she could say anything, Sue sneered. "Why, does thecelebrity think that she has a lot of money? Let's not waste the opportunity, Bianca. Why don't you picka few more gowns? Oh, I think I'll need one too. Since you're so generous, Ms. Norman, how aboutfooting the bill for me as well?" "Suit yourselves," Leia said generously, "Normal wage-earners like youtwo won't make enough money in your life to buy any single item here. Oh, no, some women rely ontheir appearances to seduce men and get the men to pay for what they desire. I don't see your manaround you. Has he ditched you?"

Bianca did not know why Leia was so hostile toward her, but she felt incredibly uneasy...

Bianca looked straight into Leia's eyes, and for the first time, she flaunted her relationship with otherwomen.

"My man? He's very busy, and he doesn't have the time to go out with me today, but he's soconsiderate. He got Sue to accompany me to pick a gown. He also called me earlier, saying that he'llcome and pick me up after I'm done shopping. Sigh, I wish that he can leave me alone sometimes!”

Sue could not help but cover her mouth and giggle when she saw Bianca's exaggerated performance.

Leia's mocking smile froze on her face after hearing Bianca's words...

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