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Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Luke Makes An Exception for Bianca

The next day.

T Corporation.

"This is the design you wanted, Madam. I've sent a digital copy to your mailbox," Bianca said as shehanded the printed design to the department lead.

The department lead looked at Bianca suspiciously. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets whenshe saw the incredibly beautiful design." You drew this yourself, Bianca?" She asked incredulously.

Bianca nodded calmly, wearing a tranquil smile on her beautiful face.

The department lead carefully looked at the design several times.

The design in her hands was flawless. Even she could not come up with something like that. Theusually arrogant department lead suddenly had a newfound understanding of the rookie designassistant.

Did Bianca come up with the design herself?

"Bianca, you should know that if we find out that someone else did the design, the consequences aredire," the department lead said sternly.

Bianca looked at her calmly. "I stayed up very late to work on it, Madam. I can remember every singledetail. Should I describe them to you?"

Sue heard the argument and came over. She could not help but steal a peek at Bianca's design.

She was instantly struck speechless.novelbin

"Not bad, Bianca! This design is amazing," Sue said as she gave Bianca a thumbs-up. "Not only does ithave a classic charm, but you've also included high-tech accessibility features. I wouldn't haveexpected that it came from you." "You flatter me, Sue. I still have a lot to learn from you,” Bianca saidmodestly.

Bianca could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

She had spent a lot of effort working on the design, and she hoped that Old Mr. Norman would like it.

The department lead kept the design away and grunted mockingly. "Don't think that your task iscomplete just because you've finished the design. If the client isn’t satisfied, hmph..."

Then, she stepped out of the office on her high heels.

Bianca was not bothered by the department lead's sarcasm. She returned to her desk and cautiouslyasked Sue, who sat opposite her, "Sue, is Nina... fine?"

Nina had not returned to work since that incident.

Bianca could not visit her, thanks to Anna always being in the way.

It had been almost a week, but she did not have any news of Nina. Bianca was extremely worried.

"Nina's fine. She said that she's been feeling a lot of pressure from work lately, and she decided to takea few days off since she's sick. She'll come back to work when she's feeling better," Sue said.

Bianca felt slightly relieved, but she was still worried.

Nina would not have suffered if not for herself. Even if she wanted to make up to Nina, she wondered ifthey would be as close to each other as before.

Just when Bianca was lost in thought, the department lead returned to the design department.

She clapped her hands together and said loudly to the employees," Everyone, put away your tasks onhand for now. All the designers, please follow me to Conference Room A606 for a meeting."

Upon hearing the orders, the designers stood up and followed the department lead.

Bianca laughed awkwardly.

She had been in T Corporation for a while, but her position remained as a design assistant. Assistantswere not qualified to attend company design meetings.

She remained in the office with a few other new recruits.

When Bianca was looking through a design brief, the office phone on her table started ringing.

Bianca picked it up and instantly heard Luke's orders. "Come to

Conference Room A606 for a bit." "Yes, Mr. Crawford!" Bianca stood up from her seat and walkedhappily to the conference room.

The elite designers across many departments sat in the conference room.

T Corporation was a multinational company, and there were many design departments coveringvarious fields such as architecture, fashion jewelry, landscaping, environmental design, industrialdesign, interior design, and so on.

Conference Room A606 was on the 88th floor.

The room’s design was extravagant and had a high ceiling.

Several famous art pieces were hung on the walls, exuding an artistic atmosphere.

In the room, all the men were smartly dressed in business suits and leather shoes, while the womenwere dressed in elegant office wear. Everyone looked confident, and one could tell that they were thebest in their field.

Bianca felt a little insecure as she walked past those elite designers.

She headed straight toward Luke, trying hard not to look at the people around her. "Did you look forme, Mr. Crawford?"

Luke pointed at a vacant seat. Without lifting his head, he gave a simple command. "Sit down.""That's... not very appropriate," Bianca said softly.

She knew her position in the company. She was not qualified to participate in the design meeting.

Luke frowned authoritatively. "Just shut up and sit down."

Sue sat nearby and saw the exchange. She understood that the boss wanted Bianca to join themeeting.

She pulled a chair next to her and said to Bianca, "Sit here, Bianca."

Bianca could only sit down next to Sue. "Thank you, Sue." "Don't mention it. You've been in thecompany for a while, Bianca, not to mention that your designs are so great. I believe that you'll officiallybecome a designer sooner or later, and you will have a bright future in T Corporation. You should join inthe meeting. That would be good for your experience and future growth," Sue said with a gentle smile.

"Mm," Bianca replied and waited for the meeting to start.

The department lead noticed Bianca.

When her gaze landed on Bianca, whose head was lowered, she was stunned, after which her facescrunched up with jealousy and resentment.

Bianca should not be qualified to attend the design meeting. However, not only was she in attendance,but she was also sitting so close to the CEO. What gave her the right?

Bianca must have slept with the boss and got him to make her an exception. 1

The department lead's disdain toward Bianca grew even more.

'Just you wait. Once you can't satisfy the boss's carnal desires, you'll eventually be abandoned!'

However, she could not help but feel jealous when she remembered the design that Bianca handed inearlier.

If that was truly Bianca's design, then Bianca's talents could not be ignored.

The department lead suddenly felt immense pressure on her back. If she did not stop Bianca, thatyoung woman would soon be promoted and might even rise above her...

She began to feel afraid.

She glared at Bianca and swore that she would humiliate Bianca in public!

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