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Chapter 3168 Her Looks Are Just Average

"It's been so long since Ms. Vivian last visited. I almost forgot her name. Her name is a little hard toremember," Aunt Neile explained with a cheerful laugh as she opened the door for her.

As soon as the door opened, Vivian walked in and immediately gave Luca a big hug the moment shesaw her. Then, she handed a bag to Aunt Neile and said, "Luca, I've missed you so much. I've beenreally busy with classes lately and haven't had time to visit you.

"You haven't come to see me either, but I'm glad we could meet today. I brought some bottles of winefor you.”

Luca returned her hug and replied, "I told you not to bring anything, but you still did. It's really too much.I haven't been avoiding you on purpose. I've just been really busy, starting next week, I’ll be teaching afull day every Friday at Capital University. We can plan to have dinner together every week."

"Really? You're not kidding, right?" Vivian was pleasantly surprised, not expecting Luca to be teachingat Capital University.

"Why would I lie to you? I’m already preparing my lessons, but it's a bit challenging. I've forgotten mostof the theoretical knowledge from university. I'm worried about teaching the students the wrong thing,"replied Luca with a wry smile on her face. She had never actually studied the university's theoreticalcourses.

All her pharmaceutical knowledge was taught by Shanks.

Of course, besides learning from Shanks, she also read the books recommended by him.

Those books were not related to university courses but were beneficial for practical pharmaceuticalwork.

Now, she had to pretend she had studied these courses and find time to learn from the textbooksherself. Otherwise, how could she teach the students?

This was another reason she turned down Evan in the beginning.novelbin

Teaching materials she had never studied would make it hard not to mislead the students.

However, after glancing at the textbook Rhett gave her yesterday, she realized that even though shehad not formally learned the materials, Shanks’ teachings and the books she had read covered similarground.

The differences were not that significant.

"You're so talented. There's no way you'd mislead the students. I’m sure they'll soak up all theknowledge you share and idolize you as their favorite teacher," Vivian joked playfully.

After spending six months at Capital University, she had gotten familiar with the campus culture in ACity and could make such jokes.

"Oh, stop teasing me. Why did you come so early today?" asked Luca.

"I came to help. Is there anything you need me to do?" answered Vivian, rolling up her sleeves. Shewas ready to assist.

Luca shook her head. "Everything's already done. Just sit and relax until dinner."

"Everything's done? It's just you and Aunt Neile here, right? How did you get everything ready soquickly?" Vivian's eyes widened. She suspected that Luca was just being polite.

"It’s really all done." Luca shook her head and added, "Look at the table. All the ingredients for thebarbecue are marinated and skewered."

"Not only are the ingredients ready, but Ms. Craw and Ms. Rainie also prepared plenty of drinks. Ms.Vivian, you don't need to help. Just sit and relax. What would you like to drink?" added Aunt Nelle.

Vivian heard that and said with a hint of regret in her tone, "So, I’m late. Aunt Neile, don't worry aboutme. I know my way around here. You may go ahead with your tasks."

"Alright. Ms. Craw, the wine..." Aunt Neile glanced at the bag, which contained at least three bottles ofwine. She did not know much about wine and could not gauge their value.

However, since it was Vivian who gave them, they had to be good wine.

"Let's keep it. But Vivian, when I said you didn't need to bring anything, I meant it. Please don’t bringanything next time," said Luca in a helpless tone.

"Okay, okay, I promise to listen to you from now on," replied Vivian as she held Luca's hand. After theysat down, Vivian asked, "You said you’ve been busy lately. Tell me what you've been up to."

"It's just work stuff, nothing exciting. How about you tell me about your campus life?" replied Luca. Shecould not reveal her true identity or discuss the matters involving Wanda and Queenie.

She could not mention anything about Shanks either, so she shifted the conversation.

"My campus life? It’s pretty interesting. I joined a club called the Cultural Dance Club. The membersare very kind to me. Plus, they wear traditional costumes and perform beautiful dances.

"I have some dance experience, but it's from ballet lessons I took as a child, so I’m still practicing thebasic steps. Once I get the hang of it, I'll be able to wear those beautiful outfits and dance too," saidVivan excitedly.

Luca nodded. She knew the type of dance Vivian was talking about. "Do you like traditional regalia?"

Vivian nodded enthusiastically. "I love it. Traditional regalia is so beautiful. What’s the word again?"

She thought for a moment and then continued, "Exactly! It’s like floating on air with this mystical vibe,and there’s this blend of other patterns too.

Overall, it’s just really captivating!"

"If you like it, I'll get you a few sets," offered Luca. Even though Vivian was a foreigner, she had a goodframe. Her body was not too large, and she was slender and tall. She would look great in such garbs.

Luca even thought that if Vivian had a more striking appearance, she could have been a model.

However, fate rarely granted perfection to anyone. Vivian came from an impressive family and had agreat figure, but her looks were just average...

"Really? But there's no need. I'll just wear the costumes from the dance club. You don't have to buy anyfor me. I'd probably look ridiculous in them too," replied Vivian.

Despite becoming more cheerful over the past six months, she still carried the weight of her pastinsecurities from her time in Russia.

She still felt that wearing those beautiful traditional clothes would make her look foolish.

Luca shook her head immediately, disagreeing with her. "You have a great figure. You’d look amazingin anything. I know an old tailor who could make you some custom outfits. Vivian, your figure is perfectfor these beautiful clothes. You'd look so elegant."

"Thank you, Luca.’’ Vivian was slightly moved.

Back then, Gordan had always told her that no matter how she dressed, she would look terrible andlike she was trying too hard.

It was because of this that she had always felt unworthy of wearing beautiful clothes, believing thatsuch clothes were meant for beautiful people.

She preferred to dress plainly so that she would not stand out or offend anyone’s eyes.

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