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Chapter 3101

However, since the alarm had not been turned off, it meant that the surveillance cameras had not been

turned off either. Perhaps the scene was captured.

Feeling dejected, Gerald returned to the ward.

When Stan heard the sound of the door being pushed open, he called out anxiously, "Gerald! Gerald, come here.”Gerald walked over. "What's the matter, Uncle?"

"Is it really summer now? Did | really lose my memory? What on earth is going on? Wasn't | living well in the old mansion? Howdid | end up with amnesia?" Stan could not understand.

Gerald could not understand either. He could only patiently answer his questions, "You hit your head.That's why you lost your memory. But the doctor said it's only temporary. Don't worry, it'll get better."

"What exactly is going on..." Stan felt a blank in his mind. The feeling of missing a chunk of memory was very uncomfortable forhim.

"What did | do? Why did | lose my memory?" Stan wondered.

Gerald remembered what the doctor said and added, "Oh right, Uncle, when the doctor was examining you earlier, he found ablood vessel tumor in your brain.

"It’s this tumor that caused you to fall, but even so, there were other people in the old mansion at that time. Maybe someoneintentionally hurt you."

Then, he glanced at Luke with a meaningful look."Someone hurt me?" Stan looked puzzled, suddenly feeling a headache. He held his head and said, "My head hurts."

“Let the doctor give you a painkiller injection,” suggested Luca. She pressed the call button and told the nurse, "The patient iscomplaining of a headache. Can you ask the doctor if he can prescribe a painkiller injection or tablets?"

"Okay, please wait a moment," replied the nurse from the other end of the line.

Gerald's eyes were locked on Luke. He seemed to be saying, 'l know you're the culprit.’

Luke could not be bothered by it. He sat there, waiting for Gerald's relatives and Gale to arrive.He now felt uncomfortable.

It was because he had some intimate contact with Stan earlier, and he had not had time to take a shower before comim to thehosnital

Luke just wanted to finish things here quickly and go back to take a shower.Apart from Luca and the children's scent, Luke did not like having someone else's scent on him.

Luca noticed Luke's gentle sniffing of his own clothes and reassured him in a soft voice, "Just bear with it for now. We'll go homeonce this is settled."

"Okay." Luke's gaze was cold. He did not say another word.

In this situation, all he could do was endure it and wait for Gale to bring the surveillance footage so that he could completelyclear himself of the situation with Stan.

Gerald watched the intimate interaction between the two with great displeasure.However, he could not vent his anger.

He knew Luca was from the Island of Despair. Even though she was a woman, he was not foolish enough to confront her head-on.

Gerald might not be able to win against those who had undergone professional training on the Island of Despair, even if theywere children—let alone a woman.

After a while, the nurse came in with a painkiller injection. After confirming Stan's name, she efficiently administered the injection.

"The pain relief from the injection will take a while to kick in. Don't worry, just stay calm and wait quietly. Also, family membersneed to stay vigilant.

"If the patient falls asleep, they should be woken up every hour to ensure they're fully awake," said the nurse.

Gerald, who was rough around the edges, did not understand the significance of this. "Why do that? Isn't that like torturing thepatient? Also, the doctor just said to let the patient rest well.

“What you're saying is completely different. What's up with you?"

The nurse rolled her eyes. She detested dealing with such family members. "The instructions I'm giving are what the doctorasked me to convey. And this isn't about torturing the patient.

"It's because the patient hit his head, and there might be complications like brain hemorrhage, which may not show upimmediately. By doing this, we can provide timely and appropriate treatment if any complications arise. Do you understand?"

She was a nurse. She was not as skilled in medicine as doctors, but that did not mean she would randomly issue instructions topatients’ families.

Some doctors might overlook certain details. To save themselves the trouble, they would pass certain tasks to the nurses whenthey remembered.

Some patients would listen to the messages conveyed, but some would doubt the professionalism of the nurses.

Actually, there was nothing to doubt. Nurses would not speak without reason. If there were any instructions for the patient, theyhad to be doctor's orders. It had nothing to do with the nurses.

"Oh, okay." Gerald realized he had upset the nurse and remembered what others had said about not offending doctors andnurses while a family member was hospitalized.

Otherwise, it would be the patient who would suffer. He could only awkwardly stop talking.

A few minutes later, as the painkiller took effect, Stan's groans gradually died down. He looked atGerald ana saia, Gerald, tell me about my Illness. What s going on?novelbin

"Uncle, I'm not a doctor. Ask thedoctor during rounds tomorrow,"replied Gerald. He None ones!

r emnbéred wht h ad not askedthe doctor in detail about Stan'sillness before. That was why whenStan asked him now, he did not knowwhat to say. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Stan blinked his eyes and asked again, "Is this cancer? Do | have cancer? Am | going to die?"

"No, Uncle, the doctor didn't say that.Don't let your imagination run wild,"replied Gerald. Sudderly he omremembered Yhe blood vessel tumorin Stan's brain. Was it not a tumor? Ifit was a brain tumor, then it was atype of cancer, right? The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Their level of education was not high.That was why when they heard

word tumor, they weu@asSoclate itwith tanter. Luca saw the expressionon Gerald's face changing and knewwhat was going on. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"A brain vascular tumor isn't cancer. It's an abnormal dilation of blood vessels. The most severe brain vascular tumors canrupture and cause brain hemorrhage.

"If not rescued in time, it can be life-threatening. This isn't cancer, Mr. Muller. Don’t worry," explained Luca.

Stan could not afford to be frightened now. That was why Luca gave an explanation.

Otherwise, it might scare him out of his wits and the doctors would have to save him again...

When Stan heard this, his complexion eased slightly. He looked hard at where Luca and Luke were sitting. "So, I'm really okay?"

"Well, we can't exactly say you're completely fine. If the brain vascular tumor is treated conservatively, you'll need regular check-ups. If surgery is performed, it can be removed.

“But due to the complex brain structure, it's hard to predict what might happen during surgery. Nowadays, brain vascular tumorremoval surgeries are quite mature.

"If you feel surgery is necessary, you don't have to worry about it. The doctors will do their best to treat you,” Luca explained asthoroughly as possible to Stan.

"So, is it better to have the surgery or not?" Gerald immediately asked since Luca had a lot of medical knowledge.

"It depends on the patient's own choice." Luca did not make the decision for him.

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