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Chapter 3099

There was someone whose movements were far more agile in the Crawfords' mansion. Why did their boss tell them to go in, andwhy did he want Stan to help?

Compared to Stan, was Luca not as smart and dexterous?

“Well then, tell me, did my uncle expose something?" Gerald asked again.

“I'm not sure. Isn't Mr. Muller also under the boss’ control?" Luca pretended to sound surprised.Gerald waved his hand. "No, he's just purely helping me out. He’s not part of the Island of Despair."

"Oh." Luca glanced into the distance and reminded him, "The person I've been watching has returned. Be careful. Don't blow mycover."

Gerald quickly followed her gaze and saw Luke approaching with a stack of documents.

He let out a cold shiver as he knew this man was not easy to fool. Hence, he reminded himself to be careful with his words as hecould not risk getting caught.

There was only one rule when he received the training from the Island of Despair. Everyone had to keep their lips sealed tight,and no careless disclosures were allowed.

Luke came over, handed the documents to Gerald, and then looked at Luca. "What were you two talking about?"

"Mr. Gerald is curious about how Mr. Muller got injured. | mentioned there's surveillance in the mansion. After we settle thingshere, he can go over to the mansion and check the footage," answered Luca.

Luke nodded. His cold gaze fell on Gerald's face. "The surveillance footage has already been taken by the police. Head to thepolice station if you'd like to see it."

"Why did the police get involved?" Gerald was surprised. He was a head shorter than Luke. When Luke approached, he couldfeel the pressure.

"Does this have anything to do with your house being broken into and robbed by petty thieves?""You suspected something fishy, so | reported it for you. Let the police investigate how Mr. Muller fell. That's it," replied Luke."Oh." Gerald stepped back, feeling uneasy.

He had a feeling something was about to happen. Thus, he calmed himself down, intending to wait until Stan woke up beforesaying anything else.

As the person involved, Stan would surely know if someone had attacked him.Luca said, "Mr. Muller should've been transferred to the ward by now, right?"She felt a little bored talking to Gerald earlier, so she studied the hospital structure hanging on the wall.

The structure of this hospital was similar to others. The wards were upstairs, and one could take the elevator directly to theNeurosurgery Department.

“Let's go see Mr. Muller," said Luke as he wrapped his arm around Luca's waist and left.

As Gerald watched the two of them, he could not help but mutter to himself. Even though Luca was also from the Island ofDespair, she looked more like Luke's woman when she stood next to him.

Now that she seemed to be under Luke's control, could such a woman truly be trusted?Gerald thought to himself that he would surely include this when he reported today's events to Abel.It would be best if Abel could investigate whether Luca had any ulterior motives so that he would not end up in trouble.

The three of them took the elevator to the Neurosurgery Department. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, they saw Stanlying on the hospital bed.

The bed was next to the nurses’ station, with a nurse handing over the patient's work to the nurse of the NeurosurgeryDepartment.

Gerald walked up hurriedly and shot a glance at Stan. He asked, "When will my uncle wake up?"The nurse glanced at him and then continued with the paperwork.Gerald grew impatient again and asked, "I'm asking you, when will my uncle wake up?"

The nurse replied in a cold voice, "How would | know? Each patient is different, and it's already midnight. Please be mindful ofyour volume. Don't disturb the other patients."

Gerald felt a bit embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Luca walked over, flipped Stan's eyelids, and observed.

"What are you doing?" Gerald asked nervously, worried that Luca might harm Stan.

After all, Stan could potentially be a key witness in the whole incident.

Luca explained, "Just checking.”

After that, she returned to Luke's side and said to him, "He'll probably wake up in about half an hour."

“Okay.” Luke's expression remained unchanged. He held Luca close and waited until the nurse finished the procedures beforewalking to the ward with her.

He had arranged a double room for Stan.

However, it was only occupied by Stan at the moment. Therefore, after Gerald followed them into the ward, he started makingcalls to his family members.

He could not decide on Stan's treatment plan alone, so he wanted to inform his family to come over. This way, it would not solelybe his responsibility if anything happened to Stan.

Luca sat beside Luke, watching Gerald anxiously making one call after another.

Was he trying to summon the entire Muller family?

Unable to resist her concern, Luca opened Luke's palm and wrote on it.

She was expressing her concern.

Luke understood what she was worried about and whispered, "Gale will be here later."

Even if the entire Muller family came looking for trouble, he would not be afraid.

After Gale cooperated with the police to retrieve the surveillance footage from the mansion, he promptly headed to the hospital.With Gale and the others present, he believed those people would not dare to act recklessly.Luca was relieved when she knew that they were coming. With Gale around, no one from the Muller family could harm Luke.

Dealing with troublemakers who threw tantrums could be frightening at times, but with Gale and the others here keeping them incheck, there was simply no need to be afraid.

Gerald heard Luke's voice and turned around to look at him. "What did you say?""My men are on their way," replied Luke.

“What do you mean?" Gerald's expression changed immediately. "Why are you bringing your men? Are you planning somethingagainst my uncle?

"Let me tell you, Luke Crawford, theaccident happened at your mansion.You can't run away am) yeu mMrespandibiity! Ve called my familyover not only to discuss my uncle'streatment but also to seek justice forhim. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"If you try to avoid your responsibility, I'll tell the press how you mistreat your employees and neglect those injured on the jobtomorrow morning."

Luke remained silent.Luca remained silent too, allowing Gerald to passionately advocate for Stan's interests.

Gerald wanted to say more, but whenhe met Luke's cold, indifferent gaze,he suddenly shivered. The fidspit'stemperdture Was already low, butwhen he looked into those eyes, hefelt a powerful sense of oppressionwashing over him. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

It made it hard to catch his breath.

Gerald was afraid.

He stopped talking. The two chairs were taken by Luke and Luca, leaving him to sit on the other hospital bed.After a while, there were sounds of painful groaning coming from the bed.

"Uncle Stan!" Gerald reacted first.

Luca and Luke exchanged a glance with each other. A hint of cunningness flashed across Luca's eyes, as though she was tellingLuke that her predictions were always right.novelbin

Gerald approached the bed. His face was full of concern as he looked at Stan. "Uncle Stan, wake up."

Stan slowly woke up. When he sawGerald, he could not help but be

m1startled for a. menjantCbefale, whyake youlNese at the mansion? | toldyou that... you can't come here. Howdid you get in?" The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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