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Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Bianca Narrowly Won and Stepped On Dollar Bills As She Left!

After cashing in the check, Anna was on cloud nine.

She had expected the check to be a dud, but she did not expect that the bank staff took it respectfullyand transferred the amount to her account without a hitch.

Anna withdrew 100,000 dollars in cash and kept the rest in her account.novelbin

On the way back, she took the cab for the first time.

Sitting in the cab, Anna thought that she was in a dream. She realized that she was awake afterpinching herself several times.

The cab driver stole several glances at Anna when she was pinching herself while holding a bulgingblack handbag.

Anna hugged her snakeskin handbag close. "What are you looking at? Focus on your driving!" Whenshe opened her mouth, her shrewish and miserly temperament was laid bare.

She was afraid that the cab driver might snatch her handbag.

Anna did not know where her daughter had gotten that much money, but that was none of herbusiness. She did not care if her daughter was sleeping with other men for money, as long as she hadmoney to spend, i

She planned to cook some delicious food for her daughter and gain her favor. If her daughter wouldgive her more money, she could perhaps use it to line the pockets of the prison authorities.

The cab driver smiled and shook his head. He was not going to argue with that shrew.

Unfortunately, the road was under construction and was quite bumpy.

Anna was still cursing when she arrived at the neighborhood.

"Don't you know how to drive, you mongrel?" She cursed.

Anna had a sharp tongue, and she could spew out curses for an entire day without repeating herself.The pedestrians that walked in and out of the neighborhood entrance looked at her as though theywere looking at a monster. They would rather stay away from that uncivilized woman...

Bianca had just arrived at the neighborhood and happened to hear Anna's loud cursing voice.

That made her frown. She was not expecting to meet Anna at the neighborhood entrance.

She would have ignored Anna, but Anna was Nina's mother. All she could do was brace herself andwalk toward the woman, "Madam, is Nina at home?"

Anna was unhappy that someone had interjected her tirade. When she turned around and saw that itwas Bianca, the fires of anger in her heart surged!

"Why are you here? Isn't it enough that you’ve ruined my son, and now you want to ruin my daughter?"Anna shrieked.

She had the urge to stab the cheap woman in front of her with a knife.

Her son would not have gone to prison if not for her!

"Madam, Jean deserved to go to prison. If he didn't do anything wrong, why would he be arrested? I'mhere to visit Nina and not to argue with you," Bianca said impassively and continued to walk toward theneighborhood.

Before Bianca broke up with Jean, Anna had readily believed what was told to her by the gossips in theneighborhood and thought that Bianca had a sugar daddy elsewhere. Not only had Anna fought withher, but she had harbored the illicit affair between Jean and Marie. Bianca's impression of Anna waswholly negative.

However, Bianca did not intend to do anything to that woman, seeing that she was Nina's mother. Shewanted to avoid Anna as much as possible.

Even though Bianca thought so, Anna was unrelenting.

She stepped in Bianca's way and, forgetting that it was bulging with cash, whirled her snakeskinhandbag to hit Bianca. "Leave now, you ruinous wench! We don't welcome you! Jean was devoted toyou, but you conspired with other people and sent him to prison... Have you forgotten who was the onewho stayed beside you when you were overseas? Not only are you not grateful to my son, but you'vefalsely accused him of a crime. Why don't you go and die, you heartless woman? Nina was an idiot tohave believed you! Get lost now! I don't want you to ruin our family!"

Anna, shrew that she was, cursed and hit Bianca.

Bianca tried to block and dodge, but her strength was no match for Anna, who was stronger becauseshe was used to doing menial chores. Several long and red scratch marks appeared on Bianca's neck!

None of the onlookers dared to pull them apart.

Everyone who lived in the neighborhood knew that Anna was an unreasonable shrew. She wasunstoppable whenever she was on one of her rampages. No one was willing to put themselves introuble.

They all looked at Bianca with pity, wondering why would that beautiful woman cross that crazywoman...

Bianca could not take it anymore. She grabbed Anna's hands with all her might and shouted angrily,"That's enough! I wont go easy on you!"

Anna was almost foaming at the mouth when she looked at Bianca's pure face that reminded her of herson currently suffering in prison.

She pointed at Bianca's nose and cursed, "You loose woman, when you were together with my son,you had an affair with a wealthy man, and you caused my son to go to prison. How dare you show upat my house now? Where did you get the gall to do that?"

The onlookers started whispering when they heard what Anna said. They even regarded Biancadifferently.

Bianca's expression sank when she heard Anna's half-truths. "Don't you feel ashamed telling thoselies, Madam? Your son was the one who drugged me and tried to get other men to violate me... Nowoman would forgive their man for doing so. All I did was follow the standard legal procedure. No oneframed him." "So that's why Mrs. Langdon's son went to prison! Tsk tsk, I thought he looked like agentleman but didn't expect that he's a pervert..." "Look at his shrew of a mother. Would you expect theson to behave any better?" "Now I'm scared to live in the same neighborhood as them. There's no onedecent in that family. Let's avoid them in the future!"

Public opinion instantly changed. Anna gnashed her teeth angrily!

Bianca walked away. She knew that she would not be able to see Nina today, and she did not want tobring the argument up to her house. She would return in a couple of days.

Unexpectedly, Anna flung her snakeskin handbag at Bianca's head!

The snakeskin handbag was not very sturdy. It was already bursting at the seams when Anna used it tohit Bianca earlier. Bianca nimbly dodged away, and the snakeskin handbag slammed heavily on a tree


The handbag burst, showering the surrounding with green dollar bills...

Bianca stepped on the bills and walked away. She did not even turn around and look.

Meanwhile, the onlookers saw that the banknotes were scattered all over the place by the wind. Theyhappily picked up as many as they could, stuffed them in their pockets, and ran away.

Bianca could vaguely hear Anna cursing and yelling, but at the same time also crying and wailing tostop the other people from taking her money...

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