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Chapter 2964

"I didn't know about such a rule. I'm sorry. I didn't inform Mrs. Norman in advance either. Maybe weshould forget about it. It'd be better not to disturb her." Luca shook her head.

The nurse looked puzzled. "Most patients are still wide awake at this hour."

"I just wanted to ask about Mrs. Norman's recent health condition." Luca wanted to get someinformation about Queenie's health from the nurse.

Even though Wanda was also at the hospital, cardiovascular diseases were known for their suddenand rapid lethality. If Queenie's condition could not be stabilized, it would be the most critical situation.

The nurse looked at her with a confused look on her face. She shook her head after a few seconds ofsilence.

"This is..." Luca did not understand what this meant. She was eager to know what had happened toQueenie.novelbin

"I don't know. Due to Mrs. Norman's special status, the hospital is worried that we might leakinformation to the press, so at Mr. Norman's request, none of us nurses know about Mrs. Norman'scondition.

"Perhaps the head nurse knows something. Other than that, it's mostly Dr. Park and another specialistwho handle Mrs. Norman's case," explained the nurse.

Luca was also puzzled. Even though Queenie's status was special, the hospital was being overlysecretive this time.

The nurses had a practice of administering medications while avoiding entering Queenie's wardwhenever possible. It was all in accordance with the hospital's high-level directives.

It was the first time the nurse encountered such a rule. She was also perplexed.

"None of you know?" Luca furrowed her brows. Were the nurses not supposed to monitor Queenie'scondition regularly?

Why were they not allowed to enter the ward now?

"Most of the routine work is handled by the specialist and the head nurse. I don't know the specifics,but I've heard that Mrs. Norman's condition is quite serious this time. Sometimes, the doctor prescribesmedication for Mrs. Norman even outside of normal hours.

"The head nurse also goes in to perform checks frequently," said the nurse. She was familiar with Lucaand knew she had a good relationship with Queenie. That was why she shared what she knew.

"Besides Dr. Park, is there another doctor who is responsible for Mrs. Norman?" asked Luca.

"There's also Dr. Hoyles, the head of the Cardiovascular Department, who's responsible for Mrs.Norman. But Dr. Park is the primary one," replied the nurse. "Dr. Park has been going in and out ofMrs. Norman's ward often for the past few days. He didn't seem too pleased." "Alright, I understand."Luca glanced down the hallway. Queenie was on this side, but she had no idea about her currentcondition. Luca was unable to find out anything, but she did not even have the courage to enter theward.

"Ms. Craw, are you sure you don't want to visit her?" asked the nurse. "We can only notify her byringing the bell. We can't just push open the door to Mrs. Norman's ward."

Luca thought to herself that there must be Luke's intention behind it since the hospital was being sosecretive.

He was keeping Queenie's condition under wraps. Was it to avoid worrying her?

"No, it's alright. By the way, has Mr. Crawford left?" Luca asked again, wanting to confirm if Luke wasstill here.

"I've been at the nurse's station the whole time and haven't seen Mr. Crawford leaving," replied thenurse as she shook her head.

"Where is he now?" Luca's heart tightened. She could not help but ask urgently at the thought of Lukebeing in the hospital.

"I think Mr. Crawford is in Ms. Rayne's ward now. I heard that Ms. Rayne isn't in a great mood lately.Something might have happened, and Mr. Crawford is comforting her," replied the nurse.

“Is Ms. Rayne not doing well?” Luca felt upset.

"It's probably because of you and Mr. Crawford...?" The nurse paused for a moment and thought it wasinappropriate to talk about their scandal in front of the person involved.

Hence, she added, "I heard that Ms. Rayne hasn't been in a good mood lately. She's pretty bummedout. She's not eating much and isn't very cooperative with her treatment. I also heard Mrs. Lanemention that Ms. Rayne's mood is really bad. She's down in the dumps.

"She thinks she's a burden to Mr. Crawford and her niece, and she thinks it might be better to just go..."

Luca was taken aback for a moment.

Wanda had found out about her scandal with Luke and was actually thinking about taking her own life!

"Please make sure to keep an eye on the patient and not let her make any rash decisions," said Lucaas she furrowed her brows.

"Don't worry, Mr. Crawford has already instructed us to do so. When Mrs. Lane goes downstairs to buymeals, the nurses will keep an eye on Ms. Rayne and make sure she doesn't run around," replied thenurse.

She felt that the situation in the ward had become quite peculiar after Luke's scandal hit the streets.

It was especially for those related to Luke Crawford. They were treated differently from the otherpatients.

"At other times, Mrs. Lane will be watching her. Ms. Rayne won't have the opportunity to harm herself,"added the nurse. The nurses were also afraid that if a patient's condition deteriorated, they might dosomething self-destructive.

The hospital would be held responsible if such things happened.

Most of the patients on this floor were either affluent or influential. If something were to happen, thehospital might not be able to handle the repercussions...

Luca felt somewhat reassured by their thorough monitoring of Wanda.

"Ms. Craw, do you still want to visit the patient?" asked the nurse, feeling she had already shared a lot.

If it were not for Luca's fame at their hospital, she probably would not have divulged so muchinformation.

However, she did not even register the rumors about Luke and Luca at first. That was why she found itodd that Luca was standing here but refused to visit Queenie.

Now that she had remembered the rumors, everything suddenly made sense.

If it were not for Karen's news making such a splash in the past couple of days, she would haveimmediately remembered that scandal.

However, she was a nurse in the hospital, not a gossip reporter. She did not feel comfortable passingjudgment or spreading rumors about matters between patients and their families.

"No, it's okay. By the way, please don't tell anyone else that I've been here." Luca shook her head nowthat she knew that Queenie and Wanda's conditions were not good. There was nothing she could doabout it.

A feeling of powerlessness washed over her.

Did she really have to part ways with Luke for the sake of her beloved family's well-being?

However, she could not leave. What Amur told her on the phone suddenly echoed in her ears.

If she left Luke, aside from Luke, the first person to react would be Abel.

Luca dared not to take that risk. If she offended Abel, she had no idea what extreme measures hemight take against Luke.

She had to stay by Luke's side. That way, when Abel sought revenge against Luke, she knew what todo. She could also remind him and help him.

Still, if she did not leave, Queenie and Wanda would undoubtedly keep a close eye on her situation...

Should she disclose the truth?

Luca, who was lost in thought, walked into the elevator in a daze.

The nurse at the nurse's station watched her and shook her head helplessly.

"She's such an outstanding woman, yet she became someone else's mistress..." She could not helpbut sigh.

She had seen the statements and clarifications that Luke had made through his contacts.

Nevertheless, after witnessing Luke's interactions with Luca in the hospital, the nurse refused tobelieve them. Yet, to safeguard her own means of livelihood, she chose not to spread information toher close friends and family.

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