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Chapter 2955

"The people you hired couldn't find anything either..." said Myra. She was not aware that Old MasterMallory had given Karen a deadline, but she knew that the longer this dragged on, the more damage itwould cause her.

Karen clenched her fists as she never expected the people she hired to be so useless.

He was just a person Luke kept in hiding, but even after a whole day of searching, they could not find asingle trace of him!

“Mrs. Mallory, isn't your eldest son very powerful?" Margaret suddenly uttered. She was not aware ofhow bad Karen's relationship with her son had gotten. She just remembered that Percy's power wasneck and neck with Luke.

Not to mention, Percy and Luke were good friends, so there might be some room for maneuver if hehelped out.

Karen's expression sank at the mention of Percy.

She never told them about Percy as she did not want to air her dirty laundry in public.

However, they should know that they had a falling out because of his marriage with Nina.

Myra did not know the reason behind Karen's expression, so she echoed Margaret and said, "That'sright, Madam Mallory. Your son is as capable as Lu—never mind. You don't have to beg him. Just talkto your son and have him send someone to look for that man. He might be able to find that douchebagin no time!"

"He won't help me," said Karen. If Percy would have helped her, Luke would not have published thisreport.

She was certain that Luke had consulted Percy before publishing the report. Otherwise, how could shebe the only one who was affected by the report while Percy was left scatheless?

"But you're his mother. Did you two have a falling out?" Margaret was suddenly reminded of the Malloryfamily's past episodes, and she put her hands to her mouth when she realized she had touched a sorespot.

Percy was not on good terms with the rest of the Mallory family.

"I know, but you're his mother. If this issue isn't resolved, it will affect him badly. Why don't you go talkto him?"

"She's right. There's no such thing as enmity between mother and son.." Myra advised. If even thepeople Karen hired could not find the man, she doubted that the people they hired would be any better.

Their husbands' powers were just for show. Where would they find people that were at their disposal?

Margaret's and Myra's words changed Karen's mind.

After paying the bill, she rushed to Mallory Corporation.

When she arrived downstairs, the receptionist dared not stop her. Instead, she immediately notifiedPercy's assistant when she saw her enter the elevator, “Madam Mallory just entered the company andis taking the elevator upstairs right now. We couldn't stop her, so please inform Mr. Mallory."

"Mr. Mallory is in a meeting right now, and his assistant isn't here either. This is Ms. Tucker. You canleave it to me." Ms. Tucker immediately walked out of the office upon hearing the news.

Percy was in a confidential meeting with the top executives of the company, so she was not qualified tosit in on this meeting as the secretary.

After a while, the elevator door opened up slowly.

Ms. Tucker took a good look at the person coming her way and went up to her with a smile. "Goodafternoon, Madam Mallory."

"I want to see the CEO," Karen said rudely. Although she did not want to give the position to Percy, shehad no choice but to address him as such now that he was the CEO of Mallory Corporation.

"Mr. Mallory is in a meeting with the executives. Why don't you wait in the reception room for a while?The meeting will end in about ten minutes." Ms. Tucker recalled Percy's schedule. If the meeting wentwell, it would be over in ten minutes.

Karen stared coldly at her.

She wanted to burst into the conference room, but she held herself back.

Now that Mallory Corporation belonged to Percy, doing so would result in Percy losing face.

Karen was still sensible enough to know that she could not act impulsively when she was here to askPercy for a favor.

"I'm not going to the reception room."

After hearing Karen say so, Ms. Tucker's heart skipped a beat. Could she be thinking of bursting intothe conference room?novelbin

If she failed to stop Karen, she might get reprimanded, or even worse—fired.

"Madam Mallory, Mr. Mallory is in a very important meeting with all the company's top executives." Ms.Tucker emphasized in a low voice, begging her to calm down and not cause trouble.

"Take me to his office." Karen glared at her. Did she think that she would burst into the conferenceroom?

She wanted to, but doing so would only make Percy hate her more.

She was in need of help right now. Although Percy was her son, their relationship was so bad that shehad to be cautious with her every move so as to not put herself in a disadvantageous situation.

Ms. Tucker breathed a sigh of relief and brought Karen to Percy's office.

Although this was not allowed, she was afraid of upsetting Karen, so she did not say anything else, lestsomething bad happened.

Thus, she brought Karen to Percy's office and thought to herself that she'd better stay inside and keepan eye on her.

Karen walked into Percy's office and looked around. The layout was exactly the same as before, exceptfor the several new photo frames on the table.

Then, she walked over to pick up a photo frame. Her eyes darkened.

Inside the photo frame was a photo of Percy and that bitch, Nina!

Karen gripped the photo frame tightly until her fingertips turned white and the veins on the back of herhand were bulging.

She wanted to crush all these photo frames!

In the past, Percy would never put such meaningless decorations on his desk.

It must have been Nina!

She must have demanded Percy to place these useless gimmicks on his desk to seek his attention!

After noticing that Karen was about to crush the photo frame, Ms. Tucker's chest tightened as she wasafraid that she might really do it.

Those were the photos Percy treasured the most.

Percy would wipe those photo frames and tidy them every other day.

If Karen damaged those photo frames, Percy would blame her for sure.

“Mrs. Mallory..." Ms. Tucker was almost in tears as she called out her name.

Karen glanced at her and slammed the photo frame on the table. She really wanted to smash all thephoto frames and stomp on Nina's face, but Old Master Mallory's words appeared in her mind just then.She had no choice but to be more careful.

She needed Percy's help to solve this matter, or else she would be in trouble.

"How could a high and mighty CEO place these kinds of things on his desk? Isn't he afraid of gettinglaughed at by his subordinates?" Karen did not look happy, but she resisted the urge to destroy them.

One day, Percy would grow tired of Nina.

When that day came, she would be able to get back at Nina however she wanted!

Ms. Tucker dared not respond.

Karen sat on the chair opposite Percy's and ordered Ms. Tucker, "Bring me a cup of coffee. No sugarand no milk. Just plain black."

"Yes, Ma'am." Ms. Tucker walked out of the office and practically ran to the pantry, worried that shewould cause trouble.

While waiting for the coffee, she sent a message to Percy's assistant, informing him of Karen's visit.She then quickly brought the cup of coffee back to the office.

"Madam Mallory, your black coffee is here." Ms. Tucker carefully placed the coffee next to her beforestepping aside.

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