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Chapter 289

Chapter 289 If You Can Be So Gentle and Obedient All the Time, Bianca...

Luke turned around. He wanted to step outside to smoke so that he could calm down.

He was about to step out of the exit when a small but pale hand gently grabbed onto the hem of hisshirt.

He turned around and saw Bianca's tear-streaked face. "Please, Luke, don't go," she begged.

She was crouching like an abandoned kitten, which softened Luke's heart at once.

The smell of disinfectant almost made Bianca throw up, and the syringe in the nurse's hand made herextremely afraid.

She carried too many painful memories in her mind, and they had caused her to be fearful even yearslater.

Bianca's trembling fingers tightly held onto Luke's finger. She was afraid that he would abandon her inthis nightmarish place.

She fell into his arms. Luke had never seen her so fragile before.

It was not uncommon for a child to be so afraid of needles. However, Bianca was an adult, and theremust be something that he did not know that caused her phobia.

Til have to investigate this when I get back,' Luke thought.

He carried Bianca in his arms. Seeing that she was rubbing her stomach, he knew that the table musthave hit her there.

He began to regret what he did earlier.

He should not have been so unreasonable with her.

Bianca calmed down when she was in Luke's embrace. She hugged her neck tightly as though he wasthe only one she could trust. Those strong arms were like a safe haven that temporarily shielded herfrom those painful memories.

Luke held her tight and took her petite hand into his hand. "It's fine. How about we go to anotherhospital?" He tried to persuade her.

Bianca shook her head. "I don't want to go to the hospital. I only want to go home," she said earnestly.

The hospital was a place where life and death converged. The lives of many newborns started at thehospital, but at the same time, so many frail lives ended there.

The hospital had needles which Bianca feared. Her father died in a hospital. She had an aversiontoward hospitals.

Luke stared at Bianca, not giving any of his emotions away in those profound eyes. "OK, let's gohome," he said.

Bianca grabbed the man's sleeve tightly, as though she was afraid that he might reverse the decision.Her eyes were transfixed on the man's feet.

When she felt the cold and piercing wind of the outdoors blow on her face, she loosened her gripslightly.

As Luke carried her to the parking lot, he realized that Bianca seemed to have loosened her griparound his neck.

He lowered his head to see and found that Bianca had fallen asleep.

He kissed her forehead gently and carefully placed her inside the car.

The black Land Rover sped on the road and melded into the night.

Luke did not bring her to other hospitals. Instead, he brought her back to his mansion and called theCrawford family's private doctor.

When Johann Stiles received Luke’s barrage of calls, he had just completed two consecutive majoroperations.

Both patients were luminaries in the business world. He had to give them his best.

The two operations lasted about a day and a night in total. Johann had just arrived at home, brushedhis teeth, and was about to go to bed when he received Luke's call.

The frequency of the calls made Johann think that Luke was about to succumb to his injuries. Heinstantly got into his car, floored the gas pedal, and arrived at Luke's mansion.

He realized that he had been deceived when he arrived there. When Luke told him to attend to a youngwoman's fever, he nearly threw away his stethoscope and quit on the spot.

Johann had a doctorate of medicine from Harvard, and all his patients were VIPs. His time was veryprecious.

He felt that Luke was wasting his time by asking him to treat a mere fever.

However, he dared not lose his temper when he saw Luke's incredibly sullen expression. Instead, hegrumbled in his heart about how Luke was a master manipulator.

"It's just the common cold. There's nothing to be worried about. If she's afraid of injections, then I'llprescribe some tablets that she can take with warm water. She'll be fine soon. Also, I've applied some

medication to her sprained ankle. She’ll be up and running in a few days.”

After Johann treated Bianca's ankle, he looked at her deathly pale but beautiful face. "I say, Mr.Crawford, I've never seen you with a woman for the past few years. Did you get addicted to her orsomething? Look at the hickeys on this girl's neck. You can tell how violent the man was. I'm afraid thatyou'll scare her away."

Luke sat on the bed, casting a gentle gaze on Bianca's tranquil sleeping face.

However, he glanced at Johann, and his expression sank instantly. "Where are you looking? Do youstill want your eyes?"

Johann was intimidated by Luke's threat. He rubbed Bianca's swollen ankle and said, "This is how youshould massage her ankle. I'll give you some ointment, and you can massage it five to ten minutesevery morning and night. That'll heal her swelling fast."

Bianca was awakened by the pain from Johann's movements. She involuntarily tucked her legs,pressed her lips together, and moaned, "Ow..."

The woman's groggy voice sounded intimate. Luke's Adam's apple moved up and down.

Luke slapped Johann's hand away from Bianca's ankle. "Are you tired of living? Stop touching mywoman." His expression was sinister.

Johann pouted. ’Are you being ungrateful to my help now? I'm a world- renowned doctor. How did Ibecome a friend to a profiteer like you? I've made a wrong decision."

As he said that, he took out a bottle of ointment from his briefcase and handed it to Luke. "I've recentlydeveloped this ointment, and it's very effective at reducing swelling. Don't forget to transfer theconsultation fee to my account. My time is very precious."

Luke took the bottle of ointment and said coldly, "Leave the medicine here.

Now you may leave."

Johann was used to Luke's temper. He bad-mouthed Luke for a bit, saw that it was getting late, thengave Luke a few more words of advice before leaving.

Bianca was fast asleep peacefully.

Her delicate body was curled up under the down blanket. Under the fluffy blanket, her body seemed tobe non-existent.

Luke's cool hand touched her hot skin and felt that her fever had subsided by quite a lot. His tightly-knotted brows subsided a little...novelbin

He took off his shirt, got onto the bed, and hugged her into his embrace.

Bianca's fiery-hot skin came into contact with his cool body. Nothing came in between them, and theirbodies intermingled. Luke wanted to claim her body right there and then.

However, he suppressed his urges when he saw how sickly Bianca was. Instead, he gently kissed herdelicate cheek.

'If only you can be so gentle and obedient all the time, Bianca...’

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