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Chapter 2924

Luke replied: [I won't be going to the company this morning. Postpone the meeting to the afternoon.]

Jason replied: [Okay. I've scheduled all the important arrangements for the afternoon, Boss. There area few documents here that require your personal attention. I've already sent them to your email.]

Before Luke could respond, the door of the ward room was pushed open.

Luca, who sat opposite Queenie's ward, watched Queenie get pushed back to her ward room by thecaretaker. She could not help but lower her head, avoiding Queenie from seeing her.

Queenie did not notice Luca. She was pushed into the ward and saw Luke. Just as her heart had finallycalmed down a bit, it suddenly flared up again.

Despite her anger, she wore a cold expression on her face.

"Mom." Luke rose to his feet. The ward room door was still not completely closed. He saw Luca sittingacross from the door and gave her a slight nod.

A touch of sorrow flashed across Queenie's eyes. She did not respond. Instead, she said to thecaretaker, "We shouldn't air our family's dirty laundry in public. Please close the door."


The caretaker was about to close the door, but Jack spoke up. "We have something to discuss. Pleasestep out for a moment."

"Yes, sir." The caretaker did not object and turned around to leave the ward. After closing the doorbehind her, she sat in a chair nearby.

She noticed the person sitting across from her, who wore a mask and a cap. She could not see herface, but her figure looked familiar.

The caretaker did not dwell on it as staring at someone for a long time was impolite. After a fewglances, she shifted her gaze.

Inside the ward room, Queenie stubbornly sat there after the door closed. Her eyes held a look ofanger as she stared at Luke.

Jack gave Luke's shoulder a reassuring pat. Luke looked like a young man who had it all together.Then, he walked toward Queenie. "Queen, don't be angry. Luke came here today to explain things toyou."

"Is there anything to explain? It's all over the news, dear. You always said I was overthinking. Whatabout now? He's betrayed Bianca!" Queenie had a refined demeanor and did not engage in publicaltercations, but Luke's actions had really left her feeling disheartened.

She thought about Bianca, who was still overseas. Her personality had drastically changed due toamnesia...novelbin

Luke, on the other hand, was causing trouble in A City.

If Luke and Bianca had divorced, Queenie could still understand.

After all, Bianca had lost her memory. As a result of that, her personality had undergone a significanttransformation. She no longer recognized her own children, and she could not contribute anything ofvalue to Luke. Divorce appeared to be the inevitable course of action.

However, they had not divorced yet.

Queenie still hoped that one day, Bianca could regain her memory and she would continue to livehappily with Luke and their children.

However, the news today shattered that hope.

When she thought about how Luke had used the pretext of improving her health to bring Luca toNorman Residence and even let them share meals together...

Queenie's heart was in turmoil. She felt sorry for Bianca. She was the one who gave them so manyopportunities.

As Queenie recalled that she had once accepted Luca's goodwill, she felt extremely uncomfortableabout it.

She was grateful for Luca's kindness, but at the same time, Luca was the person who destroyed herdaughter's marriage and dashed all her hopes!

Caught in this emotional turmoil, Queenie suddenly felt distressed and fainted when she first learned ofthe news.

"No, no." Jack, worried that she might get upset again, immediately spoke to her in a gentle tone. Thistenderness was something he only showed when Queenie was not feeling well.

"Luke didn't betray Bianca," added Jack.

Queenie's eyes turned cold with a hint of disappointment. "Are you still defending him?!"

She had suspected Luke's relationship with Luca back then, but Jack had consistently reassured herthat there was nothing intimate going on between them. Thus, she believed him.

Now, Queenie was leaning more toward believing everything that was reported in the newspapers.

Something was going on between Luke and Luca, indeed.

Luke knew that he could not allow Queenie's unfounded suspicions to persist. Moreover, claiming thatthe news outlets were spreading false stories would not resolve the situation at hand. He walkedtoward the hospital bed and handed her the documents. "Mom, take a look at this."

Queenie thought that whatever Luke was trying to explain now was just to make her disbelieve thenewspaper reports.

She did not take the document from him. Luke was someone else's son, and he betrayed her daughter.She did not have the energy to scold him anymore. Instead, she vented her anger on Jack, who was onthe same side as Luke. “Men are all the same, always backing each other up when things go wrong.Who’s your actual daughter?"

Jack felt unfairly blamed and took the document from Luke's hand. He handed it to Queenie. "Queen,stop it. Take a look at the document first."

Queenie's cold eyes landed on the cover of the document. She was taken aback for a moment.

Could it be as she had thought?

"Mom, once you've gone through the document, you'll understand why Dad said so," said Luke. In herstubborn moments, Queenie was just like Bianca.

The similarities between mother and daughter seemed to be encoded in their genes even thoughBianca grew up without Queenie's influence. These similarities were striking.

"Yes, listen to Luke. Take a look first," urged Jack, shoving the document into her lap.

Queenie opened the document but did not read the middle part. She knew exactly where to look for thiskind of document, so she went straight to the conclusion at the end.

When she saw the concluding statement, she was surprised that her jaw slightly dropped. "Is thistrue?"

"Dad saw this document a long time ago," said Luke.

Queenie turned to look at Jack.

Jack knew what she was doubting. She might be suspecting that Luke fabricated the information toplacate her. He explained, "I did go through the document, but I kept it from you for the sake of thebigger picture.

"Now, with you getting upset over Luca's situation, we couldn't hide it any longer. That’s why wedecided to tell you."

Then, Jack pointed at the QR code on the document. He added, “Scan here and you’ll be able to seethat this information is on record. This proves that Luca is truly our daughter.

"And this information wasn't tested by Luke. It was our grandchildren who found something odd andsecretly took a sample of Luca's hair for testing."

Queenie was rendered speechless. Her gaze fell on Luke, then she shifted her gaze to look at Jack.

Luca was their daughter, Bianca...

Luke had not been unfaithful all this time. He was together with Bianca, who had her appearance andidentity changed...

They had known it all along, but they kept her in the dark.

After Queenie learned this, she was completely engulfed by complex emotions.

She muttered, "How could this happen...?"

"Queen, we didn't mean to keep you in the dark. Right now, Luca... or should I say, Bianca, has beenkeeping secrets from all of us. Plus, her situation is quite unfortunate, and we can't reveal her trueidentity just yet.

"That's why we had to keep it from you," Jack explained in a hushed tone. He was genuinelyconcerned, as he knew that Queenie might feel anxious and upset when she found out that they hadbeen keeping this from her.

After all, treating Luca as a rival of her daughter, suppressing her feelings for Luca, and maintaining adistance had been a heavy burden on her...

He knew that Queenie had been going through a tough time lately.

Queenie’s eyes reddened. She clutched the report tightly, crumpling the paper.

"There must be a reason why you all kept it from me. Can you tell me now?"

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