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Chapter 2907

After Nina received a message from Percy, she quickly cleaned up a guest bedroom in the villa and laidout the beddings and blanket. She also prepared a new set of toiletries.

Then, she nervously waited for Percy and Karen in the living room.

She knew that Percy had gone to the hospital to deal with Pierre's matters, but she did not expect himto bring Karen back.

Something must have happened.

Nina grew anxious when it crossed her mind. She knew that Karen did not like her. Their previousmeetings had always ended on a sour note. Facing her gave Nina a lot of pressure.

However, Karen was Percy's mother, after all. There was no way she could refuse to meet her and getalong with her.

The moment she chose to marry Percy, she had chosen to stand by his side. No matter how difficultthe Mallory family's matters were, she was determined to face them together.

In marriage, it was not about the husband carrying the load alone, but it was about sharing the burdentogether.

As Nina thought Karen might intentionally nitpick and make things difficult later, she quickly went to thekitchen to prepare some flower tea, coffee, and freshly squeezed juice.

She would rather make extra preparations than face Karen's criticism.

With everything ready, she sat on the sofa for a while. Then, she heard noises coming from outside.

Percy had returned.

Nina immediately stood at the entrance and watched as Percy walked in, accompanied by Karen. Herheart skipped a beat at the sight of Karen.

After Karen saw her, her expression was filled with disgust. She secretly let out a cold snort after sheheard Nina say, “Good evening, Madam Mallory."

When she heard Nina address her as Madam Mallory, Karen was startled for a moment. However, sheimmediately thought that it was acceptable.

Even though Nina and Percy had a legally recognized marital relationship, what could be done withthat? The Mallory family did not acknowledge their marriage. What difference did it make even if theirmarriage held legal status?

If Percy compromised with the Mallory family in the future, the couple would get a divorce!

Percy could not help but frown slightly when he heard Nina addressing her as Madam Mallory, but thenhe realized that if Nina called Karen Mom, Karen would not acknowledge it either.

Hence, it was better to address her as Madam Mallory without trying to please her.

Percy did not marry Nina to make her please the Mallory family. Besides, there was no need for thewoman he loved to appease the Mallory family.

Their disapproval would not affect their marital relationship.

Nina did not feel embarrassed when Karen remained silent. She was already mentally prepared to beput through the wringer.

Moreover, it was even better if Karen did not speak. Nina was only being ignored, without having toendure any unnecessary difficulties. She took out a pair of new disposable slippers and placed them onthe floor.

Karen looked at her with arrogance. She got out of her shoes expressionlessly, then put on theslippers.

Percy's brows furrowed even more. After he changed his shoes, he took Nina's hand and asked, “Whyaren't you in bed at this hour?"

He informed Nina because he wanted her to be mentally prepared that Karen would be coming, not toserve her.

Nina smiled and replied, "I can only sleep peacefully when you're back."

Then, her gaze fell on Karen again. "Madam Mallory, would you like something to drink? We have freshjuice, flower tea, and coffee at home."

Karen let out a cold snort and answered, "I always have a glass of milk before going to bed."novelbin

Milk? Nina was not prepared for this. Fortunately, the part-time maid would always prepare a variety ofingredients in the fridge, including milk. She replied, "Sure. Please take a seat and give me a moment."

Then, Nina walked toward the kitchen. She heard Karen say, "I don't like it too cold or too hot. I onlydrink milk that's heated to 40 degrees. An increase or decrease of just one degree is a no for me."

Nina's steps faltered for a moment. She was well aware of this blatant provocation. She turned aroundand replied, "Alright. Just a second."

Then, Nina met Percy's disapproving gaze. She gently shook her head to reassure him that everythingwas fine.

After Nina walked into the kitchen, Percy gave Karen a warning look. "If you want to stay herepeacefully tonight, be quiet and stop causing trouble for others."

Karen, feeling indignant at his defense for Nina, could not hold back her anger.

How did this woman with an average appearance bewitch Percy into defending her like this?

There were so many women with better figures and prettier faces, yet Percy did not spare them aglance.

Karen clenched her fists tightly and sneered. "What's the matter? Now that you have that wretchedwoman, have you forgotten that I'm your mother? Those who don't know about this must think that I'mso mean to you that you partnered with an ordinary woman to go against your own biological mother."

No matter what, she was Percy's mother. It was an unchangeable fact even if he rebelled against hisfamily.

Percy's eyes turned cold and emotionless as he warned her, "If you want to act up, then go back toMallory Manor." "What makes you think you can kick me out? Percy, I'm staying here tonight! If youdare to kick me out, I'll expose your secrets to the police and the media," declared Karen as she satfirmly on the couch. She did not back down even after hearing Percy's warning.

Karen was his mother. She refused to believe that she could not control him!

Nina walked back into the living room with a glass of warm milk in her hands and overheard whatKaren said. Her heart skipped a beat. She pursed her lips, handed the milk to Karen, and said,"Madam Mallory, here's your milk. It's been heated to 40 degrees."

She had taken extra care to measure the temperature, trying to avoid any potential nitpicking fromKaren.

The milk was heated to 40 degrees, not a degree more and not a degree less.

Karen let out a cold snort when she saw the glass of milk. She refused to take it. “I'm not drinking that.”Nina was taken aback.

Percy's expression grew even darker. His thin lips almost formed a straight line. He was on the brink ofexploding.

Nina subtly shook her head at him, signaling him not to lose his temper to prevent things escalating.

At the same time, she could not help but worry. She thought to herself, ‘Did Percy's mother uncoversome of his secrets?'

Otherwise, why would she threaten him that she would inform the police and the media?

Percy was unable to contain himself any longer. He issued another warning, "Mother..."

Karen rolled her eyes. Her legs were crossed elegantly, maintaining the posture of a sophisticated lady.However, her words were dripping with malice. "Who knows if she has added anything into the milk?It's better to avoid anything offered by such a person."

Nina's temples throbbed. She knew Karen was doing this on purpose, and she found it increasinglyhard to suppress her emotions.

Still, she was Percy's mother, and Nina had to endure it. She married Percy knowing that she would nothave the approval or blessings of the Mallory family. Hence, she had mentally prepared herself for this.

"It's getting late. How about getting some rest?" Nina knew that no matter what she offered, Karenwould not eat or drink it. That was why she suggested this instead. At least Karen would stop giving hera hard time once she fell asleep. "The guest bedroom is all set up for you. I've prepared a new set oftoiletries as well as new clothes."

Even though she was aware that Karen and the Old Master Mallory did not like her, she prepared all ofthis at home just in case.

She did not expect it to come in handy today.

The toiletries and clothes she had prepared were in line with Karen's usual standards of living. Ninabelieved that even if Karen wanted to be picky, there would not be much to find fault with.

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