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Chapter 2864

Jack stood his ground with those words.

Luke knew what he meant. Queenie was probably going to try and talk to him about Leia.

Although Queenie realized that Leia had crossed the line, she still adored her.

Seeing Leia hurt must have wavered her.

Luke and Jack walked to the door of the custodial ward.

Queenie was leaning on the wall while looking inside.

The door of the custodial ward was made out of metal, and there was only one tiny eye-level window tosee the inside.

At that moment, Queenie was not allowed to go in and check on Leia, so she could only tiptoe to seewhat was going on inside with a worried look on her face.

“Mom, you're looking for me?" Luke walked over and saw how worried Queenie looked, which furtherconvinced him that Queenie was going to want to help Leia.

However, Jack said that Leia had to go to jail and pay for what she had done.

Luke had no intention of showing mercy.

“Luke, can you do me a favor?" Queenie stood up straight as she was starting to feel better after finallycalming down.

"Just say it." Luke did not agree, nor did he refuse. He just wanted to hear what she wanted to say first.

“I want to go inside to see Leia. Can you get the police to agree?" Queenie bit her lip as she spokehesitantly.

According to the law, family members were not allowed in custodial wards.

She had mentioned it to Jack before too, but he rejected her, saying that it would affect his politicalactivities.

In fact, the police had already given them special permission to visit the hospital.

Besides, Leia's identity documents were still in the Norman Residence when she was first treated.

Doctors were not supposed to treat patients without any identification.

Queenie knew that Jack could not go against the law because of his position, so she pinned her hopeson Luke.

He held significant power in A City, so the police department might agree with him.

"That's not allowed, so even if I talk to them, they won't agree to it. The doctor said that she's in stablecondition and there's a policewoman taking care of her in there too, so you can rest assured. Ifanything goes wrong, the doctor will be here," Luke comforted Queenie.

He could not make the police bend the rules.

Plus, this situation was directly related to Jack.

Luke saw the disappointment on Queenie's face, and when he looked toward the door, he said, "She'snot an ordinary person. If someone finds out they let you in, it won't just be me abusing my power butDad too..."

He stopped there.

Queenie understood what he was trying to say. If she really insisted on visiting Leia, it would not lookgood for Jack.

She nodded without saying anything more.

Luke saw the doctor walk out while taking off his mask, so he went up to ask him, "How is she doing?"

"The patient has woken up, and the wound has been bandaged. For now, she'll be fine, but we'll onlyknow her vital signs after doing a check-up tomorrow." The doctor dared not guarantee that Leia wasfine.

After all, someone might be fine on the day they hit their head, but it was common for hemorrhages tooccur after a day or two.

The doctor said that as a precaution.

Queenie's peace of mind was disrupted after hearing what the doctor had to say. "Doctor, are yousaying that Leia might be in danger?"

The doctor frowned as she seemed to have read into his words too much.

"Mrs. Norman, I don't know the specifics, but she won't be in danger. Let her stay in the hospital for awhile, and I'll do a check-up on her tomorrow." That was all he could say.

Queenie parted her lips slightly and hesitated to speak.

Jack said, "Since she's fine and the police are keeping an eye on her, let's go home, Queen."

"I want to stay a little while longer." Queenie shook her head. She thought that looking at Leia fromoutside the door was still better than being at home.

At least she would be able to know firsthand if anything happened to Leia.

"Mom, if you stay here, it'll badly affect Dad because you're not supposed to show up at the hospital inthe first place." Luke helped Jack remind Queenie.

Queenie froze.

She hesitated for a few seconds while choosing between her husband and her daughter, but in the end,she listened to Jack. "Let's go home."

"The hospital will notify us if anything happens, so don't worry." Jack held Queenie's arm and wasabout to leave.

Luke followed suit and handed Leia's identity documents to Queenie.

The Normans left as they no longer had business there.

Several people came to the gate of the hospital. Luke walked Jack and Queenie to their car beforedriving back to the mansion in his own car.

As soon as he parked the car, Jack sent him a message: [Luke, if you're free tomorrow, why don't youcome to the provincial capital?]

Luke lifted his eyebrows when he read the message, but his expression was calm. Did Jack havesomething to say to him?

He chose to not talk at the hospital, on the phone, or at Norman Residence. Instead, he wanted themto meet at the provincial capital.

Of course, Luke would not reject Jack, so he replied: [Sure, when are you free tomorrow?]

[I have a meeting at eight-thirty in the morning, so you might have to come at eight.] Jack repliedalmost instantly because it was going to be a long meeting, so there would not be any other suitable


[Sure.] Luke put down his phone after seeing the message being delivered.

The house was dark.

When he left, he did not think of leaving a light on for when he came back. Only the solar-poweredlamp in the garden was lit, but the rest of the mansion was pitch dark and lonely.

Luke sighed as the mansion was unusually quiet without Luca.

There were no signs of life as if it had been uninhabited for a long time.

Luke frowned and walked into the house to turn on the living room lights.

The place was bright now, but it was pin-drop silent.

Luke even felt that he should not have come back.

However, a hotel bed would not smell like Luca.

He would not be able to sleep well the entire night if that was the case.

Luke shook his head at how much he missed Luca when she had only gone to X City for one night.

Therefore, he should speed things up.

The next day.

Before dawn, Luca, Amur, and Warren checked out and quickly left X City.

Without Luke's breath lingering around her nose, Luca did not sleep well the entire night. She was alittle sleepy when she got in the car, but she looked at the scenery passing by without wanting to sleep.

Even so, she was not very awake.

Warren noticed from the rear-view mirror that Luca was a bit sleepy, so he said, “Ms. Craw, there's stillsome time before we reach A City, so you can take a nap in the car for a while."

Luca shook her head. She glanced at Amur and said, "Once you drop Amur off at the apartment, headto the company."

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