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Chapter 2856

"Sounds great." Amur grinned, revealing a row of gleaming white teeth.

He knew that Pierre was likely to be disabled.

"Amur, be more careful in the future. Don't take such risks anymore..." Luca did not judge him for whathe had done.

After all, it was Abel's order to bring him to the base in X City, and it was Amur's own desire to disablePierre.

Luca knew that he was seeking revenge for her.

"I wasn't exposed. It's getting late. You should go back and rest," said Amur, thinking about how thechauffeur might perceive Luca if she stayed here any longer.

Even though Warren was merely a chauffeur, Amur could still sense his aura.

He was not an ordinary driver. He was at least capable enough to serve as a bodyguard or detective.

However, Amur did not have the opportunity to test his abilities, so he was not sure about it.

Still, Warren might be observing him from outside the room.

"Well, you haven't had a good rest these days. Get some rest, and please get rid of that." Luca pointedat the paper they had just used.

Amur nodded. He picked up the paper and crumpled it in his hand.

After Luca left, he reached into his pocket and found his lighter. He ignited the crumpled paper andtossed it into the ashtray.

He gazed coldly at the flickering flames without any expression on his face.

When would he be able to escape the Island of Despair with Luca and Eler?

He had been trying his best, but it was not easy to break free from Abel. No one had successfullyescaped Abel's control until this point.

Previously, nobody would risk their lives to break free from manipulation without the antidote.

Now that they had the antidote, Amur still found it challenging at the thought of the ubiquitous pursuitsof the Island of Despair.

Amur sat on the sofa. The paper in the ashtray had burned to ashes, leaving only a faint wisp ofsmoke. The smell of burnt paper lingered in the small space of the room.

Amur did not mind it. He picked up his phone and searched for information on Pierre.

Breaking his leg did not seem enough...

On the other hand...

Pierre lay on the hospital bed. After having a conversation with Old Master Mallory, his mental stateimproved significantly. Therefore, when Old Master Mallory requested the hospital to let Pierre continueto stay there, they readily accepted.

As he watched Sunny hang the IV fluid bag for him, he stared at her fine figure. He could not help buthave some wicked thoughts.

Pierre wondered how long it had been since he slept with a woman.

It seemed like it had been quite a while.

Ever since the shareholders' meeting at the company, where all the things he had done were compiledinto a booklet and uploaded online, he had not slept with a woman.

Pierre used to change companions at a faster pace than anyone else. Even when he had a fiance, henever stopped his amorous affairs.

However, his leg was broken now. Even after his leg was treated, it would still be lame. From refusingto accept it to later holding onto hope, he now found himself looking at the young Sunny with evilthoughts.

He was not the kind to indulge in lust, but he could not bear without it either.

The head of the orthopedic department said Pierre would need to stay in bed for three months.Including the three months prior when he was evading the police, he had gone roughly four monthswithout sleeping with a woman

Pierre's gaze grew darker.

After Sunny finished hanging the IV fluid bag, she wrote down the time on the record sheet.

As she was done, she felt a pair of eyes constantly on her. She looked up and met Pierre's gaze. Shewas startled.

Why was he looking at her like that?!

Sunny became alert and took two steps back. This was a private hospital, and she had been workingas a nurse in the VIP wards for quite some time. She had encountered all sorts of people.

She had faced similar gazes before.

Although Pierre had decent facial features, Sunny felt disgusted by his gaze.

This was a hospital where they provided medical care for patients, not a place for indulgence. The staffdid not provide illicit services to wealthy people!

Sunny turned to the caretaker and said, "This saline is for Mr. Pierre's inflammation. Be sure to payattention and ring the bell when the solution in the bag is depleted."

"Okay." The caretaker nodded. Although she had made a mistake, she had not been fired by Pierre.Pierre's identity needed to be kept secret. They thought that news of it might leak out if his caretakerwas replaced.

Therefore, Pierre did not take any action, and the caretaker who had been taking care of him kept herjob.

Sunny quickly walked out of the ward.

Pierre's eyes were deep, and his gaze followed Sunny until she closed the door and left the ward.Compared to his previous women, Sunny's appearance was average at best. She could only beconsidered a little pretty. He used to have little interest in such women.

The only innocent woman that had piqued his interest was Nina.

However, things were different now. He had been holding back for too long. That was why when hesaw Sunny, a pretty girl with a good figure, he found her somewhat intriguing.

At least she could help solve his problem.

"You, come here," Pierre raised his hand that was attached to the IV drip and pointed at the caretaker.A sting came from the back of his hand.

He had been poked with a needle in the same spot for several days. Even with the numbing effect ofthe drugs, his blood vessels could not withstand certain movements and he would feel a slight pain.novelbin

Still, Pierre considered himself a man, and he could endure this level of pain.

The caretaker knew that Pierre had a bad temper and hurriedly approached. "Mr. Pierre, how may Ihelp you?"

"That nurse who came in just now, her name's Sunny, right?" asked Pierre. Even though only twonurses were taking care of him, he showed no interest in either of them before this.

He had been thinking about how to seek revenge on the Island of Despair, Luke Crawford, and PercyMallory.

It was only today that he paid a little attention to Sunny.

Her name was Sunny. That was what the older nurse called her.

"Yes. She's Ms. Sunny.” The caretaker nodded obediently.

"What's her full name?" Pierre asked again. He knew he had to stay here for three months. He couldnot afford to have a boring time during these three months.

"I'm not sure about her full name. The nurses all call her Sunny. I've also heard that she's related to thehospital director.” The caretaker honestly disclosed everything she knew, unaware of the maliciousintentions brewing in Pierre's mind.

Pierre raised an eyebrow. She was a relative of the hospital director?

That was why they had assigned Sunny to take care of him.

His identity was a secret throughout the entire hospital. No one knew about it.

Only those in high positions would know it. Sunny was aware of it because she was related to thehospital director.

No matter how young she was, she would not betray his identity and jeopardize the hospital'sreputation.

Pierre curved his lips, revealing a subtle smile.

The caretaker suddenly felt uneasy when she saw his smile. It had been difficult enough for her toremain calm for the past few days, yet Pierre put on such a smile now.

The caretaker felt as if her emotional trauma was growing heavier with that smile on his face.

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