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Chapter 2846

Walter's eyes revealed a hint of innocence. Lisa had gone through a nightmare. No matter how manyyears had passed, there was no way the pain in her heart could be soothed.

Shandra knew that.

Yvette had faced clients with such intense emotions before. She attempted to comfort Lisa, saying,"Ms. Clayton, we understand how you feel..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Lisa launched into a barrage of verbal abuse. "What do youknow? Do you even understand the agony of seeing your loved ones pass away? Or the pain of beingcursed and mocked after losing a husband and child? Do you understand the sudden disasters thathave befallen my life and how difficult these past few years have been for me? Can you understandthat?”

Yvette stood there, stunned.novelbin

"My husband used to have a decent job. My family wasn't wealthy, but we were comfortable. Now, lookat the kind of life I've been living. That foreigner harmed my daughter. Not only did that heartless bossof my husband slander him, but he also made us pay a large sum of money. I'm currently living in arundown apartment where the roof leaks when it rains. And yet, the landlord refuses to repair it. Everytime it rains, I have to use a basin to catch the water. Have you ever experienced such days? If youhaven't, don't tell me you understand my feelings!" Lisa's voice trembled with anger as her eyes turnedred.

The people around them were all watching them.

Everyone in this small town knew who Lisa was because of the discussions on the internet, so no onecame forward to help Yvette.

Yvette stood there, her face turning red from Lisa's barrage of words. Even though she was not thevillain, it still managed to make her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Although a lawyer's profession did not place them on a moral high ground to help people, and theywere just acting according to the law, Lisa's accusations were completely justified.

Yvette felt like she was an unforgivable criminal at this moment.

However, she could not say anything.

As Shandra watched what happened, she had no choice but to say to Walter, "We have somequestions to ask the person involved."

The words that remained unspoken were meant to ask him to leave.

Walter understood Shandra's way of doing things. Even though her client was in the wrong and shewas being verbally attacked right now, she could still calmly attempt to communicate with the otherparty.

She needed to gather clues that would benefit her client.

Walter raised his hands, indicating that Lisa's emotions had nothing to do with him. The corners of histhin lips curved up slightly higher as he said, "As you wish, Ms. Cullen. I've finished talking to her."

Shandra glared at him. Even though he said they were finished, he remained seated, showing nointention of moving.

"Mr. Long, your presence here is against the rules," Shandra coldly reminded him.

Lisa, who had yet to calm down, interjected with a sarcastic remark, "You're defending that foreigner,and it's against the rules for you to interact with me. Perhaps you're intentionally planning to make

mistakes in court and get that scum sentenced to even more years? If that's the case, I'm willing tocooperate with you. Otherwise, please just get your *ss out of here."

The death penalty was enforced in A City.

However, despite Lisa's hatred for what Matysh had done, his crime did not meet the criteria for thedeath penalty. Hence, no matter what, Matysh would only be sentenced to imprisonment.

The interpreter standing beside them reluctantly conveyed Lisa's message verbatim to Ethan.

Ethan's face darkened. His gaze turned even more menacing. If this woman were in Russia, the Abazafamily would surely have dealt with her.

If it were not for Shandra's prior warning to not act recklessly and to be mentally prepared for theinvolved party's emotions to go wild, Ethan might have slapped her in the face.

"Our job as lawyers follows regulations. Everything is done according to the law. Ms. Clayton, you maychoose not to cooperate with us, but please mind your language." Shandra's face darkened.

She had always been a patient person.

However, she could not tolerate what Lisa said to her in front of Walter this time.

With red eyes, Lisa angrily pointed at the door of the milk tea shop and yelled, "F*ck off!"

Shandra's beautiful face turned cold as ice. She stood there, looking at Walter instead of Lisa.

It was normal for him to meet Lisa as her representative lawyer.

However, he deliberately chose today to meet her, making Shandra suspicious that he did it onpurpose. The anger on her face was subtly visible as she recalled the past.

Ever since she broke up with Walter, they had been at odds with each other in everything.

His consistent victories in court cases only fueled her growing sense of frustration and annoyance.

Yvette, who stood beside them, vaguely felt that Shandra's plan for today was unlikely to succeed. Asshe saw Shandra standing there tall and straight, she could not help but suggest, "Ms. Cullen, whydon't we go back to the hotel first?"

Yvette had considered the long journey and the possibility of not being able to finish everythingShandra wanted to do in one day before coming here. That was why she booked five rooms in a hotelnearby.

Shandra shot a glance at Yvette. She noticed her exasperated expression as well as the gazes of thepeople around them. Her powerful and confident voice rang out again, directed at Lisa this time. "Ms.Clayton, although I'm Mr. Matysh's lawyer, I'm simply doing what a lawyer should do no matter what hehas done. I'm sorry for what you've been through, but I also hope that you'll cooperate with us. I'll beback."

After that, she turned around and walked away.

As she stepped out of the milk tea shop, a person who stood at the entrance sneered and said, "Whybother saying so much? Just get lost already. Lawyers defending scumbags like that don't evendeserve to be called lawyers. They're worse than animals."

The expression on Shandra's face grew even more unpleasant. She had defended numerous peoplebefore, both victims and suspects.

With every skeptical inquiry, she forged an unbreakable resolve. She learned that her mood could notbe swayed by such ignorant remarks.

However, with Walter present this time, Shandra felt herself losing composure. Even with her backturned to him, she could sense the playful gaze behind her, pricking at every inch of her spine.

Shandra could feel her back burning intensely. She took a deep breath, deciding to ignore it and leave.

However, what Lisa said earlier seemed to have flipped a switch in the milk tea shop. Everyone pointedat Shandra, hurling insults at her.

They said she should not be defending a criminal like this.

She was a citizen of A City, so she should be working for the benefit of them...

Those words echoed in Shandra's ears. She straightened her posture stubbornly and walked towardwhere the car was parked.

Yvette hurriedly walked to the side of the car and opened the door for Shandra. Even though she didnot want to admit it, they were like a defeated army, retreating from the scene in a hurry.

Walter watched Shandra's determined figure from behind until she got into the car. She did not turnaround or offer any explanation to the people in the milk tea shop.

"Pfft. Women like her shouldn't even be in A City." The milk tea shop owner could not help but scoff. Heglanced at Walter once again, believing that Walter was a great lawyer that the A Citizens deserved.

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