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Chapter 2842

"Okay." Luca nodded, realizing that it was not practical for Wanda to finish the soup in one go.

Therefore, they decided to alternate between two thermos bottles, which was more convenient.

After taking Wanda's pulse, the children gathered around her once again.

Wanda was still recovering. They changed their previous chattering manner and spoke in a moredetailed way. Each child would wait for the previous topic to conclude before bringing up a new one.

However, regardless of the topic, the children were well-behaved and found ways to cheer up Wanda.

Lanie told them before that laughter was the best medicine.

He said the same thing when Tommy was being naughty.

All three children believed that a joyful mood would contribute to Wanda's recovery. Therefore, theyconstantly tried to make her happy.

The atmosphere in the hospital ward was harmonious and joyful.

Meanwhile, Luca sat beside and talked to Mrs. Lane to understand Wanda's current dietary condition.

After Luca had a general understanding, she rose to her feet and said to Wanda, "Ms. Rayne, can thekids stay with you for a while? I have a friend in the adjacent ward who's also recovering. I'd like to visither."

She did not forget her promise to Marcos.

If she did not send him updates about Sarah's condition every day, he probably would not be able towait for seven days before coming to visit.

"Sure. Go ahead." Wanda liked the three children. Since she had no sons or daughters of her own, shecherished Bianca's three children as if they were her precious treasures. She wished she could holdthem all in the palm of her hand and protect them dearly.

Luca exchanged glances with the three children. Then, she smiled and picked up a fruit basket as shewalked out.

"Who is Ms. Luca going to visit?" Tommy asked with curiosity. His gaze shifted between Lanie andRainie.

Both children shook their heads.

They did not know who Luca was going to visit, nor had they heard of anyone else who was still in thehospital...

After leaving Wanda's ward, Luca headed to Sarah's ward.

She knocked on the door first instead of pushing the door open.

A caretaker came and opened the door. She saw Luca and asked with confusion, "May I know who youare?"

"I'm looking for Ms. Poplar. She's in this ward, right?" asked Luca. She was the one who asked Johannto hire a caretaker for Sarah. Since she had yet to meet her, it was normal for the caretaker not torecognize her.

"Yes. Please come in." The caretaker observed that Luca did not seem like a bad person, and noticingthat she was able to walk around the VIP wards, she decided to grant her entry.

Luca walked in and saw Sarah lying on the bed. She had turned her head to look in the direction of thedoor after she heard the knock.

Sarah's eyes welled up with tears when she saw Luca come in. "Ms. Craw, what brings you here?"

“Ms. Poplar, I just came to see you while passing by." Luca emphasized the fact that it was a casualvisit, so as not to put too much pressure on Sarah.

To Sarah, Luca was merely a stranger she had met twice.

She was a stranger who helped her repay her debt, contacted a doctor to save her life, and arrangedfor a hospital ward and caretaker for her. It was rare to come across strangers like her, no?

Moreover, Sarah was not the type of person to take advantage of others. Luca knew that she wasreluctantly accepting all of this, and she would not just go along with it without a sense of unease.

Luca could not help but secretly let out a deep sigh. There was no way she could say that all thearrangements she made were also at Marcos' behest...

Sarah would not be able to handle any shock now.

“Thank you, Ms. Craw." Sarah blinked her eyes. The doctor told her not to get emotional, as it couldpotentially render all the lifesaving treatments useless.

She tried hard to hold back her tears.

Luca placed the fruit basket on the table and sat on a nearby chair. "Ms. Poplar, how do you feel?"

"It takes some effort to speak..." replied Sarah.

Luca could sense the weakness in Sarah's voice when she spoke. She explained, "The bleeding inyour brain was significant, but with the medication the hospital has prescribed for you, a few more daysof treatment will suffice. Don't worry. Everything will get better."

"Ms. Craw, can I get discharged after the stitches are removed?" asked Sarah. Even though Luca toldher that the hospital's charity fund was supporting her, she could not imagine being allowed to stay in aVIP ward. It would be a regular ward at most!

Sarah was secretly worried about Luca's intentions in helping her this way.

If Luca had helped her out of sympathy after watching her being taken away by loan sharks back then,what about now?

Sarah could not help but wonder whether Luca had discovered her true identity, and that was why shemade these arrangements.

However, she could only lie in bed now. She was unable to do anything.

Her body was weak. She could not even get up.

Luca frowned as she thought that Sarah was worried about the cost of the ward, so she said, "Let's seewhat the doctor says after the stitches are removed."

"This ward is too expensive." Sarah persisted in her desire to be discharged.

Luca could not convince her. Thus, she replied, "Ms. Poplar, you were placed in this ward because ofthe favorable environment and its benefits for your recovery. If you truly want to be discharged, let'smake the decision after seven days."

Sarah was puzzled when she heard that. Why did she have to wait for seven days?

Luca picked up her phone and discreetly recorded a short video of Sarah lying on the bed. She did notmake it obvious.

"Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. Please focus on recovering your health these few days. As for yourdoubts and suspicions, rest assured, I'm not the kind of person you think I am."

Sarah's face slightly reddened.

Her previous encounters with Luca and Luca's assistance in repaying her debt seemed likecoincidences.

After spending so many years in that family, Sarah had witnessed too many things. That was why shestill maintained her skepticism.

Even though Luca said so, there was no reason for Sarah to trust her.

Luca aimed her phone at Sarah for two minutes before saving the video and sending it to Luke.novelbin

Luke would forward the clip to Marcos.

Luca rose to her feet and said, "Ms. Poplar, I have something else to attend to. Take good care ofyourself. If you need anything, just call the doctors or nurses. They'll assist you."

"Okay." Sarah was a little surprised. Luca did not stay as long as she had expected. Instead, she left inless than ten minutes.

As Sarah watched the nurse escort Luca out, her expression took on a slight look of confusion.

Could she really trust Luca?

Sarah pursed her dry lips together, feeling unsure about it...

After the caretaker closed the door, she noticed that Sarah's lips were dry. She quickly poured a glassof warm water and inserted a straw. Then, she said, "Ms. Poplar, I noticed that your lips are a bit dry.Would you like some water?"

"Yes." Sarah nodded. She leaned in and took two big sips of warm water from the straw, then asked,"Is she the lady who hired you?"

The caretaker shook her head, placing the glass aside. She noticed that the liquid in the bottle wasalmost empty. Hence, she pressed the call button to summon another nurse. Only then did she explain,"No, it's not her. Dr. Park was the one who assigned me to take care of you. He's the doctor who didthe rounds today and performed the surgery on you."

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