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Chapter 2744

"The project in Europe isn't a small project. They were interested in working with T Corporation for thedesign, and they hope that Luke can be involved in this. But T Corporation has a busy schedule andthey declined the offer. I promised the client that I could make T Corporation work together with me toget the design drawing. That's why they gave the project to me,” explained Lonnie as he noticed Louisand Yuri walking out of the house.

"Come on. Let Louis make a referral." Lonnie urged his wife, who was so close with Susan that evenLouis addressed her as Aunt Margaret.

Hence, Louis could help to make a referral and arrange a meeting with Luke.

With Louis' help, Lonnie was confident that if he could talk with Luke, the project was bound tosucceed.

Even if T Corporation was swamped with projects, they could spare some time to help with the designdrawing.

"Stop this nonsense!" Mrs. Jackman refused to do so. She shook his hand off.

"What's with the attitude?!" Lonnie thought she was mad at him and that was why she refused to pullthe strings. "If I lose money, your good life will be gone too!"

"Fine. I'll tell you the truth!" Mrs. Jackman scowled, realizing that they had attracted the attention of thepeople around them. She pulled him and led him to a corner of the front yard.

Lonnie saw how reluctant she was. He had no choice but to promise her, "If you can help me make areferral, I'll dump that woman and never contact her again!"

Mrs. Jackman felt upset.

Previously, she had tried various ways to force Lonnie to break up with his mistress, but he had nevershown any intention of doing so.

Now, he promised her that he would dump his mistress for the sake of a design project. It was clearhow much profit this project could bring to the company.

Otherwise, Lonnie would not have promised her that he would dump that woman.

"It's not that I refuse to help, but there's no way I can help this time," explained Mrs. Jackman as hereyes reddened.

If she had suppressed her emotions and not vented her anger on Luca on behalf of Susan, perhapsLonnie would really have been able to sever ties with his mistress. No one would be able to interferewith their married life in the future, and Lonnie could elevate his business to new heights.

She would be able to have a harmonious marriage and a better life...

However, Mrs. Jackman regretted what she did. What she had done to Luca turned all possibilities intoillusions...

"You're still mad at me!" Lonnie grumbled with annoyance. He had promised to do what she wantedmost, but she still disagreed to help him. She was petty and resentful indeed!

"Forget it. Let me tell you the truth!" Mrs. Jackman had no choice but to reluctantly recount what hadhappened in the backyard earlier. Her eyes were red and teary.

After Lonnie listened to her, he lifted his hand in frustration, but he put it down again helplessly.

There were too many people around. Lonnie suppressed the urge to slap her in the face. He clenchedhis teeth, wishing that he could split open his wife's head to see what was in her mind and find out whyshe was so eager to ruin the Jackman family.

"You, Margaret Sutton, you've got a real knack for it! How could you do such a thing? You're pulling theJackman family into the abyss with you!"

Margaret bit her lip and struggled to hold back her grievances. She murmured in a low voice, "Why areyou blaming me? It's all your fault. You've been keeping everything from me ever since that wh*reshowed up. You don't even talk to me about the company's affairs anymore! If I had known about thisproject, would I have done something to that woman?!"

"Fine. Fine. You're blaming me instead!" Lonnie took a deep breath as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.He pointed at Margaret's face and said coldly, "You know what kind of situation the company is in now.

Margaret, you made this mess. You'd better figure out how to fix it. If the company shuts down becauseof you, I won't spare you!"

His company had been struggling to survive because of the failed investment he made at the end oflast year.

Lonnie only managed to get the project after he claimed that he had connections with the Crawfordfamily, hoping to use that to help the company overcome its difficulties and earn a fortune.

However, Margaret had shattered that hope.

Lonnie stormed out, throwing his sleeves in anger.

Margaret watched him from behind. Her eyes reddened with tears streaming down her face. She stoodthere with a blank look on her face, ignoring how the others looked at her.

Yuri noticed Lonnie storming away furiously and glanced at Margaret, who stood still. She nudgedLouis' elbow.

"What's wrong?" Louis lifted a glass of red wine and took a sip of it. He was still upset and he neededthe wine to calm himself down. He feared that he would lose his manners in front of the guests.

"It seems like Mrs. Jackman and her husband had a falling out..." Yuri said in a soft tone and narrowedher eyes. "She's crying."

"Don't meddle in their affairs," Louis warned Yuri to stay out of Mrs. Jackman's business.

Luke would handle it eventually.

Yuri's involvement would make no difference.

Margaret injured Luca. Luke would not sit there and do nothing.

Yuri withdrew her gaze and turned to look at Louis. She had never noticed how callous he could be, butshe felt that he was cold today.

He lacked sympathy, and he was cold and ruthless.

He was Luke's brother. If he pleaded for mercy for Margaret, Luke might not investigate the matterfurther, but he refused to do so.

There must be a reason for this. It could be because he was mad at Susan.

Still, could anger alone turn someone into such a different person?

Yuri watched Louis walk back into the crowd with a gentle smile on his face, chatting with the guests asif his earlier outburst in the living room had never happened.

She gathered her courage and prepared to approach him but was stopped by the maid. "Ms. Dunn, themadam is looking for you," said the maid.

"Where is she?" asked Yuri.

"She's in the backyard," replied the maid.novelbin

"Tell her that I'm busy entertaining guests with Louis at the moment. I'll come to see her when I'm free,"said Yuri. She was not planning to leave her guests alone to find Susan.

Besides, there was nothing urgent that Susan needed to tell her, except for the incident involvingMargaret and Luca earlier.

"Wait a minute," Yuri called out to the maid.

"What else do you need, Ms. Dunn?" asked the maid.

"Tell her that Master Luke doesn't intend to let this slide easily. He'll report to the police after the partyends. Tell her to inform the parties involved," instructed Yuri. She knew there was nothing she could doto help Margaret, but at least she could inform Susan of Luke's intentions.

Perhaps they could leave before the police arrived and avoid being seen by others.

"Okay." The maid nodded and left.

Yuri approached Louis and held his arm with a smile as they greeted the guests.

"Why did the maid approach you?" Louis whispered to her during a lull in their conversation.

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