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Chapter 2729

The patient who was being pointed at furrowed her brows. No one liked being pointed at with a fingerthat way. However, judging from Leia's aggressive personality, if she were to retort, she would definitelyget criticized and end up having a heart attack.

Hence, she held back and gave Leia a cold snort without saying a word.

Leia seethed with anger at the thought of her failing to hurt Luca after spending all that money. Also,she was pissed after she overheard them speaking ill of her when she was in the restroom a momentago. Leia was so infuriated that she immediately got out of bed and tried to get into a fight with thepatient next to her bed. "I'm going to rip your mouth apart today!"

The caretaker immediately stopped her. "Ms. Norman, calm down."

"Get out of my way!" Leia pushed the caretaker.

However, the caretaker was good at martial arts. Leia pushed her hard, but instead of pushing awaythe caretaker, Leia staggered and slumped onto her bed while the caretaker remained steadfast.

"Ms. Norman, did you hurt yourself?" The caretaker pretended to be concerned. How could Leia beable to push her and make her fall?

Although Leia was aggressive, she was a sickly person. There was no way she could win againstsomeone who had been training at the base all year round.

"Go away!" Leia shook off the caretaker's hand. She suspected that the caretaker did this on purpose,but she had no evidence.

Why did the force rebound to herself?

The caretaker wore an innocent expression on her face. As she watched Leia rub her waist after sittingback down, she knew Leia really fell when she made that gesture. She was pleased to see that.

Teasing Leia was entertaining.

The other two patients saw the defeated look on Leia's face. Their lips curled into a smile. However,they did not burst out laughing because Leia was not someone to be messed with. If they laughed outloud, there would be no peace in the ward.

On the other side of the hospital...

The researcher walked out of the consultation room after getting his wound dressed.

Luca stood up and walked toward him. Then, she asked, "How are you feeling?"

"It's just an external injury. I'll be fine as long as the wound doesn't get wet," replied the researcher. Hedid not expect that Luca and Luke would personally escort him to the hospital. They even talked to thedirector of the burn unit to treat his wound.

"Well, Mr. Crawford said he's gonna give you a week's rest. Take care of your wound and come to thehospital on time to change your dressings. You don't have to come to work during this period," saidLuca. This was what she had just discussed with Luke.

"It's alright, Dr. Craw. I can work. You're preparing to launch a new project. I'm afraid the office will beshort-staffed if I take a few days off." The researcher shook his head. He used to think that Luca was acold person, but he realized that he was wrong now.

Luca was not cold at all. She treated the employees well.

"The project has not officially started yet. We don't need that many people now," replied Luca. It washer fault that he got injured. She should give him a few days off to recover from the injury.

Fortunately, it did not lead to a particularly serious accident this time.

"Listen to Dr. Craw's advice," said Luke when he noticed that the researcher was about to saysomething.

The researcher had no choice but to compromise and reply, "Alright. Thank you, Mr. Crawford. Thankyou, Dr. Craw."

Luca shook her head. She was not the one who should be thanked for this.

"The driver is waiting outside to send you back home. The license plate ends with 8288," added Luke.When he was waiting for the researcher's wound to be treated, Warren, who was usually responsiblefor picking up Luca, also arrived at the hospital.

Therefore, he asked Warren to send the researcher back home, while he planned to let Lliam sendthem back.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. Crawford," the researcher said again before leaving the emergency room.

Luke looked at Luca and asked, "We're already at the hospital. Would you like to go upstairs and visitthem?"

Luca knew he was talking about visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman as well as Wanda. She glanced at thetime and shook her head. "It's a bit late now. I'll visit them on Sunday."

Even though she cared about them, it was already getting late, and they were not people who wouldstay up late at night. They were probably in bed now.

It was rude to visit them now.

"Alright." Luke understood what she meant. "Let's go home, then."novelbin

"Okay..." Luca nodded and left the hospital with Luke. They got into Lliam's car.

As soon as the car door was closed, Luke's phone buzzed.

After he sat down, he took his phone out and glanced at it. It was a message from Rain. He read it andgave his order: [Something's wrong with Leia. Find out what she's up to and send her to the policestation.]

[Yes, boss.] Rain replied after reading his message.

Rain looked at the information sent by her subordinate.

The Abaza family already knew that Matysh was being held by the police here.

They also took measures in response by sending their dedicated attorney to A City. Furthermore, theywere planning to contact the embassy and pressure them to extradite Matysh to Russia.

"How naive." Rain closed the file and commented on the Abaza family's actions.

What was the point of sending an attorney who only knew some international and Russian laws?

Matysh violated the law in A City. The attorney would probably have to consult the legal code when hewas defending him.

Besides, what Matysh did had already caused a sensation in A City. Many people were following theprogress of this case. The police in A City were not to be messed with either. They would not givespecial treatment just because the perpetrator was a foreigner.

Matysh was destined to serve his prison sentence in A City. Even if his attorney or the embassy cameto defend him, they had no choice but to follow the laws and regulations of A City.

"Who are you calling naive?" Gale walked into the kitchen with a cup and poured himself a coffee.

Rain frowned. “Are you serious about having coffee at this hour?”

"I'm planning to stay up all night. I have some leads on Leia's case. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.We might be able to get her locked up this week."

"Speaking of Leia, I've got some news from the hospital staff." Rain forwarded the message shereceived from the caretaker to Gale.

"Tsk, Leia is a real troublemaker." Gale looked at the message and took a sip of his coffee.

"She's going to prison soon. I'll spare her a day or two. After that, she'll have to work hard to reformherself in prison for the rest of her life."

"I'm not sure if I can finish my work in a day or two," replied Gale.

"The Abaza family sent over an attorney who has no idea about the rules in A City. He may be the keyto getting Matysh to talk. Boss might do something to him, and Matysh might be able to rat Leia out,"speculated Rain. Matysh refused to admit anything or talk now. She reckoned that he was waiting forthe attorney.

The attorney the Abaza family hired was famous in Russia and known worldwide.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. The more we uncover about Leia's past, the more nauseating itbecomes," Gale finished his coffee.

He was responsible for investigating and digging into Leia's past. The deeper he dug, the more herealized that she was not an ordinary woman.

Leia was a shameless woman who played dirty tricks.

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