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Chapter 2708

Nina realized Percy was pulling her hand when she was about to answer the door.

She turned around and gave Percy a confused look.

“Kiss me and I'll let you go." Percy pointed at his lips with his fingers.

Nina's face turned red at that moment. Even though the two of them had kissed each other a milliontimes, she would still feel shy when she was asked to kiss him on the lips.

Nina bent down and pressed her lips against Percy's.

The moment their lips pressed against each other, Percy turned around, wrapped Nina in his arms, andput her on his thigh.

He held her in his arms until the doorbell rang again.

Nina pushed him away and said, "Come on. They're going to call me later."

"I'll let you go now, but we'll continue tonight." Percy smiled as he let her go. After he got what hewanted, he rose to his feet, feeling satisfied. Then, he said to Nina, who was on her way to answer thedoor, "I'm going back to the office. The maid will come around noontime to make lunch for you.Remember to have your meal."

"Alright. I got it," replied Nina. After the two of them moved into the apartment, they did not hire a maidto protect their privacy. Instead, they hired a part-time maid to come to their apartment to do somehouse chores and prepare meals.

Nina initially thought of rejecting it. This was their home, after all. She could handle these choresthemselves.

However, she agreed to hire a part-time maid to prepare meals for them at the thought of her poorcooking skills. She did not want to ruin Percy's appetite.

Percy made his way up the stairs. After he put on his coat and headed downstairs, preparing to leave,he saw that the wedding planner was already sitting in the living room and discussing the preparationsfor the wedding ceremony with Nina.

The wedding planner immediately stood up when she saw Percy make his way down the stairs. Shegreeted, "Good morning, Mr. Mallory."

"Good morning," Percy replied in a cold voice. Then, he turned to look at Nina and said, "I'm off to theoffice." "Alright. Go ahead. Be careful when you're on the road," reminded Nina. She walked to thefoyer and opened the door for Percy.

Nina only closed the door after Percy left. She walked toward the sofa and sat down. Then, sheapologized to the wedding planner, "I'm sorry. Let's continue from where we left off."

The wedding planner, Yancie, who was in charge of Nina's wedding preparations, said enviously, "Youtwo are such a lovely couple. It makes me feel like going on a date with someone."

"Yes. You two look cute together." Yancie's assistant went along with her.

"Let's continue our discussion." The smile on Nina's face deepened when she was beingcomplimented.

"Okay, Ms. Nina. As for the wedding venue's decoration, we came up with a few plans based on yourideas. Why don't you take a look at them?" Yancie took the wedding floor plan out of the file and askedfor her opinion.

"Alright. Let me see." Nina took the wedding floor plan from them.

All the wedding preparations were done according to Nina's preferences, like what Percy said.

That was why Nina was the one who communicated with Yancie about the venue's decoration.

Everyone hoped to have a perfect wedding ceremony, and Nina was no exception. That was why shepaid a lot of attention to the details of the wedding ceremony.

This event planner was the best in A City, and she provided good services. Nina was able to decidewhich floor plan she would go for quickly. "I think this looks good. Have you ever done projects like thisbefore?"

"Yes. Let me show you now. Here." Yancie's attitude was good. Percy was the event managementcompany's VIP customer. That was why they would try their best to fulfill Nina's requests.

Watson Biopharmaceuticals.

Luca was waiting for the analysis results in the laboratory. She was reading another document she heldin her hands at the same time.

It was the new research project she was planning to work on.

The corporate dinner would be held tomorrow night. She should start working on the new project afterthis.

After what happened to Ambrose, no one dared to be curious about what Luca was doing in thelaboratory this time. Everyone sat in their seats, busy working on their research.

"Mr. Link." Luca closed the file.

"Yes, Dr. Craw." Rhett dropped everything and came to her.

"Please bring me the results after they're released," reminded Luca. Even though no one dared to getcloser to her and wonder what she was working on, she could sense that they were looking at her. Shefelt uncomfortable being looked at that way, so she planned to return to her office to read thedocuments.

"Okay, Dr. Craw," replied Rhett.

Luca walked out of the laboratory with the file in her hands

The researchers only dared to speak to each other after Luca left the laboratory.

"Argh, it's suffocating," one of them complained.

“Yes. It's Ambrose's fault. He's the one who ruined our team's atmosphere. I don't even dare to say aword. I'm afraid Dr. Craw will be mad at me," said another researcher.

They had always thought that Luca was an easygoing person until the incident happened. It madethem realize that Luca only appeared to be friendly and easygoing.

Luca actually had a powerful aura around her. It was just that she chose to suppress it.

"Oh, Mr. Link, did Ambrose just leave like that?" one of the researchers asked with curiosity.

"Yes." Rhett nodded.

After he handed the letter of dismissal to Ambrose yesterday, he watched him pack his stuff on theoffice table and leave.

Even though Ambrose left with a dissatisfied look on his face, he did not do anything.

"Poor Ambrose. Why was he so curious about it? But Dr. Craw's research isn't something shady, right?Otherwise, why is she acting all mysterious?"

"Aren't you all afraid that Dr. Craw might hear you if you guys talk about it here?" Rhett could not helpbut feel disgusted when he heard them gossiping again.

This was a place to do experiments and research, not a place for them to gossip.

The researchers dared not to talk about Luca and continued with their work after Rhett reminded them.

They did not want to lose their jobs, not after what happened to Ambrose.

"By the way, Ambrose invited us out for dinner this weekend. Are you guys going?" asked one of theresearchers. He was the closest to Ambrose.

The two of them stayed near each other. They carpooled to work and back home every day to savesome transportation fees.

"No. He just got fired, and he's probably holding a grudge against the company and Dr. Craw. It'd bebetter for us to keep a distance from each other to avoid any misunderstandings. We'll all becomesuspects if something happens in the future, like what happened in Dr. Albus' case," answered one ofthe researchers.

The other researchers agreed and said, "I'm not going either. Honestly, it's difficult for Ambrose tocontinue to work in this industry in A City next time. Since we're not working in the same industry, Iguess it's unnecessary to socialize with him."

The researcher heard what he said and turned to look at Rhett. "Mr. Link, are you... going?"

"Ambrose hates me. I'm not going." Even though Ambrose did not continue to cause trouble yesterday,Rhett knew that he harbored resentment toward him for telling Luca about it.

It was initially not a big deal. After all, Luca had not reported the research she was working on to hersuperior, so it was not the company's confidential information.

However, he insisted on telling Luca about it, which got Ambrose fired.novelbin

The bitter feelings of resentment in his heart must have built up.

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