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Chapter 2687

Amur knew he was different from Luca.

If he failed to complete his mission, he only had to be punished when he returned to the Island ofDespair.

However, if Luca failed her mission, she would no longer be useful to Abel. She would be sent back tothe Island of Despair at that time. She would be facing a severe punishment that was worse than thepunishment given to those who failed their mission.

She might end up being a playtoy at the Island of Despair...

After all, Abel was a psycho. He would not have mercy on Luca. When the time came, Luca would notbe able to protect Nyla, and she would not be able to protect herself either.

Amur could not let Luca take such risks.

[He's not killing Pierre?] Luca could not help but feel suspicious. What made Abel change his mind?

There was no way he would show mercy.

He would not have done that, especially when Pierre had offended him.

Amur replied: [No. He only wants to punish him. Let's talk about this later. Wait for my reply.]

Luca stared at her phone screen for a while and read Amur's message. Only then did she delete themessage.

She could not let Luke see the messages.

Night fell.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, people were walking to and fro in the suburban district.Some were doing illegal business and some were making loud noises at the bars as the music played.The busy nightlife portrayed the other side of A City.

Amur stood at the corner of the street, smoking his cigarette and looking at the house opposite thestreet.

The address that Luca gave him was here.

Amur confirmed that Pierre was in this house, hiding from the police.novelbin

The flame of the cigarette at the corner of his lips glowed and dimed. The glow of the bright, yellowstreet lamps shone on his face for a moment before immediately dimming out after that.

“Yo, what a hot foreign guy we have here. Do you understand English?" A scantily dressed womanwalked toward Amur and teased him.

He caught a whiff of the smell of cheap perfume in the air. It made him frown, and he said, "Get lost."

It gave the woman a shock. However, she became happy as soon as she found out that he understoodEnglish. Men who stood and waited here were either waiting for their guests or women like her.

Hence, she thought Amur was waiting for women like her.

The woman sized him up. With the way Amur was dressed, he looked like a rich man. She chirpedhappily, "Cutie, don't be fierce to me. Is it your first time here? If you're not fond of me, there are otherwomen upstairs. We have different types of women there."

Amur gave her a cold stare as he listened to the woman chattering away. “Get out of here if you don'twanna die."

The woman was frightened when she saw the look in his eyes. It sent a shiver down her spine. Then,she cursed bitterly, “Who the f*ck is that guy? He's so mean. Why is he standing there when he doesn'twant any woman to sleep with him? Could it be that he's waiting for a guy? Tsk, can he stop beingsanctimonious?"

Amur furrowed his brows unhappily when he heard what the woman said.

However, he had something more important to do tonight. He had no time to deal with the long- windedwoman.

Amur had to stand here and wait until the street quieted down. Only then he could make a move.

The cigarette held between Amur's fingers was almost extinguished. He threw it on the ground andstepped on it to stub out the cigarette. Then, he lit up another cigarette.

Amur took a puff of the cigarette and slowly blew a smoke ring.

The temperature was slightly low on a chilly spring night. As Amur watched the smoke ring graduallydisappear in the air, engulfed in darkness, his forefinger suddenly trembled for a moment. Luca cameacross his mind.

Even though Amur could not protect her, he hoped that she was safe and sound.

However, would Abel let them get what they wanted?

Amur even thought that Abel changing his mind not to kill Pierre probably had something to do with themission of dealing with Luke.

Still, it was not within his control.

The busy street was slowly getting quieter as the night wore on.

Amur noticed that Oswald, who had gone for a drink and gotten drunk, was staggering back home.

Amur put on the gloves specially made on the Island of Despair.

Amur hid in the darkness and waited until all the lights in the apartment went out. Then, he glanced atthe time.

It was three in the morning.

Luca should be asleep now. She probably was not waiting for his message.

Luca did not reply to his message since he sent the previous message to her.

Amur stubbed out the last cigarette and took a bottle of solution out from his pocket.

This solution would help get rid of those thugs.

The soundproofing of the residential homes on this street was bad. If he made a loud noise, it would beeven more difficult for him to take Pierre away.

Amur wore a cap and a mask. Then, he came to the house's door. Every household here used thesame wooden door. It looked solid, but the locks of the doors could be easily opened.

It was easy for thieves to break into the houses here.

Amur took an iron wire out, the master key to unlock all doors. He stuck the iron wire into the door lockand tried unlocking it.

It only took him three seconds before he heard a clicking sound. The door was unlocked.

Amur did not sneak into the house like someone who was up to no good and looked in all directionsbefore he went in. He leisurely walked into the house as though he was at home.

He closed the door behind him. Then, he stood behind the door. He was not in a hurry to head inside.

Amur waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. Then, he glanced around him to see what the interiorlayout was like.

There were three rooms in the house.

Amur had never been here before. He had no idea which room Pierre was staying in, so he had tocheck each room one after another.

Amur walked into the room opposite the entrance.

He was trained to be professional when he was on the Island of Despair. He did not make any soundwhen he walked.

Before he could get closer to the room, he heard thunderous snoring coming from inside the room.

Amur frowned and thought of Oswald's body size. He knew it was him. Then, he pushed the door openand walked toward the bed. The person sleeping on the bed was fast asleep.

Even though Amur could not see the person's facial features, he was sure that it was Oswald just bylooking at the body size of the person sleeping on the bed.

He slept like a log and did not even know that someone had opened the door.

Amur took a handkerchief out of his pocket and poured some solution on it. Then, he placed it onOswald's face.

Amur was agile. Oswald had drunk some beer just now, and he was deeply asleep. It did not wake himup.

Amur covered Oswald's face with the handkerchief for five seconds. Then, he knew Oswald hadalready lost consciousness.

He left the room and headed to another room.

He repeated the same thing.

Amur did not wake anyone up. Even though there were two people in the second room. He did notmake a sound and knocked the two of them out.

As Amur watched the two of them lose consciousness, he could not help but wonder.

What was Pierre thinking? Why did he choose to stay here?

The people here were easy to deal with, and they could not even protect him...

After that, Amur walked out of the room and pushed open the door to the last room.

Pierre woke up the moment the door was opened and asked, “Who is it?"

"It's me." Amur deliberately lowered his voice and made it sound hoarse.

Pierre frowned. This man sounded like a stranger to him. He did not sound like the others who wereliving here. He reached out his hand and turned on the lights.

The dim light shone on Amur. Pierre became alert when he saw it was not someone he knew. Heasked, "Who sent you?"

"Someone you've been investigating." Amur gripped the handkerchief in his hands tightly. Before hecame in, he had already poured the solution on the handkerchief.

He only had to cover the handkerchief over Pierre's face for five seconds and it would knock him out.

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