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Chapter 2681

Luca hurried to the laboratory. She realized Rhett was standing right behind the laboratory's door. Hewas blocking the door, stopping others from going out.

“What's the matter?" Luca asked in a deep voice.

Rhett told her what had happened on the phone, but Luca wanted Rhett to tell her about it in front ofthe researchers.

"Dr. Craw, Ambrose took your sample." There was this sullen look on Rhett's face.

It was obvious that he was angry.

Previously, Luca had warned them not to look at her research data. Not only did they refuse to listen toher, but they also tried to make him talk.

Rhett then found out that they were trying to steal the sample in the equipment and keep them forthemselves when he was about to leave the laboratory.

They did not say anything until the experiment report was out.

If it were not for Rhett who returned to the laboratory and overheard them discussing where theyshould hide Luca's sample, he would not have known.

Rhett knew they had stolen the sample. He walked into the laboratory and argued with them. At last, heblocked the door and called Luca to inform her about this.

Stealing a sample from the laboratory was a serious thing.

It was Luca's research. They had already broken the company's rules by stealing the sample.

Luca turned to look at Ambrose and asked, "Did you take the sample?"

"Dr. Craw, Mr. Link misunderstood us." Ambrose tried to get away with it.

Rhett refused to give him the chance to do so. "Really? Why don't you open that box and show it to Dr.Craw?"

Rhett wanted to open the box and see if they really put the sample in it when they were arguing justnow.

Who knew that they would refuse?

Rhett had no choice but to inform Luca.

"Rhett, we're colleagues. How could you accuse me of doing something I didn't do?!" Ambrose gotnervous. If Luca forced him to open the box, he would be exposed.

He would even lose his job.

Rhett remained quiet. He believed Luca would do the right thing.

Besides, he had not done anything that broke the company's rules or was against Luca's orders.

Rhett was innocent. He stood up straight.

“Open the box and let's see if you've been wronged. The company has rules and regulations. Take outwhatever is in that box to prove that you're innocent." Luca lifted her jaw, signaling him to unlock thebox.

Ambrose's fingers were slightly curled. Every gesture he made revealed that he was reluctant to do so.

Luca's eyes darkened as she asked, "Do you need me to ask Dr. Jackson to come here and deal withthis?"novelbin

Dr. Jackson was in Dr. Cole and Dr. Albus' previous position now. It was easy for him to deal withmatters that happened between departments.

"Dr. Craw, I'm sorry." Ambrose lowered his head and apologized to her. He admitted that he had donesomething wrong.

"Open the box." Even though Ambrose had already admitted it, Luca insisted on asking him to open thebox as her face hardened.

Ambrose closed his eyes. He unlocked the lock box with the combination key while his hand trembledwith fear.

Luca walked into the laboratory without any expression on her face. There were some documents andpapers in the box and a small test tube with the medicine sample.

"Is this mine?" Luca picked it up and asked.

Ambrose did not say anything. He lowered his head.

Luca noticed that Ambrose's body was shaking from time to time. "I know what I'm experimenting with.

I can find out right away to see if it's mine. But I'm asking you now to save everyone's time. Tell me, isthis my sample?"

"Yes, Dr. Craw. I was just curious about what research you're working on." Ambrose lowered his head.It was his first time getting questioned like this after he graduated.

It was as though he was back in his school days and the teacher was questioning him when he didsomething wrong.

Moreover, he looked frightened.

Even though Luca looked weak, she was tough and strong. There was no way he could stand such apowerful aura. Hence, he had no choice but to admit it.

Ambrose was angry and helpless at the same time being questioned like that at work. He could onlyshow his deepest fears in front of Luca.

"I've mentioned before that I won't be interested in the research that you guys do. As such, none of youshould be curious about my research either, especially when it's not been revealed to the public yet. Doyou remember that?" Luca asked him in a low voice. She looked at the man who was a few inchestaller than her trembling with fear.

Luca felt sorry for him.

Ambrose was doing well in his research. He was detail-oriented and a fast worker too.

However, she could not let someone who was curious about someone else's research to stay in thecompany.

Since he had the guts to steal her sample now, he might even reveal the confidential information oftheir research team to others in the future.

Although he did not reveal anything to the former general manager previously, it was hard to guaranteethat such a person would not betray her and sell the research to someone else.

Luca could not take the risk.

Moreover, she did not know whether or not Ambrose was sent by Abel.

If he was and he knew that she was working on the antidote, then things would get out of hand.

Luca knew the difficult position she was in now. She had to be extra careful. Then, she said strictlywhen Ambrose kept silent. "Do you still remember what I told you?!"

It sent a shiver down his spine.

It was just a job. He did not know why he was so frightened.

He could feel that he was almost out of breath with Luca’s aura pressuring him.

She was just a woman.

Ambrose wanted to stand up for himself, but he chose to give in to Luca when considering howaggressive she was being. He replied cowardly, "Yes."

The researchers around them did not expect Luca, who had always been easygoing, to be so scarywhen she lost her temper.

They were even reminded of Luke.

Luca’s powerful aura made them worried that what Ambrose did would affect them too.

After all, researchers could be found anywhere in the city. Luca did not necessarily have to work withthem.

However, they had never thought of resigning, not to mention quitting the job.

Their resumes would be nothing if they got fired. They would end up like Ambrose. If Luca fired them,no biopharmaceutical companies would be willing to hire them.

Who would want an employee who stole their superior’s research sample?

"Then why are you curious about my research? Is there a need for you to go as far as stealing mysample?" Luca picked up the test tube and swung it in front of him.

Ambrose remained quiet.

Luca thought Ambrose might be more frightened if she approached him. She took a step back andquestioned him, "Could it be that someone sent you here to find out what research I'm working on sothat the person can get a head start on this research before I do? Who were you planning on giving thesample to?"

"No, Dr. Craw. I’m not a spy!" Ambrose immediately shook his head.

"You’re not?" Luca could not find out whether or not Ambrose was telling the truth. She only knew thathe tried to steal her sample.

“I was just curious about it. I've been wondering what's in the test tube. I was planning to put it in theequipment and find out what it is tomorrow. It's because I'd like to learn a lot more from you," saidAmbrose as a tear fell down his cheek.

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