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Chapter 2670

He never expected Luke to give him such an answer.

Johann felt as though he had just witnessed some PDA in front of him.

Luca got into the elevator and came to the floor where the VIP ward rooms were. She noticed thatthere was another security guard on duty today.

The head nurse saw Luca come in and greeted her passionately, “Ms. Luca, are you here to visit thepatients?"

"Yes." Luca stopped and stood in front of the head nurse. She could not help but ask with curiosity, "Isit just me, or do there seem to be more security guards today?"

"It's all because of Ms. Norman. She tried to sneak into the VIP ward room last night. Fortunately, thenurse on duty wasn't asleep. She immediately stopped her. Otherwise, our superiors would definitelyblame us for that." The head nurse felt helpless. She nodded in the direction of the security guard andcontinued, "The security guards are supposed to get off work around 11 at night when the visiting hourshave ended. Well, the hospital has to arrange for a security guard to work in the morning and getanother one on duty at night. It has caused everyone a lot of trouble. They're thinking of hiring a fewmore security guards now. Otherwise, the guards would have to stay up all night to work. It's getting toomuch for them, and they're going to complain."

There was a hint of criticism in the nurse's voice as Luca listened to her.

However, the hospital had no intention of forcing the patient to get discharged from the hospital.Therefore, as long as Leia was still in the hospital, they had to strengthen the security of the VIPwardrooms. Otherwise, Leia would try to sneak in again.

“Thank you for your effort," replied Luca as she took a bag of apples out. She added, "These are foryou. Thank you for taking care of the Normans and Ms. Rayne."

The head nurse immediately waved her hand while secretly complimenting the way Luca conductedherself. "Ms. Luca, we can't take these. Please give them to the patients. It's our responsibility to takegood care of the patients."

"Okay." Luca knew they were not allowed to receive anything from the patients' family members. Thereason Luca did that was to calm her nerves. After all, Leia had caused a lot of trouble for them.

Luca no longer insisted on doing so. She placed the bag of apples back and said, "I'm going to visitthem first." "Sure. Go ahead. Ms. Rayne has just finished her chemotherapy. She's resting in herwardroom now," the head nurse smiled and said.

"Okay. Thank you." Luca carried two bags of fruits and walked into the wardroom.

Luca first came to Wanda's wardroom. The door was closed. She gently knocked on the door.

The caretaker came to open the door. She was surprised to see Luca when she saw her. Then, shesaid, “Ms. Luca, it's you. Did you come to visit Ms. Rayne?”

“Yes. The head nurse told me that Ms. Rayne has just finished her chemotherapy session. Is itconvenient for me to visit her now?” asked Luca. She knew Wanda was concerned about what othersthought about her. She just did not want others to see the mess she was in.

“Yes. Ms. Rayne is in good shape.” The caretaker opened the door. Luca walked into the room and sawWanda sitting on the bed, holding a glass of water in her hands. Wanda was surprised to see Lucacoming in. “Luca, what brings you here?”

"I came here to remove my stitches. I came to visit you too," replied Luca. She placed a bag of fruits onthe table and said, "I bought this downstairs. You'll need more vitamins. That way, you'll be able tosleep well."

“Thank you.” Wanda looked great. She did not look like someone who had just finished herchemotherapy session.

“You look great.” Luca sat on the sofa, carefully observing Wanda's complexion.

The caretaker said, "It's thanks to the medicine you prescribed. It was hard for Ms. Rayne when shereceived the chemotherapy treatment for the first time, but she suddenly felt better after she took themedicine they prepared for her. Her appetite came back too. She doesn't look like a patient who's goingthrough chemotherapy sessions. They usually feel a tightness in the chest and have nausea. Ms. Luca,your medicine works."

Now, every patient who stayed in the hospital's VIP wardrooms knew that the herbal medicine Wandatook had reduced a lot of pain and the side effects of chemotherapy.

Luca smiled and shook her head. “It's not the medicine. It's Ms. Rayne who's confident in fighting it.That's why the medicine has such miraculous effects.”novelbin

"Ms. Rayne, I heard that there are a few cancer patients on this floor who are receiving chemotherapytreatment after their surgery. They'd like to try taking your medicine! It's just that their attendingphysician told them that the medicine was specially prescribed for Ms. Rayne according to her healthcondition, so they can't take the same medicine. Now, there are many people out there who are willingto pay for a prescription from you. They want to reduce their pain after receiving chemotherapytreatment." The caretaker smiled brightly.

Luca frowned when she heard her compliment.

Wanda did the same thing. She furrowed her brows unhappily.

The caretaker had asked Wanda for Luca's contact details before. She told her that other patientswanted Luca to prescribe them medicine to reduce their pain after chemotherapy.

She even told her that those people were willing to pay a high price if the medicine worked. Besides,they claimed that Luca would be willing to do so since it was a good deed.

However, Wanda did not think so.

Luca kept a low profile. She did not want to lay up trouble for herself either.

Wanda remembered Luke telling her how Luca detoxed the poison in Queenie's body, but the methodshe used was a well-kept secret back then. It was only discovered after that.

However, Luca requested her identity be kept secret. She did not want to become a genius doctorwhom everyone talked about.

Wanda trusted Luca. That was why she dared to take the medicine she prescribed.

Luca also told her that the medicine might not have effects on everyone. Besides, there was a lack ofclinical trials. She could not guarantee that there were no side effects after taking it.

Hence, Wanda rejected the caretaker's offer on behalf of Luca.

Moreover, she told her not to disturb Luca.

Wanda did not expect the caretaker to refuse to give up. She even mentioned it to Luca.

Wanda was about to change the topic of the conversation when she heard the caretaker say, “Ms.Luca, you're such a kind person. Your skills will be able to help a lot of people. You won't reject them,

right? If you agree to do so, I can ask the other patients to come over now."

Luca knew the caretaker was the one who spread the news. Wanda had nothing to do with it. Hence,she spoke in an abrasive tone, "No. I'm not going to do that."

The caretaker was stunned for a moment, and she asked tentatively, "They're the top millionaires in ACity. If you help them, they'll certainly pay good money for it."

"My medicine doesn't work on everyone. Besides, Ms. Rayne only took the medicine because shebelieves in me. If anything happens to that person after taking the medicine, who's going to beresponsible for it? Can you be responsible for that?" Luca looked at her with a stern expression on herface.

The caretaker immediately shook her head and said, "How could there be a problem? You only have toprescribe the medicine based on their health condition, right?"

"All the drugs that can be bought in the market have gone through thousands of experimental researchand hundreds of clinical trials. Can you guarantee the medicine can work well on each and every oneof them even if I prescribe the medicine based on their health conditions?" Luca continued to ask her.

The caretaker was dumbfounded for a moment. How could she know about that...

She only mentioned it to Luca, and if Luca agreed, she would be able to get a cut of the deal.

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