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Chapter 2664

Luke finished his breakfast and left the house after he hung up Mr. Zac's call.

Luke got into the car. He did not leave right away. Instead, he gave Jason a call.

The phone rang twice, and Jason answered the call. “Good morning, Boss."

"I'll be an hour late for work today. Please rearrange my schedule," said Luke. He was not planning tohead to T Corporation now.

"Alright, Boss," replied Jason.

After Luke hung up the call, he drove the car out and headed to the police station.

He parked his car after he arrived at the police station. Then, he walked straight into the police station.

The police officer who was responsible for arresting Matysh immediately recognized him. Heimmediately came forward and greeted, "Good morning, Mr. Crawford. Is there anything I can help youwith?"

"Where's your chief?" asked Luke.

"He's in the office. This way, please." The police officer led him to the chief of police's office andknocked on the door.

His voice came from inside the room. "Come in."

The police officer pushed the door open and said, "Chief, Mr. Crawford would like to see you."

The chief of police put his documents aside and stood up when he heard Luke was here. "Mr.Crawford, what brings you here?"

"Where are the police with the Normans' case and the teen rape case now?" Luke deliberatelymentioned the two cases.

The chief of police knew they were on the right track when they suspected Matysh had something to dowith the Normans' case when Luke asked him such a question.

"Come in, Mr. Crawford. I'll get you a cup of tea. Let's have a chat." The chief of police invited Luke tocome in and sit down on the sofa.

Luke walked into his office and sat on his sofa.

It was a black leather sofa. Even though it was not made of genuine leather, it was slightly wrinkledbecause people had sat on it for a long time. It did not affect Luke's classy and domineering aura thatsurrounded him when he sat on it.

The chief of police could not help but feel that Luke's aura would get people to take him more seriouslycompared to Jack's solemnity and righteousness.

He prepared some tea while Luke stared at him.

"Mr. Crawford, I heard what happened before dawn. My subordinates told me about it. I'd like to thankyou. Your subordinate caught the suspect for us." The chief of police thanked Luke. He was in chargeof the patrol deployment outside the airport last night. He was not at the airport, but he eventually foundout what really happened through the police officers and the surveillance cameras in the airport.

The chief of police even knew that Luke was at the scene last night.

He knew he had to handle the case well since Luke was so concerned about Matysh being arrested.

Besides, he had no idea if it was Luke's intention, but there were many posts about the teen's suicidecase on the internet early in the morning.

Now, not only was Pierre's news all over the internet, but there were also netizens bringing up the newsabout the teen's suicide note on the internet.

There was a heated discussion among the netizens, and everyone was paying attention to theprogress of the case. It had gone so far that the public had forced the police to release a notice.

The notice was about the police officers receiving cases reported by the public and how they had foundevidence about the teen's suicide case. The case was reopened, and the police would look into itagain.

The police's response received compliments from the public. Many of them hoped that the police couldfind out the truth as soon as possible and seek justice for the teenage girl who died.

“Don't mention it. It was just a coincidence,” Luke replied coldly.

The chief of police felt a little uneasy. The coincidence Luke mentioned had made the police'sdeployment and operation look inadequate.

The chief of police poured the tea into a cup and handed it to Luke. "Try this. I heard Mr. Norman likesthe taste of it.”

Luke picked up the cup and showed some respect as he took a sip of the tea. Then, he said, "Chief,I've drunk the tea. Can you tell me what's the police's progress now?"

"After we brought that foreigner back to the police station last night, we started taking his statement.But he refused to say anything, and he asked for a lawyer whenever he spoke. We had no choice butto let him call his lawyer. Even though he said he's called his lawyer, we haven't seen anyone comingto the police station since then." The chief of police smiled bitterly. They had no choice but to take theirtime to deal with a suspect who refused to cooperate with them.

However, Luke's appearance at the police station was pressuring them a lot. It was difficult for them toquickly resolve the case now.

They needed more evidence.

It would take some time for them to look for more.

Luke said, "I'd like to talk to him."

The chief of police shook his head and replied, "It's difficult for us to do that. You know it doesn't complywith the rules."

Luke took a file out of his briefcase and put it on the coffee table. Then, he pushed it toward the chief ofpolice and said, "I think what's inside the file may help you resolve the case."

The chief of police was secretly pleased, and he wanted to pick up the file.

However, Luke pressed the file with his hand and added, "There's a precondition for me to cooperatewith the police. I need to talk to Matysh."

The chief of police hesitated for a moment. His superiors were pushing him to quickly investigate thecase now. He was worried that he would not be able to take responsibility if something happened toMatysh.

"Mr. Crawford, I..."novelbin

Luke interrupted him and said, "Don't worry. You may come with me when I go to see him. I havenothing to hide, so you can listen to our conversation. Listening to our conversation might help you toresolve the case too."

The chief of police was tempted for a moment when he heard that.

His superiors were asking him to resolve the Normans' case as soon as possible, but they barely madeany progress.

He had been suffering from hair loss and could hardly sleep well these days. He kept dreaming ofbeing questioned before eventually getting fired after failing to handle the case well.

"Okay, but we need to record a video." The chief of police negotiated with him.

"No problem," agreed Luke. He was not planning to hurt Matysh. Hence, it did not matter if the policerecorded a video.

Even though Matysh deserved to die, the thought of Matysh getting his punishment, which was tospend the rest of his life in A City's prison and away from his family's power in Russia, sounded like agood idea to Luke.

Luke let go of the file and leaned against the sofa.

The chief of police picked up the file and rose to his feet. Then, he said, "Let me make thearrangements."

"Do you have anyone who understands Russian here?" asked Luke.

"No, we don't. We talked to the foreigner in English when we took his statement." The chief of policestopped and gave Luke a confused look.

"He has a strange English accent. I'll talk to him in Russian. It'd be better for you to find a Russiantranslator after recording the video," reminded Luke.

"Okay.." The chief of police was a little troubled. He had to find a Russian translator now.

He dared not to look for a Russian translator out there. After all, the police were still investigating thecase. He was worried that the details of the case would be exposed to the public if he looked for anoutsider.

The chief of police thought that he could look for a translating app to translate the sentences one byone.

He quickly left the office when he finally thought of a solution. Then, he found his subordinate to makesome arrangements for Luke to meet the suspect.

Luke was still sitting on the sofa. He took a sip of the tea and suddenly thought of what the chief hadtold him earlier. Jack was still in the hospital. He picked up his phone and sent a message to Johann:[Is Mr. Norman able to drink tea now?]

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