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Chapter 2659

“Yes, Madam!" Tommy saluted Luca. She could not help but smile when she saw how cute Tommywas.

After she watched Tommy take his pajamas and walk into the bathroom, she returned to her bedroomand sat at the dressing table. She looked at the plastic wrap and stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

Luke was the one who had been helping her to wrap the plastic wrap on her hand for the past few daysbefore she took a shower.

She had to do it herself today.

Luca picked up the plastic wrap. When she was about to wrap the plastic wrap on her hand, there wasa knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Luca went to open the door and realized it was Lanie. "Lanie, what's wrong?"

"I received a call from Daddy before I went to shower. He asked me to do something," said Lanie in acool manner.

"Huh?" Luca did not understand what the child meant.

Lanie walked into the bedroom and picked up the plastic wrap on the table. "Daddy told me it wasinconvenient for you to wrap it yourself, so he asked me to help."

Luca smiled in realization and shook her head. She did not expect Luke to remember this when he wasbusy with work.

"It's okay. I can do it myself."

"No way. Daddy said you can't wrap it well yourself. You'll get your wound wet if you don't wrap itproperly. If that happens, your wound will get infected easily. Let me help you." Lanie tore the plasticwrap.

Luca had no choice but to sit on the chair and lift her hand.

Lanie wrapped her hand with the plastic wrap and repeated, "Ms. Luca, it's my first time wrapping this.Remember to tell me if it hurts."

Lanie wrapped it nicely. Other kids would have most probably just wrapped it carelessly. Lanie wasworried that it would not be tight enough to keep Luca's hand dry, but he was also worried he wouldhurt her if he wrapped it too tightly.

Lanie even started to think if he should try to wrap his hand with the plastic wrap first to test how tight itshould be and how much pressure he should exert.

"No. You're doing fine," encouraged Luca.

Even though Lanie did not say anything, Luca knew he was nervous. He was so focused and nervousto the extent that there were beads of sweat appearing on his nose.novelbin

After a while, Lanie did not hear Luca saying that it hurt, and he thought it was almost done. He lookedup and asked seriously, “Is this alright? Will it get wet?"

“It's fine." Luca looked at her hand that was wrapped tightly and said, "You did a good job. The waterwon't be able to get in. Well done, Lanie."

Lanie's face reddened a little because of Luca's compliments. Then, he said seriously, "I can wrap it afew more times if it's not enough."

“It's okay. I promise it won't get wet. Go and take a shower." Luca stroked his head. This childresembled his father in personality. He was cool, yet he was not as indifferent as he looked. He wouldeven blush when he received compliments from her.

The mini version of Luke was too adorable!

"Okay." Before Lanie left Luca's bedroom, he reminded Luca, "Ms. Luca, I didn't wrap it as well asDaddy did. Be careful not to wet your wound when you're taking a shower."

“Alright. I will." Luca waited for Lanie to close the door. Only then did she take the clean pajamas out ofthe wardrobe and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

Lanie did a good job wrapping her hand. After taking a shower, Luca took off the plastic wrap. Herbandage was still dry.

Luca unwrapped the bandage and observed her wound.

It was almost healed. She would be able to remove the stitches the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Luca applied some medicine powder to her wound and wrapped her hand with the bandage.

After she bandaged her hand, she remembered how adorable Lanie was when he was wrapping theplastic wrap on her hand. She smiled, picked up the used bandage, and walked out of her bedroom.

Luca came to Lanie's bedroom first.

Lanie had already cleaned himself up and was leaning against the bed, reading a book.

Lanie lifted his head and turned to look at the door when he heard the noises of the door opening. Heput his book away when he saw it was Luca at the door. Then, he greeted her, "Ms. Luca."

“Are you reading?" Luca walked into his bedroom and hid the bandage behind her.

“Yes." Lanie nodded. Then, he was reminded of her wound and he asked, “Did the water get into thewound?"

“I knew you'd be worried about this. Look, this is the previous bandage I used. It's dry, and I didn't getmy wound wet." Luca showed him the bandage she hid behind her.

Lanie noticed there was some light yellow medicine left on the bandage. He knew Luca did not use anew bandage to fool him. He could not help but feel excited.“That's great. I can help you to bandageyour hand from now on too."

Luca smiled and stroked his head. “Yes. Lanie's a smart boy."

Lanie's face turned red again when he received a compliment.

“Are you shy?" Luca deliberately asked him.

Lanie shook his head and denied, "No, I'm like Daddy. We don't feel shy."

“Your daddy wasn't like this from the beginning. It's just that he learned how to cover it up after he grewup. Being shy isn't something embarrassing." Luca taught him.

Lanie really looked like Luke.

That was why many people said that since he was little.

Luca could understand his mindset. When the child heard something like that when he was young, hewould think that he should learn from Luke. Besides, they were father and son. They had a lot incommon.

Hence, it made Lanie want to look up to Luke more.

Still, he was just a child.

A child should have a childlike innocence and show his emotions. He should not be like an adult,always trying to remain calm. He even mimicked Luke's indifference.

Luca hoped that he could be like Luke in some ways, but she wanted him to keep the innocence of achild within him too.

A child should behave like a child.

Luca looked at Lanie. When she got kidnapped and sent to the Island of Despair, the child who was stillinnocent back then seemed to have matured a lot during these three years.

It was probably because of the impostor Bianca, who changed the child.

After all, he was only able to have maternal love when he was five years old. Then, there was a drasticchange in his life all of a sudden. Lanie had to stay calm to protect his younger sister and brother well.That was why he became like this.

Lanie looked at Luca and deliberately acted stubbornly. "Ms. Luca, I'm not."

"Fine. You're not." Luca glanced at the time and said, "Okay. You have another half an hour left to readyour book. You have to go to bed half an hour later. Otherwise, you'll feel sleepy tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go to bed on time," Lanie nodded and promised.

Luca left his bedroom without going to the other kids' bedroom to see them. All of them were the same.They would take a shower after watching the cartoon show. After showering, they would spend sometime reading.

Then, they would go to bed.

It was a fixed pattern, and even their sleeping time was fixed.

This was Luke's parenting style.

Even though Luke was busy with work, he was strict with his kids when educating them. Besides, thekids listened to him. They would sleep when it was time to go to bed, and they would not cry or refuseto sleep.

The kids did not need anyone to put them to sleep at their age now.

Luca could not help but secretly heave a sigh. Even though Luke was strict with his kids, the behaviorof the three kids was the best proof that his parenting style worked.

It was good for the kids too. Hence, she had no problem with it.

Also, she was in no position to have any problem with it based on her circumstances now.

Luca returned to her bedroom and picked up the book on her bedside table. She set an alarm for halfan hour later. She was planning to see the kids and check if they covered themselves with theirblankets later.

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