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Chapter 2627

Therefore, it did not matter if they were looking at it from Luca's or Queenie's perspective. Handing therecovered surveillance footage to the police was not a good idea.

Luca agreed with him and nodded.

“Would you like to follow me to the hospital tonight?" Luke asked her.

Luca wanted to know why he wanted to head to the hospital. "Is it that urgent?"

"Queenie is looking for Leia all day long. I think we should let her know what kind of person Leia is assoon as possible." Luke leaned back in his chair and looked at her.

Today, Jack texted Luke and complained to him that he was running out of ideas to stop Queenie fromlooking for Leia.

Leia was unreachable by phone, so Queenie wanted to get discharged from the hospital as soon aspossible.

What Luca and Jack said to her today was useless.

"But the kids..." Luca did not want to see Queenie upset.

"Aunt Neile is only getting off work later. The maid can stay a little longer. We'll head to the hospitalafter dinner. Tommy and Rainie would've finished their homework at that time." Luke arranged theschedule.

Luca could not find an excuse not to go to the hospital. She had no choice but to agree. "Let's ask Dr.Park to work overtime today. I'm worried Mrs. Norman won't be able to take it."

"Alright." Luke agreed to it. He picked up his phone and contacted Johann. As long as he was there,Queenie's life would not be in danger even if she passed out from shock.

Luca secretly thought to herself that it was not enough.

She thought of bringing her set of needles along with her, just in case.

After dinner, Luke checked the kids' homework for them. Then, after he signed their homework, hereminded the kids to be good and went out with Luca.

Tommy sat on the sofa and said grumpily, "Daddy always refuses to bring me along with him when hegoes out."

"Daddy and Ms. Luca aren't going out to have fun." Lanie sat straight on the sofa, listening to hisyounger brother complain about their father. He frowned and thought to himself, 'Tommy is a boy. Is itappropriate for him to be so clingy?'

As a brother, should he teach his younger brother to be more independent?

Tommy watched the cartoon show and said, "But Daddy and Ms. Luca are going to visit Grandpa andGrandma. I'd like to visit them too."

“They're out to handle some matters. And they'll be back soon.” Lanie shook his head. Although theadults did not tell the kids about it, Lanie understood what was going on.

He seemed to know a lot.

Tommy turned around and looked at him with confusion. How did he know?

"Have some fruits.” Lanie picked up a slice of fruit with a fork and handed it to Tommy.

Tommy took it from him and took a bite of the fruit. Then, he said embarrassedly, "Lanie, you're bossy,just like Daddy."

Lanie acted as though he did not hear what Tommy said. He picked up the book beside him andcontinued reading.

He was not interested in watching cartoon shows now. It was just that it was convenient for him to lookafter Tommy and read his book here.

Rainie and Tommy were watching TV, while Lanie read his book. A heavy silence fell upon the livingroom.

On the other hand...

Luca and Luke came to the hospital.

They got into the elevator and headed to the VIP floor. They saw Leia standing there when they walkedout of the elevator. Two security guards had stopped her, and they carried baton sticks in their hands,preventing her from getting past them.

"My parents are there. Who are you to stop me from getting in?!" Leia yelled at the two guards, "I'mgoing to deliver these fruits to them no matter what it takes. I'll call the police if the two of you keep onstopping me. I'll charge you with false imprisonment!"

The security guards pulled a long face. They felt like Leia's saliva was all over their faces as she hadbeen yelling at them for such a long time. "Ms. Norman, we can help you to pass the fruits to them.You're not allowed to enter."

"Are you kidding me?" Leia's complexion was sallow, and her eyes were red. "I'm calling the policenow. I'll have the police officers arrest you all!"

"Excuse me." Luke stood beside Leia and looked at her without an expression on his face. "You'reblocking the way."

Leia initially thought of blowing a fuse, but the moment she turned around and saw him, her face turnedpale with fear. "You."

"Are you really going to call the police?" Luke asked.

Leia did something wrong, so she dared not to call the police. The reason she said that was becauseshe wanted to scare the bodyguards and take the chance to go in to see what happened to Jack andQueenie.

Leia had asked Old Madam Norman and the caretaker who bought her meals about Jack andQueenie's situation before. They told her that the hospital did not tell them anything.

Hence, Leia had no idea if Jack and Queenie were healthy or in bad condition now.

Leia became more uneasy because of this. Hence, she kept trying to go into Jack and Queenie's wardto check on them again and again.

Leia would come here whenever she had the chance to do so. However, there were always securityguards keeping watch every time she came here. There were guards on duty even if it was in themiddle of the night.

Leia was depressed. Why was it not heavily guarded when she got admitted to the hospital last time?

"I..." Leia was at a loss for words.

“I can help you to call the police. I heard that the statement you gave them was a mess. The policeofficers will be willing to come here to take your statement again," Luke said with a cold expression onhis face.

He was not intimidating her.

The police were indeed dissatisfied with the statement Leia gave them.novelbin

"What's wrong with the statement? These people aren't allowing me to visit my parents. That'simprisonment." Leia knew Luke was threatening her. She said, "I know you're the one who instructedthem to do so. Don't forget they're my parents. If you keep them in captivity, I'll make sure that you'll goto prison."

Luke raised his brows. Prison?

Leia became even more confident after taking Matysh's money. Luke nodded and replied, "You speakso eloquently now. It should be fine for you to make a police statement."

After that, Luke said to the guards, "Call the police. Tell them someone is making a scene here. Get thepolice officers to come here and settle this."

"Yes, sir." The security guards were annoyed with Leia's behavior. They really wanted to call the policeafter hearing Luke say that.

"Who's making a scene here?! I came to see my parents!" The expression on Leia's face changedwhen she heard that.

If Leia was taken to the police station and watched under the eyes of so many police officers, shewould not be able to take it.

Luke walked straight past her.

Leia dared not to follow behind him. She saw one of the security guards pick up the walkie-talkie. Sheimmediately snatched it from him and warned him, "I'll sue you for harassing me if you dare call the


The security guard gave her a dirty look and said, "Ms. Norman, I'd suggest you go downstairs if youdon't want the police to come here and make yourself look bad."

"Hmph, I'll be back. You're all doomed when my parents get better!" Leia glowered at Luke viciouslyfrom behind.

Leia was convinced that all the problems she was facing now was Luke's plan.

What was he planning?

Leia felt even more uneasy about it. It had been a while since the police officers came to look for her.She had no idea how the investigation was going on.

Leia walked into the elevator. After she arrived at the hepatobiliary department, she called the phonenumber of the police officer who took her statement last time.

The police officer had given her his phone number. He told her to contact him right away when sherecalled any details when the incident happened.

Leia introduced herself after the call was answered. "I'm Leia Norman."

It took a few seconds for the police officer on the other end of the line to recall who Leia was. Hence,he asked, “Ms. Norman, did you recall something?”

"No. I told you everything the last time," replied Leia.

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