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Chapter 2625

Queenie could not help but wonder when she saw Jack's attitude. "Aren't you fond of Luca? What'swith your reaction now that I'm suggesting her becoming our god-daughter?"

"Perhaps Luca won't want to? Besides, Leia gets jealous easily. If we acknowledge Luca as ourgoddaughter, what will she think?" Jack immediately brought up the subject of Leia getting jealouswhen he noticed Queenie's intentions.

Queenie fell silent when he mentioned Leia.

If they really acknowledged Luca as their god-daughter, Leia would be jealous of Luca judging from herpersonality.

Queenie shook her head and said, "Forget about it."

It set Jack's mind at ease when Queenie gave up on the idea. After all, Luca was their biologicaldaughter. There was no need to acknowledge her as their god-daughter.

"I didn't know you still cared about Leia." Queenie heaved a sigh.

Jack was stunned for a moment. He was overwhelmed with complicated feelings for a minute or two.

He initially thought of making an excuse for Luca. Queenie misunderstood him and thought he did it forLeia's sake.

A disgusted feeling set in as he recalled what Leia had done in the past. "That's all. Let's put thisbehind us."

Queenie nodded.

Jack picked up the remote control and turned up the volume of the afternoon news. The couplewatched the news together.

After Luca walked out of Mr. and Mrs. Norman's ward, she took the remaining two bags from Warrenand headed to Wanda's ward.

Luca knocked on the door.

"Come in." Wanda's voice came from inside the room.

Luca pushed the door open and went in. "Ms. Rayne, have you had lunch?"

Wanda was a little surprised to see Luca. Her pale white lips curled up as she said, "I'm not hungry."

The caretaker beside her stood up and said, "Ms. Rayne had her first chemotherapy session today.She hasn't gotten used to it. That's why she didn't have lunch."

Luca frowned. No wonder Wanda looked so pale.

Many things had happened these days, and Luca forgot Wanda's chemotherapy schedule. She placedthe two bags on the coffee table and said, “I bought some fruits and supplements for you."

“Oh, you shouldn't have..." Wanda was about to get out of bed.

Luca stopped her. "Ms. Rayne, don't get out of bed if you're feeling unwell. Sit down."

"You too. Take a seat." Wanda was surprised Luca would come to visit her.

Wanda thought no one would be coming to visit her in the hospital except for Luke. After all, therelatives of Rayne's family were in their hometown. She did not inform anyone else about heradmission to the hospital and receiving treatment. She had to hide it from Old Master Rayne, after all.

Luca sat on the chair beside the bed.

Wanda asked, "Have you eaten? I bought some food at the cafeteria downstairs. Why don't you havesome?"

"Ms. Rayne, I've had lunch." Luca looked at Wanda's pale complexion. Wanda had only received thechemotherapy session once, and she already had such a big reaction. How was she able to hold on forthe next few sessions?

Furthermore, even though Wanda would be undergoing the surgery, judging from the deterioration ofthe tumor in her body, she would need to take a long course of chemotherapy treatment.

"What about some fruits?" Wanda asked again.

"It's okay, Ms. Rayne. They're for you." Luca looked at the lunchbox on the coffee table. It was leftthere. Then, Luca asked, "How does it feel to have your first chemotherapy session today?"

"I feel like vomiting. And I've lost my appetite." Wanda smiled bitterly. She knew it was painful to receivechemotherapy treatment, but she did not expect to have such serious side effects.

Wanda immediately grabbed the trash bin and vomited in it the moment she finished her first session.novelbin

The nurse who gave her the treatment said she was one of the few people who had such serious sideeffects.

It was only her first time. Hence, they might need to do some adjustments after this.

"That's serious.." Luca frowned and asked, "Did the doctor give you any herbal medicine?"

Luca had sent a prescription to Johann and asked him to give it to Wanda.

"No." Wanda shook her head.

"How's that possible?" Luca's brows furrowed deeper. Could it be that Johann had forgotten about it?

That was when the caretaker spoke, "I glanced at Ms. Rayne's medication notes this morning. They didprepare herbal medicine for Ms. Rayne, but they'll only give it to her at night."

"Is there really herbal medicine included in it?" Wanda asked.

"Yes. But it's my first time seeing someone taking herbal medicine and chemotherapy treatment. Couldit be a combination treatment?" said the caretaker. She had taken care of many cancer patients before.Hence, she slowly became familiar with their treatment and remedies.

"Luca, you're the one who prescribed the medicine, right?" Wanda turned to look at her.

"Yeah. I prescribed the medicine according to your condition. The herbal medicine will be able to easeyour pain when you're receiving chemotherapy treatment." Luca nodded and admitted it.

"Thank you." Wanda never thought that Luca would prescribe medicine for her.

“I saw the prescription in a book. I've never prescribed it to others before either. Ms. Rayne, please tellme right away if you feel unwell after taking the medicine. I'll change the prescription for you," Lucareminded her. She had faith in Shanks' prescription, but she had never prescribed it to others before.Perhaps some adjustments needed to be made.

"Okay, I trust you." Wanda nodded. Even though Luca told her that she had never prescribed it toothers before, what happened in the past made her believe in Luca unconditionally.

Luca smiled and said, "Why don't you eat a little?"

"I can't..." Wanda shook her head. "I vomited right after the chemotherapy session. I'm worried I'll feelsick again if I eat something."

"You can't be sure about that. Why don't you give it a try?" said Luca.

"Yes, Ms. Rayne. I've seen many patients vomit after the chemotherapy treatment, but they'd be finewhen having their meals. They were able to eat well." The caretaker persuaded Wanda too.

If Wanda refused to eat anything and only relied on the nutrient injection the doctor gave her, howcould that work?

She would be exhausted from receiving the chemotherapy treatment before she could get her surgerydone.

"Okay then. Let me try.." Wanda looked at Luca's worried expression. She had an indescribable urgenot to make Luca worry about her.

The caretaker handed the lunchbox to Wanda and said, "Ms. Rayne, I assumed you wouldn't feel likeeating too. That's why I bought some oatmeal for you. Have some. You'll feel better after filling yourstomach."

"Thank you." Wanda opened the cover of the lunchbox. The oatmeal was kept warm.

Wanda took two sips of the oatmeal. She did not feel nauseous as she thought she would.

Luca persuaded, "Have some more. You have to eat more to improve your health. You can't feel weakanymore."

If Wanda's body became weak, it would be troublesome to treat her during the later period.

Besides, she needed time.

Old Master Rayne was all alone at the villa, waiting for her to return. Luca hoped Wanda could stayhealthy and get through this.

"Okay. I'll have more." Wanda finished the oatmeal slowly.

"That's great." The caretaker smiled when she saw that. "Ms. Craw, you're good at this."

No matter how hard she tried to convince Wanda, she refused to listen to her.

Luca gave her a faint smile and said, "Does Ms. Rayne need to take any medicine after lunch?"

"Yes. It's just that she refused to have the oatmeal just now. I was worried it'd harm her stomach if shetook the medicine on an empty stomach. That's why I haven't given it to her," the caretaker nodded andreplied.

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