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Chapter 2617

“Yes, Mrs. Mallory." The maid immediately went to prepare.

After a while, Madam Mallory carried a tray and walked toward Old Master Mallory's bedroom door.She knocked on the door. The old master's voice came from inside the room. "Who is it?"

"Father, it's me," said Madam Mallory in a soft voice. "Mr. Bennett said that you haven't eaten anythingtoday. I made supper for you."

"I'm not eating. You can have it." Old Master Mallory did not open the door. His voice that came fromthe room sounded stiff.

Madam Mallory heard the old master's voice and knew he was still in a rage.

"Father, let's talk." She stood outside the door, pleading. Even if she was able to deal with Pierre'smatter without the old master's help, it would take some time for her to settle it.

Pierre would not be able to be patient and wait that long.

Besides, this matter could not be delayed for too long either.

Madam Mallory stood there, waiting for Old Master Mallory to say something.

"Come in." After a while, Old Master Mallory's voice came from inside the room.

Madam Mallory pushed the door open and entered the room. She placed the tray on the coffee tablebeside her. She knew the old master was still angry, and she did not mention Pierre's matter right away.Instead, she showed some concern. "Father, have some oatmeal even if you don't feel like eatinganything. How can you not eat anything for the whole day?"

The old master watched Madam Mallory fill up a bowl of oatmeal for him, and he askedexpressionlessly, "Is he back yet?"

Madam Mallory's heart skipped a beat. The old master had even changed the way he addressedPierre. It proved that he was truly angry now.

"Father, he didn't come back. Have some oatmeal." She picked up the bowl of oatmeal and served it tothe old master.

Old Master Mallory did not take it from her, and he asked, "He didn't come back? Where is he now?"

"I'm not sure." Madam Mallory could feel the heat of the oatmeal from the bowl, but she dared notmove.

There was no way Percy could kneel before Old Master Mallory and repent. Hence, as Percy's mother,she had to calm Old Master Mallory down.

Madam Mallory had married into the Mallory family for 30 years. Her husband was in charge of thecompanies abroad for years. She was left to manage the whole Mallory family, except Old MasterMallory.

Apologizing on behalf of someone and calming the old master down was also part of her job.

Madam Mallory felt helpless.

Old Master Mallory glared at her and scoffed. “How did you become a mother? Your eldest son andyoungest son are both misbehaving."

Madam Mallory looked down without saying anything.

Old Master Mallory forcefully requested, "Ask Pierre to get his *ss back here. He only knows how to runaway whenever something happens. What kind of man is he?"novelbin

"Father, Pierre can't come back now. He'll be taken away if he comes home..." Madam Mallory lookedat him with red, teary eyes. "The people from the Department of Justice and the police officers areoutside the villa now. They've been waiting for Pierre to show up. Won't he be walking right into a trap ifyou insist on him coming back now?"

"Shouldn't he be taken away after all those things he did?" Old Master Mallory was so mad that hisface was twisted in anger.

Old Master Mallory initially thought that he could get rid of Percy after the shareholders' meeting thistime. He did not expect that they would fail and Pierre would end up getting himself in trouble.

He recalled how he had brought Pierre along with him to visit the shareholders. He relied on his powerand status, asking them to support Pierre. He promised them that Mallory Corporation would continueto grow and be taken to greater heights once Pierre took over the positions of chairman and CEO.

How assured he was when he promised the shareholders back then was how embarrassed he wasnow.

Many called him to ask about his matter after what had happened to Pierre. On the surface, theyseemed to be concerned about him, but they were actually laughing at how the Mallory family hadbrought shame to themselves.

The two brothers were fighting against each other. The more they fought, the more ridiculous it was.Old Master Mallory was mad at Percy, but he was even madder at Pierre.

"Father." Madam Mallory uttered helplessly. She was Pierre's mother. Even though she wasreasonable, she could not agree with Old Master Mallory saying that Pierre should be taken away.

If she agreed with him, there would be no other way out for Pierre.

"He embarrassed me! You've already cleaned up his mess for him back then. Why? Are you still sidingwith him now? Since he thinks he has what it takes to do businesses in the legal gray area, then heshould be able to deal with this mess himself." Old Master Mallory knocked the ground with his walkingcane in frustration. There was a thump, and Madam Mallory was startled.

"Father, you're right, but Pierre is incapable of dealing with this now. Let's help him.." Madam Mallorypleaded while secretly wondering to herself if she should ask Pierre's father to plead for him too.

"Stop it. Get out of here." Old Master Mallory was in a bad mood.

He did not know what sin he committed to have his successor, whom he had been training for years,betray the whole family for a woman.

The other successor was even more outrageous. He did so many absurd things for the sake of thoselittle interests!

Madam Mallory saw the hard look on the old master's face. She knew it was not the right time to speakup for Pierre now. She had no choice but to nod and reply, “Father, I'll leave the oatmeal here. Havesome. Don't starve yourself."

After that, she left the old master's bedroom.

The door was closed. Old Master Mallory's face was still gloomy. He moved the mouse, and thecomputer screen lit up right away.

He looked at the news shown on the computer screen.

Old Master Mallory had already asked his men to buy the trending topics this afternoon, but there wasno sign of them getting Pierre's news off the trending list.

No matter what kind of trending topic it was, there was no way it could replace the popularity of thenews posted by Percy on the internet.

Other than that, he also contacted the owner of the online forum, but they told him that they could notdelete the post. It would cause chaos if they deleted the post, and they could not afford to bear suchresponsibility.

Old Master Mallory let out a sigh. He had to admit that he was getting old. He had given power andauthority away for too long, and his words were no longer powerful.

If it were in the past, would they say no to him?

Old Master Mallory's eyes darkened as he looked at the negative articles that were constantly poppingup.

He did not mean what he said just now. He was angry, and that was why he said something like that.

The truth was, how could he leave Pierre to himself?

If he truly did not care about Pierre, he would not have bought the trending topics or contacted theperson in charge of the online forum.

He was in the heat of the moment when he said those things just now.

There was no way one of the family members of the Mallory family could be a prisoner. Old MasterMallory had to cover up for Pierre. It was just that Pierre had yet to contact him after he got into trouble.He did not even apologize to him...

Old Master Mallory picked up the landline telephone on his desk and pressed the butler's calling code.

"Yes, Old Master Mallory. Is there anything you need?" Mr. Bennett asked after he answered the call.

"Come to my room." Old Master Mallory hung up the call.

After a while, Mr. Bennett knocked on the door. Then, he pushed the door open and came in. "OldMaster Mallory."

"Have you found him?" asked Old Master Mallory. He asked Mr. Bennett looked for someone else tofind out where Pierre was after he could not reach him.

"Not yet, Old Master Mallory." Mr. Bennett shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Old Master Mallory frowned. His men were never inefficient in doing their job. Whywas it so difficult to find out where Pierre was?

"Your men have been to places Mr. Pierre often goes to. They've also contacted his friends. There wasno sign of Mr. Pierre anywhere," answered Mr. Bennett.

"He's hiding very well," said Old Master Mallory, "He must be hiding in one of his friends' places. Askthem to look for him there."

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