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Chapter 2610

After Rhett left her office, Luca turned her attention to the report.

Ten minutes later, Luca could not help but rejoice.novelbin

The sample she made and the data of the previous samples were more or less the same.

Moreover, she could see the efficacy of the sample neutralizing the poison in her blood. The indexes ofthe blood that had been neutralized were more positive.

Luca had a feeling that she only had to change the formula of the solution to be able to produce theantidote.

She would also need Amur's blood for her research.

Her phone rang while she was lost in her thoughts, wondering how she could collect Amur's bloodsample without letting him know about her research.

She glanced at her phone. It was Luke.

Luca picked up her phone and answered the call. She greeted him respectfully as she was at herworkplace, "Mr. Crawford."

“Did you watch the live broadcast of Mallory Corporation?” asked Luke. He regretted not exhaustingher last night when he heard her address him in such an estranged formal manner.

Otherwise, why was this woman not keeping his words in mind?

“I did.” Luca had no idea why Luke would ask her such a question.

“Percy is treating us to dinner tonight. Tell Warren to send you to Traders Hotel after work," said Luke.Percy had just called him and told him that he had reserved a private room at Traders Hotel.

He had told Luke that he would like to thank him for his help, but it was also meant to be a celebrationdinner.

"But the kids..." Luca knew why Percy invited Luke to the dinner, but she had not offered Percy anyhelp so it felt weird for her to be invited. That was why Luca had used her kids as an excuse.

"Aunt Neile and the maid will be there. You don't have to worry about them. Plus, Nina personallyinvited you," interrupted Luke, not giving her the chance to reject his invitation.

Percy would certainly be taking Nina along with him to the dinner, and Jim's wife would be comingalong too. There was no way Luke was going alone.

Their wives had no idea about Luca's situation, but Percy and Jim knew about Luca's true identity —that she was Bianca.

Hence, given Luca's identity and their relationship, there was nothing wrong with going with Luke.

“Okay..." Luca knew she had no choice but to go to dinner with Luke.

"I'll see you after work," Luke hung up the call after Luca promised that she would come along. He hada lot of work to do.

Luca let out a sigh, listening to the busy tone from the other end of the line. Then, she put her phoneaside.

Luca pondered for a moment and picked up her phone again. She sent a message to Amur: [Youthere?]

[Yes.] Amur replied instantly.

[Mallory Corporation's shareholders' meeting has ended. Things didn't work out for Pierre and he failedto become the CEO of Mallory Corporation. You can make your move anytime now.] wrote Luca. Shewas worried that Amur had not paid attention to this. Therefore, she made sure to inform him in the firstinstance,

[Okay. I have to come up with a plan.] replied Amur. He had been keeping an eye on Pierre and startedto devise a plan two days ago.

However, he was not planning to tell Luca about it.

If Amur let Luca know what his plan was, she might get herself involved in this.

Amur did not want Luca to get involved.

Lately, he had a strong feeling that Luca would be able to free herself from Abel's manipulation one dayand live a normal life again when the time came.

Hence, it would be better for Luca to not have blood on her hands.

The people from the Island of Despair were either heartless or suffering from emotional stress. Theyhad blood on their hands. Those who were able to bear the guilt of someone's death had become coldand heartless people. They would not feel distressed when they were carrying out their mission.Instead, they might even feel excited.

It was because murdering someone had become something they loved.

However, for those who were unable to stand it, it would be extremely painful for them every time theycarried out a mission.

After they accomplished the mission of murdering someone they had nothing to do with, it would hauntthem for the rest of the days, recalling how they murdered that person, and how the gleam of light in

their target's eyes dimmed at the end of their life. It was a painful process for them.

He did not wish to see Luca end up like that.

Luca pondered for a moment and asked: [Oh, can you do me a favor?]

[Sure.] Amur did not ask what help Luca needed. He would still do it even if he had to go through fireand water to help her.

[I'm working on research these days and I need some human blood, but our country only allows us toapply for local blood samples for research purposes. I was wondering if you can draw some blood ofyours for me for the experiment. I need a foreigner's blood sample." Luca came up with a bad excuse.

[No problem. When do you need it?] Amur did not suspect anything. He immediately said yes. It wasjust drawing some blood. He was willing to help Luca as long as it was not beyond his capabilities.[Anytime when it's convenient to do so. I'm not in a hurry.] replied Luca.

[I can do it anytime. It's up to you.] Amur replied.

[How about tomorrow? I'll meet you at the apartment.] Luca pondered and immediately replied. If shecould get Amur's blood sample, she would have another sample for her research. It would greatly helpin her research of producing the antidote.

[Okay.] Amur agreed.

Luca put down her phone. Amur promised to help her. The thought that had been troubling her hadbeen solved. She felt her worries drain,

Half an hour later, the telephone on Luca's desk rang.

“What's the matter?" asked Luca.

“Dr. Craw, you have a foreign friend who has just arrived at the office. He said he'd like to see you. He'sat the first floor's entrance." Mo Stone's voice came from the other end of the line.

Foreign friend?

Luca's heart skipped a beat. Abel's face came into her mind in the first instance.

Still, would Abel come looking for her? Was he not afraid of exposing himself?

Luca suddenly remembered how Abel approached Luke by telling him that he was working in the sameindustry back then. He was not afraid of getting exposed. She felt her stomach churn with dread.

Her hands could not help but shiver.

Mo Stone, who was on the other end of the line, called her name, "Dr. Craw?"

Luca took a deep breath, looked down, and asked, "What's his name?"

"I think it's A." Mo Stone paused for a moment. "I forgot, but the front desk said that he's your youngerbrother..."

"Okay. I got it. I'll be right there in a moment." Luca hung up the call. She reckoned that it was Amurwhen she heard Mo Stone saying that that person was her younger brother.

However, did she not tell Amur that they would be seeing each other tomorrow? Why did he come?

Luca picked up her phone and called Amur.

The call was answered and Luca asked, "Amur, are you downstairs?"

"Yes. I'm downstairs," replied Amur. He already knew Luca had moved from T Corporation to WatsonBiopharmaceuticals earlier.

"Okay. I'm coming," said Luca.

Luca put on her coat and hurried downstairs. She saw Amur in the hall on the first floor indeed.

"Amur, didn't I tell you we'll meet tomorrow? Why did you come here today?" asked Luca, trottingtowards him. It set her mind at ease when she saw it was Amur.

"I was worried that it'd delay your research. That's why I came here." simpered Amur. He rolled hissleeves up, signaling her to draw his blood.

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