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Chapter 2585

"Okay." Luca followed the police officers to the nurse's lounge and made a detailed statement aboutwhat happened.

The police officers listened to what Luca said and wrote the statement at the same time. The victimsinvolved in this case were Mr. Norman and Mrs. Norman, and that was why he took it seriously.

In the ward.

Jack had already woken up.

Luke came forward and asked caringly, "Dad, are you feeling better?"

"I'm a little light-headed..." Jack narrowed his eyes and looked at his environment. After making surethat he was in the hospital, he recalled what happened before he passed out. When he saw Luca makeherself a hostage to save Queenie, he became anxious and wanted to get out of bed right away.

"Dad, please lie still." Luke pressed the call bell.

"How's Queenie doing? What about Luca? She became a hostage. Was she taken away by them?"Jack asked anxiously. Queenie was his wife, and Luca was his biological daughter. How could he notbe worried?

"Luca is slightly injured. She's fine. As for Mom, look to your right." Luke glanced to the left. Queeniewas lying on another ward bed, and she was still unconscious.

Johann said it was Luca's request.

She knew Jack and Queenie would certainly be concerned about one another. That was why she mightas well let the two of them stay in the same ward.

Jack heard Luke and turned around. Even though he felt dizzy, he could see Queenie on the otherward bed.

"Queenie," Jack called out.

Queenie, who was on the bed, did not respond.

"Mom is still unconscious. The doctor did a CT scan, and she's not suffering from any brain injury at themoment. She was too frightened that she passed out. The two of you have to stay in the hospital forobservation. You'll have to undergo another CT scan tomorrow. You'll be able to go back home and restif you're fine. Remember to tell the doctor if you're not feeling well when he comes here later," Lukesaid a lot to set Jack's mind at ease.

"Luca is injured? Which part of her body is injured? Were those men caught?" Jack questioned.

His wife was fine, but what about his precious daughter?

"She has a hand injury. It'll take half a month for it to recover. Don't worry, the police officers havearrested those men. Luca is on this floor, but she's giving a statement to the police now," Lukecontinued to explain.

“Glad to hear that..." Jack let out a sigh of relief.

Jack passed out when he saw Luca being held hostage. He did not know what happened after that.

Johann pushed the ward door open and walked into the ward. He noticed Jack had woken up, so hecame near the bed and asked, "Mr. Norman, how are you feeling?"

"I feel light-headed." A sudden feeling of dizziness hit Jack. He closed his eyes and frowned.

"Okay. The CT scan shows that there's no bleeding in your brain. It might be the concussion after animpact on your head. It'll take two days for you to recover from a concussion. Other than that, do youfeel unwell anywhere else?" Johann picked up his ophthalmoscope and flashed the light into Jack'seyes to observe them.

The responses of his pupils and cornea were normal.

"I feel pain," Jack added.

"Your body's CT scan is normal too. There are no fractured bones. It's probably muscle strain afterfalling. Don't worry, you'll recover soon," said Johann. A middle-aged man like Jack was consideredlucky to not have gotten any bone fractures or brain injuries after a heavy fall.

"What about my wife?" Jack was not concerned about his condition. He only wanted to find out howQueenie was doing.

Queenie was physically weak. He was afraid that her heart and blood pressure would not be able todeal with the psychological shock.

"Mrs. Norman's CT scan is the same as yours. There's no problem with it. The bruises on her body willslowly recover too. Don't worry about it," replied Johann. He walked toward Queenie's ward.

Then, he opened Queenie's eyes to examine them.

Her eyes were fine.

"Why is she still unconscious?" Jack questioned again. He was worried about Queenie losingconsciousness.

"Mr. Norman, rest assured. It's normal for different people to wake up at different times after passingout. You're in a better condition than Mrs. Norman, and that's why you woke up earlier. Mrs. Norman is

physically weaker, so it takes a longer time for her to wake up. Don't worry, Mrs. Norman will wake upwithin the next three hours." Johann turned around and comforted him.

The fact that Jack was admitted to the hospital had caught the hospital director's attention.

He instructed Johann to be Jack's and Queenie's attending physician while they were in the hospitalbefore Johann could even put in the request.

"That's good to hear.." Jack then fell silent.

No one knew if Jack was feeling unwell or if he was worried about Queenie and Luca. He seemedreluctant to speak.

"Oh, by the way, Ms. Norman was admitted to the hospital too, but we don't have any more VIP wards.Do we need to add another bed here?" Johann asked for his opinion.

Other patients took the single VIP wards in the hospital. Moreover, they were seriously ill, and therewas no way they could be moved to other wards.

The ward Jack was currently staying in was the family VIP ward. It could accommodate two to threebeds.

“Let her stay in the general ward," Jack said in an annoyed tone with his eyes closed.

“Okay," replied Johann. "Dr. Craw is considerate. She arranged a family ward for Mrs. Norman and youwhen the two of you were admitted to the hospital. That way, the two of you can be together and youwon't have to worry about each other."

"Luca requested this?" Jack asked in surprise. He thought the hospital did not have any other wardsand that was why they made such arrangements for him.

"Yes. It's the family VIP ward." Johann stopped mentioning Leia when he noticed Jack was notconcerned about her condition.

"It's a great idea," replied Jack.

"Okay. Please press the call bell if there's anything you need." After examining both of them, Johannturned around, looked at Luke, and said, "Have you hired the caretaker?"novelbin

"No." Luke came here in a hurry. The first thing he did when he arrived at the hospital was to check onLuca's injury, and he had yet to make such arrangements.

"I got you an experienced caretaker. I can call her to come up here right away if there's a need,"Johann asked for Luke's opinion.

"Sure." Luke nodded.

Even though the Norman family hired maids, the caretaker was better at her job when it was aboutlooking after someone.

Besides, the couple was admitted to the hospital together. The Norman family's maids were up to theirnecks, and they might not be able to handle so many matters. It would be better to hire a caretaker toshare the workload.

"Okay. Please excuse me. I have to get ready to perform surgery later," said Johann as he was aboutto leave.

Jack spoke again, "Dr. Park."

"Yes, Mr. Norman? Is there anything you need?" Johann paused.

"Please tell the nurse to stop Leia from coming up here," said Jack. Speaking of Leia, he did not askthe reason Leia got admitted to the hospital.

Jack refused to see Leia now, and he was reluctant to let her disturb him and Queenie.

"Okay, sure," replied Johann with a smile. After he left the ward, he instructed the head nurse to watchout for Leia and forbade her from entering the ward to stop her from disturbing Mr. Norman and Mrs.Norman.

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