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Chapter 2583

Rain explained it to him since the men were brought into the police cars.

After all, in the eyes of these uninformed people, Luke was not single. His wife was abroad.

No one knew Luca was Bianca.

The police chief was taken aback by what she said. 'What is this all about?'

Rain knew he did not understand the situation, so she said, "The target of these people is Luca. Ms.Craw is our boss' subordinate. He knew that her life was being threatened, so he asked us to protecther."

"So that woman is just your boss' employee?" The police chief understood.

"Mm, I work for Mr. Luke Crawford. Ms. Craw came over today because she was invited by Mr. andMrs. Norman. We didn't expect those gangsters to dare to make a move here," Rain said.

The police chief now fully understood the situation. He nodded and said, "Mm, follow us to the policestation to record your statement in person."

"Not a problem." Rain nodded in agreement.

In the hospital...

Jack and Queenie got out of the ambulance, and Johann was already waiting at the entrance of theemergency room.

Luca explained the situation, and Johann immediately asked the intern to conduct a brain examinationfor the two.

He was worried that the two bruised their heads when they fell to the ground.

The intern followed through immediately.

"They didn't have any cushioning when they fell to the ground. I'm worried something would be wrongwith their bones too," Luca said.

"Don't worry, I'll do a detailed CT examination and prioritize the brain. After all, the brain is moreimportant," Johann said and opened the eyelids of Queenie and Jack.

He was unsure if it was because they hit their brains or were frightened, but both of them had passedout.

"Hurry up, get them checked first," Johann instructed the paramedics.

The paramedics hurriedly pushed them in.

Johann looked at Luca and said, "Dr. Craw, let me take care of your wounds."

"It's okay, it's been treated in the ambulance." Luca shook her head. When the ambulance rushed tothe hospital, the paramedics sterilized her wound with iodine and made a simple bandage.

"That treatment is too simple, and it's easy for your wound to get infected. Let me see. If you needstitches, I'll stitch it up for you. The scar won't be obvious after it heals," Johann said. Luke asked himto do it.

Luca shook her head. Although Johann was skilled at stitching wounds and she believed she would notget a scar, she was more worried about Queenie and Jack. She said, "Let other doctors help me. Youshould go attend to Mr. and Mrs. Norman."

Johann knew that she was worried about Jack and Queenie, so he said with a smile, "If you keep goingon and on, I won't be able to check in on them. Someone told me to treat your wound in person and

they'll check the results. It'll take about ten minutes for the couple's test results to come out. I can treatyour wound during this time."

Luca knew who he was talking about and had no choice but to follow Johann into the hospital.

She sat in the consultation room while Johann took apart the gauze and checked her wound. "You heldthe blade directly?"

"Yeah." Luca nodded stiffly. At that time, that was the only way for her to escape from danger.

She would rather fight for her life rather than be caught by those people and sent to Matysh.

"You're so hard on yourself. You need stitches. Wait a minute," Johann said and walked out of theroom.

After a while, he walked in with a suture bag and said, "It'll hurt a little bit. Do you need anesthetics?"

"No, it's too troublesome to apply anesthetics. Just stitch me up." Luca shook her head. She wantedJohann to deal with the wound quickly so that he could go treat Jack and Queenie.

"You're so tough on yourself. Okay, take deep breaths." Johann started stitching her wound after hecleaned it.

After the sutures, he bandaged her up once more and noticed her pale face due to the pain. "I gaveyou a tetanus shot just in case. Go pay the fee and get the medicine. I also prescribed some solutionsfor you to clean the wound, If you think it's troublesome to make another trip here, you can wash andbandage it yourself after. If you have the time, you can also come to the hospital to clean your wound."

"Okay." Luca nodded and stood up.

Johann's intern walked in and reminded, "Dr. Park, the CT results of the two patients who wereadmitted just now have come out."

"I see." Johann scanned through the report on the computer without delay.

Luca wanted to pay the bill, but she heard what the intern said. She stopped and waited for Johann toreview the report and provide a diagnosis.

Johann looked at the two reports carefully and eventually said, "The CT scan shows no bleeding intheir heads, but we still need to observe and wait for 24 hours to conduct another examination. Havethem admitted to the hospital for now."

"Yes." The intern hurried off. He knew that Jack and Queenie were no ordinary patients so he did notdare to cause any delay.

Luca asked, "What about the rest of their bodies?"

Aside from the head, she was also worried about Jack and Queenie's bones.

After all, the two were not young. There might be an issue if they fell.

"I took a look and there's no problem for the time being. Issues with the bones are much easier to solvethan problems involving the head and internal organs. We'll see what they say when they wake up,"Johann said.

Luca nodded. Since there was no problem with the CT scan, there was a high probability that therewould not be a significant problem. Nevertheless, they still needed to be hospitalized for observation.

"Dr. Park, can you put them in the same ward?" she asked.

After all, they must be worried about each other. If they were both in the same ward, they could feelmore rest assured.

"I'll arrange a family-style VIP ward." Johann nodded and agreed to her request.

"I'll go get the bill first," Luca said and walked out of the clinic with the medical order.

When she walked to the cashier, she chose to stand in the back line. She felt a little helpless as shestared at the long line.

Unexpectedly, all three of her relatives were hospitalized.

Wanda, Queenie, Jack...novelbin

As she thought of that, Luca was reminded of Leia's face again. Her smile was the joy after asuccessful plan, and the joy after seeing Jack and Queenie injured...

Luca thought that Leia was the most beloved adopted daughter of her biological parents and that shewould be filial and take care of them. Now, however, she knew that she thought wrong.

Since Leia was such a terrible person, Luca did not want her to get better.

Luca thought about it, and after she paid the fee, she went to get the medicine.

She held the tetanus needle and walked to the injection room. She jabbed herself with the help of thenurse.

Luke called when she was about to leave. "Luca, where are you?"

"I'm at the outpatient injection room. I just had a tetanus shot," Luca said.

"I'll come to you," Luke said and hung up the call.

Luca stayed where she was and waited for him to come to her.

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