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Chapter 2555

Next Monday was also the first day of school for the kids. Zander would be in charge of taking thechildren to school, so the only thing that needed to be done in the morning was to prepare breakfast forthem.

Luca figured that she could do it alone, so she agreed to Aunt Neile’s ask.

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Craw." Aunt Neile breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's nothing. If there’s nothing else you want to talk about, I have to head to the office now. By the way,when Mr. Crawford goes to work, please remind him to bring along his coffee," Luca reminded her.

"Okay, Ms. Craw." Aunt Neile watched Luca leave, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

She was glad that Luca agreed. Otherwise, she would have to trouble others to send her grandson toschool.

After she stepped out of the villa, Luca got into Warren's car and headed to the office.

It was a big day for Watson Biopharmaceuticals. The drug developed was classified as medicalinsurance drugs, so they would discuss the price with the relevant government departments so it couldbe listed.

The final price of the drug would affect the company's operating profit and the bonus her researchgroup ultimately received.

After she arrived at the office, Luca returned to the office and put down the briefcase. She then went tothe laboratory and waited to know the final price of the drug with the research team.

The drug pricing and listing were all done by other departments, so everyone in the research teamcould only wait for their colleagues to announce the final price.

Finally, the price was decided after some discussion.

The crowd cheered.

The price was very reasonable. The government did not set it too low, so the bonus they would receivewould be quite generous.

"Great, it's a fair price," Rhett said. He had been exposed to drug pricing, so he knew the reasonableprice range.

He looked at Luca. Everyone was smiling, but she was silently looking at a document. Her mood wasnot influenced by the announcement of the price of the drug.

Rhett could not help but sigh in his heart at how Luca was different from the others.

No matter how experienced professors were, they would smile with satisfaction when the drugs theyresearched got a reasonable price. It was a kind of affirmation for their drug research.

Few were like Luca, who had an indifferent expression.

"Dr. Craw, congratulations." A researcher leaned over and congratulated her.

Luca closed the document and nodded lightly. "This is a drug developed by everyone on the team.Congratulations to everyone for getting confirmation from the government and relevant departments."

Her research was built on Shanks' research.

Although the drugs developed by Shanks lacked a lot of clinical steps, most of them were reliable andtheir efficacy was better than many drugs on the market.

Therefore, her research was much better than other drugs and the clinical data was also positive, sothe price was higher than their competitors in the market.

After the patent application gets approved, Watson Biopharmaceuticals would obtain significant profits.

Luca looked at the contract being signed on the screen and breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, Abel could not hurt Watson Biopharmaceuticals.

As she thought of that, Luca could not help but wonder why Abel insisted on having her research thisproject.

She knew that there were biopharmaceutical companies under Abel's name.

They were a lot bigger than Watson Biopharmaceuticals.

If he had kept the project for his companies, the profits would have been umpteen.

Instead, he gave the project to Watson Biopharmaceuticals and did not sabotage it. What in the worldwas he plotting?

‘Isn't he going to take Luke on?’

At how things went, he was not messing with Luke. Rather, he was promoting the stable growth ofWatson Biopharmaceuticals and T Corporation.

Luca could not help but wonder what Abel had up his sleeves.

She stood up and walked out.

The researchers in the lab looked at each other. One of them could not help but wonder, "Is Dr. Crawdissatisfied with the price of the drug?"

"No, it's a bit higher than we expected. Dr. Craw doesn't look dissatisfied," another researcher said.

"Is it? Why isn’t she smiling, then? She’s as indifferent as a bystander..."

"You're wrong. If she were a bystander, she would be jealous, not indifferent. We have the highest pricefor similar drugs in the market. If others hear about it, how can they not be jealous?"

"Yes, and the data effect is also the best," another person echoed.novelbin

"Then, Dr. Craw is..."

"Dr. Craw is used to scenes as such, so this is nothing to her at all." Rhett could not stay quiet anyfurther and chimed in.

All the researchers looked at Rhett.

"By the way, Mr. Link, I heard that Dr. Craw used to work in an overseas biopharmaceutical company.Does she still have any other patents? Is that why she thinks nothing of this price?" one of theresearchers asked curiously.

The company had all of the professors' employee profiles. The other professors had a long list ofachievements. Luca's was short and simple.

She did not mention any of her achievements.

When she first joined the group, the researchers had no hope for her at all. When they heard that otherprojects needed more manpower, they even had the idea of jumping over.

They were glad they did not hop on to other projects.

Luca's CV was simple, but when she was running experiments with them, her direction and ideas wereclear. The experiment was completed with almost little to no thinking.

"I don't know either." Rhett shook his head. He did not know what Luca was thinking about either.

"How is that possible? I heard that you chose to be Dr. Craw's assistant. You should know Dr. Craw'sabilities before you chose to be her assistant, right?" The researcher did not believe Rhett. They joinedthe company a little after Rhett, so they thought that he knew a lot about what was happening.

Rhett stood up and emphasized to them with a stern expression on his face, "What I know about Dr.Craw is from her profile. I chose to be Dr. Craw's assistant because I was interested in her project.There's an elder in my family who passed away because of this disease, so I wanted to work with Dr.Craw to develop a drug with a better therapeutic effect."

Seeing that Rhett's expression was serious, the researchers did not dare to ask any more questions.

Luca went back to her office.

The landline on the desk rang.

Mo was usually the one calling this number, so she answered the call. "What's the matter?"

"Dr. Craw, Mr. Whitlock asked you to go up." Mo conveyed the general manager's message.

"Okay, I'll head up now." Luca left the office after she locked the documents in the drawer.

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