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Chapter 2549

Warren did not ask for more details. After he entered the address, he followed the navigation app andstarted driving.

As soon as the car pulled out to the roadside, Luca noticed that a black Corolla was following them.

She put on a faint smile and reminded Warren, "There's a black Corolla following us."

"Yes." Warren glanced through the rear mirror and saw the black Corolla she was referring to.

"This car has been parked near the office," he said. Warren would wander around and inspect while hewas waiting for Luca. He was Gale's subordinate and had undergone special training, so he was alertto his surrounding environment.

"Mm." Luca nodded. ‘It seems that Gale's subordinates are not bad.’

"How did you know that they’re after you?" Warren asked.

"When I was eating lunch, they were taking photos and the flash went off," Luca explained. She wasnot a movie star who was used to the camera, so she was sensitive to flashes as such.

She would not necessarily have noticed if the flash had not gone off.

Of course, if they were following her, Warren and her would find out sooner or later.

"You still went downstairs alone?" Warren's tone became serious.

"I was just having lunch, and there were so many people around during lunchtime. They wouldn't dareto do anything to me in front of so many people," Luca explained.

"You still have to pay attention. They can take action at any time," Warren said. The Corolla behind wasstill following them.

Whenever he sped up slightly, the other party would also speed up. If he slowed down a little bit, theother party would also slow down immediately. The car was deliberately maintaining a certain distancefrom them.

"Okay, I'll pay more attention," Luca promised.

Although those men would not make a move on her in public, there was no harm in being extra careful.

Luke mentioned that Matysh did not have much time to waste because his family was already annoyedwith him being in A City for so long.

Moreover, Gordan seemed to have found some blackmail material on Matysh. He might be detained bythe relevant departments and deported before he could do anything to her.

As such, she had to be more careful and not allow them any chance to make a move. It was entirelypossible that the matter would resolve on its own.

Warren drove to the location designated by the navigation. He found a parking spot, parked the car,and said, "Ms. Craw, we're here."

Luca glanced out the window and noticed that the Corolla was still around. It was looking for a parkingspace. She lowered her gaze and was amazed that these men went as far as to follow her here."Warren, can you come with me to get groceries?"novelbin

"Okay." Warren unbuckled his seat belt and agreed to accompany her to go shopping to better ensureher safety.

After Luca got out of the car, she walked into the supermarket with Warren.

She wanted to cook for Amur, so she bought a lot of ingredients. She thought that the seasonings inthe apartment would have expired after so long, so she bought new seasonings and then walked back

to the parking lot with two big bags of groceries.

The car was still there.

"Did they follow us into the supermarket just now?" Luca asked.

"Probably not," Warren said. Those men would probably not get out of the car if they were not about tomake a move. They would just follow behind their car.

"Drive into the apartment building later so that they won't be able to come in," Luca said and instructedWarren to drive to her apartment.

After they arrived at the apartment, Luca made a note to the security guard at the door, then Warrendrove into the apartment without a hitch.

The black Corolla could only park near the entrance.

They could not get in since they did not have a key card.

Warren stopped the car in a parking space and said, "Ms. Craw, I'll wait here for you."

"I'll come downstairs after I finish dinner with my brother. You can go to the nearby restaurant to getsomething to eat," Luca said. She and Amur needed some time to catch up.

If she did not have something to discuss with Amur, she would have invited Warren upstairs. However,their conversation could not be heard by Warren, so Luca could not invite him to dinner.

"Okay, Ms. Craw." Warren nodded and got out of the car.

He watched Luca from the car. He left only after she walked into the apartment building with the twobags.

Warren did not drive the car off. On the way to Luca's apartment, he noticed that there were severalrestaurants nearby. He was happy to have dinner in one of those places.

Luca walked into the elevator with the bags and happened to see Mrs. Selley, the neighbor across herplace.

"Are you Ms. Craw?" Mrs. Selley looked her up and down several times before she asked to confirm.

"Yes." Luca looked at the woman who was talking and recognized that she lived across from her."Hello."

"Long time no see. Are you moving back?" Mrs. Selley asked.

"No, my brother is back and I'm having dinner with him," Luca explained.

Mrs. Selley stroked her arm. She had met Amur. She could not help but sigh as she said, "Foreignerslike yourself are too bold. A security guard died in that house and your brother dares to step in? It’s ajinxed house."

Luca remembered the security guard who lost his life tragically because of her.

"We don't believe in these," she said as the feeling of guilt grew stronger at the thought of the poorsecurity guard who was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"This is A City. We have an old saying here. It’s better to believe something’s real than to believe it’snonexistent. Your place has been vacant, but I sometimes hear noises inside when I stand in thecorridor. You should move out as soon as you can!" Mrs. Selley said. She got goosebumps on her armwhen she thought of Luca’s scary house.

After she heard what Mrs. Selley mentioned, the other lady in the elevator said, "Yeah, I feel terribleevery time I take the elevator past your floor. The elevator sometimes opens and there would be aweird breeze. It's horrifying! I would’ve moved out long ago if I had the money."

"Isn't it? Speaking of which, our family is also unlucky. If this incident hadn't happened, we could havesold the house for a little more and swapped it for a bigger house. Now that this has happened, myhouse no longer holds its value. I can't afford to move either. All I can do is wear a talisman to keepmyself safe." Mrs. Selley said as she touched the talisman hanging in front of her chest.

Luca sighed to herself.

She sent a sum of money to the security guard's family but did not manage to visit his family as she gottoo busy. She wondered how they were doing.

Life should not be easy since they had lost their breadwinner...

Luca felt guilty and decided to visit them that weekend.

When the elevator reached their floor, Mrs. Selley saw that Luca did not seem to intend to get off theelevator, so she said, "Ms. Craw, we’re here."

Luca came to her senses, nodded, and stepped out of the elevator.

Mrs. Selley thought she was frightened by what she said just now, so she comforted her. "Ms. Craw,don't worry about what I said just now. Even if there were sounds, I only hear them early in themorning. You’ll be fine as long as you’re not around after midnight."

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