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Chapter 2542

What Aunt Neile said was exactly what Luca had in mind.

She was right. Luke was working too hard.

Even though Luke was healthy and strong now, if he continued to work like this, his body would not beable to take it. Although he was still young, the nights he stayed up to work would damage his healthand have him end up falling sick when he got older.

Something suddenly came into Luca's mind, and she said, “Aunt Neile, I'll write down a few diet plansfor you later. Why don't you make the food according to them for Mr. Crawford when he has dinner athome?"

"Diet plans? Ms. Craw, is something wrong with Mr. Crawford's health?" Aunt Neile asked anxiously.

Aunt Neile knew Luca studied naturopathy, so after she heard Luca mention diet plans, she panickedas she was worried Luke was having some health issues.

Luca shook her head and replied, "Mr. Crawford is healthy. I just think that he should take special careof his diet since he's been working so hard. That way, his health won't be affected when he gets older."

"Is that really the case?" Aunt Neile was still doubting it. She was worried Luca was just trying tocomfort her.novelbin

If anything happened to Luke's health, Aunt Neile had to report to Old Master Crawford and let himknow about it.

"Aunt Neile, it's true. Besides, the recipes are for people who work long hours and stay up at night.They're not only for Mr. Crawford." Luca could tell Aunt Neile refused to believe her. Luca immediatelylaid her anxious heart to rest to prevent her from making a big deal out of it.

Although Aunt Neile was still a little suspicious, she chose to believe what Luca said.

"Okay. Ms. Craw, give me the recipes. I'll prepare the food for Mr. Crawford this weekend," said AuntNeile.

"Okay. I'll give them to you tonight." Luca nodded.

"You said these recipes are good for those who stay up late for work, right? My son and daughter-inlawwork hard too..." Aunt Neile turned to look at her.

"Yes. The herbal medicine in the recipes is mild. Everyone can take it," said Luca. Then, she added,"But it'd be better for children not to have it."

"Okay. I got it. Thank you, Ms. Craw," Aunt Neile thanked Luca. She had always wanted to makesomething for her son and daughter-in-law who had been working hard too.

However, she did not have enough money to get those expensive supplements for them. After knowingthat Luca's recipes were good for health, Aunt Neile thought of preparing extra portions if her son anddaughter-in-law could have some too.

Herbal medicine was considered cheap compared to those expensive supplements.

“What are you two talking about?" Vivian entered the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Vivian would be moving back today, so she woke up earlier.

"We're talking about diet plans." Luca had just finished making coffee, and she asked, "Vivian, wouldyou like to have some?"

Vivian noticed the thermos bottle beside her. She smiled and shook her head. "The coffee is for Mr.Crawford, right? It'd be better to keep it for him."

"I made two extra glasses. Are you sure you don't want some?" Luca filled the glass with coffee andhanded it to Vivian.

Luca's homemade coffee tasted good. Vivian took the glass from Luca without a second thought whenshe remembered that she would no longer be able to drink the coffee Luca made after she moved out."Then I'll have one. Thank you."

"Don't be shy," said Luca as she filled another glass with coffee and placed it on the tray. Then, shepoured the rest into the thermos bottle and reminded Aunt Neile, "Aunt Neile, please take the coffeealong with you when you're serving Mr. Crawford breakfast later."

"Okay, Ms. Luca," replied Aunt Neile.

After breakfast, Vivian and Luca walked out of the villa together.

Vivian dragged her suitcase with her. She could not help but exclaim, "It's a new day today, and it's alsothe beginning of another chapter of my life. Honestly, I never thought that this day would come."

Luca stared at Vivian's side profile. She smiled and replied, "What do you think about the air aroundyou on your new day?"

"Of course, it's refreshing. It's so comfortable. I'll live my life to the fullest every day in the future. Ohyes, Luca, do remember to come to the opening ceremony on my first day of school," said Vivian.

Luca nodded and agreed.

The opening ceremonies held abroad were for students and their parents to tour the college andparticipate in different activities.

Occasions like that were not popular in A City, but Luca did not tell Vivian about it. Instead, she noddedand promised that she would come.

"I have something to tell you," said Luca.

Vivian opened the door, glanced at Luca sideways, and asked, "Yes?"

"I might need to head to the Capital University to become a part-time lecturer. I'll be teaching everyMonday," said Luca. She walked out of the door and saw the car Warren drove today. It was more low-profile.

Luca said to Warren, "Please send me to the office first. After that, send Ms. Vivian back to herapartment."

"Okay, Dr. Craw." Warren carried the suitcase Vivian was dragging behind her and put it in the cartrunk.

After Vivian got into the car, she continued their conversation. “Really? Then will I be able to take yourclass?"

Luca shook her head and said, "I don't think so. You're studying language at Capital University. Iwould’ve probably completed the job assigned to me by the time you can take professional courses.Besides, they don't usually support the idea of students taking subjects outside their majors."

"That’s too bad." Vivian felt it was a pity when she heard that she was not allowed to take Luca’s class.

"But if you have nothing to do when I’m having class, you can sneak into the classroom and listen tomy lectures. There should be empty seats in the class," said Luca. She reckoned that the lectures ofexperienced lecturers would usually be more popular.

As for someone like her who would be able to pretend to be one of the students if she dressed moreyouthfully, the students would not be as convinced by her ability. Hence, it was likely only a fewstudents would be interested in listening to her lectures.

However, it did not matter to her how many students attended her lectures.

After all, Luca had never thought of taking the job.

"Really? That’s great. I’m sure that you’ll be a great lecturer," said Vivian. Although she did not knowwhat industry Luca was working in now, she knew Luca was someone who could do anything.

She was someone whom Vivian admired a lot.

"I prefer to work in the lab." Luca smiled. She had never thought of becoming a teacher since she wasyoung.

Luca loved attending classes, but she did not like to teach.

"After all, the lab is where you’re supposed to work." Vivian did not pay much attention to Luca’semotions. She just went along with what Luca said.

After Warren arrived at Watson Biopharmaceuticals, he did not drive into the parking lot as he had tosend Vivian back to her apartment later. He stopped the car at the office entrance and dropped Luca offthere.

"I’m going to work first. I’ll ask for leave on the first day of your school," Luca said to Vivian. Then, shepushed the car door open and got out of the car.

After Luca closed the car door, she headed into the office.

Warren made sure Luca had entered the office and only then did he drive away.

Luca swiped the card and walked toward the elevator. Mo, who stood not far away from her, cameforward and greeted her, "Good morning, Dr. Craw."

"Good morning, Ms. Stone," Luca greeted her calmly.

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