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Chapter 2495

Luca looked at the blueprint in detail.

Luke has not been so committed to sketching an architectural design since the M Group bid.

She could not help but be amazed at the intricate details included in the design.

"Mr. Crawford, this is amazing!" Luca sighed. She thought of something but did not manage to holdback in time.

She was an expert in biopharmaceuticals but was praising Luke's designs...

Luke would either suspect that she was an apple polisher or he might get suspicious as to how sheunderstood architectural design.

Luca looked at the man beside her anxiously.

"Glad to hear that you like it. I'll send it to the chief now," Luke said. However, he did not send it rightaway. After all, the document was so big that he needed to print it out, burn it onto a CD, and mail it tothe chief.

Luca smiled as Luke did not seem to realize the problem.

"Mr. Crawford, I'm sure that the village chief will be happy with your design," she said.

Luke smiled slightly. He was in a happy mood. He was praised by the woman he loved, so, of course,he was on cloud nine.

The printer on the side started running, so Luca stood up.

She knew that he was going to print the drawings and that these drawings could not be printed byordinary printers. She said, "I'll go take a shower first..."

"Okay, wait for me," Luke replied with a few words that were enough to make Luca blush and have heroverthink.

‘How embarrassing!'

Luca hurried out of the bedroom.

Luke put the drawing paper on the printer and started the machine.

His phone, which was on the side, vibrated, but he did not notice it.

After a few seconds, his phone rang.

Luke glanced at the caller ID and saw that Gale was trying to reach him.

He knew that it would not be good news if Gale was calling at this hour. He frowned and answered thephone, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, our men who have been following Matysh for a while now just updated us that Matysh hasbooked a flight back to A City tomorrow with Mandy Sanders," Gale said. The news was relayed by JimHolston's subordinate after he confirmed it with Mandy.

"Matysh?" Luke tapped his fingers on the table, lost in thought.

"Yes, Boss. Do you want us to do anything?" Gale asked. Matysh returned to A City for one reason andone reason only, Luca.

They did not expect that he still held on to his ideas even after a holiday break.

‘It seems like the Boss' love rivals are plentiful.'

"Yes, keep watch of Matysh," Luke said. Although he would protect Luca, it was an eventful period forthem.

They had the Island of Despair and Matysh on their tail...

"Okay, Boss. I'll have someone watch Matysh 24/7. What about Dr. Craw..." Gale paused and waitedfor Luke's instructions.

"I'll have the driver take her to and from work," Luke said.

Luca was skilled in combat. All would be fine as long as they were prepared and if Matysh had his menkidnap her when she went to and fro work.

His men were also working with Marcos to investigate Matysh. If they found evidence that he hadengaged in criminal activity prior, they would hand it over to the corresponding department so thatMatysh would be deported. They would have solved one problem then.

When he thought of Marcos, he said to Gale, "Have the investigation team find a way to locate Marcos'biological mother."

"Yes, Boss." After Gale hung up the phone, Luke checked on the printed drawings. Everything wasgood, so he printed a few more copies. He would take these to the company to be chopped with theofficial stamp of T Corporation the next day.

After all, these drawings were used for construction and were designed by him, so they must bestamped with the company's seal.

Luke loaded the drawings into the disk again and then put everything into his bag.

After he was done with everything, he guessed that Luca should be done with her shower. He walkedout of the room and opened the door to Luca's bedroom.

She had already taken a shower and was sitting in front of the dresser. She was applying her skin careproducts with care.

Luca turned around to look at him. "Mr. Crawford, have all the documents been printed?"

"Mm, it's done," Luke said. He stepped forward to hug her seeing that she stood up. "Luca, Gale calledme just now."

"What..." Luca felt a faint sense of unease in her heart.

Something bad must have happened for Gale to call at this hour.

"Matysh has booked a flight back to A City and will arrive tomorrow," Luke said.

Luca was in a daze when she heard that. Although she felt a little nervous during the New Year holiday,she subconsciously attributed the unease to the Island of Despair.

She almost forgot about Matysh Abaza...

Luca said, "He hasn't given up yet..."

"Based on the situation, yes, he hasn't given up. In the future, Warren will drive you to and fro work,"Luke said. He had notified Warren to be on call during daylight.

His only duty was to escort Luca to and get off work and occasionally, to other places.

"Okay." Luca did not try to act tough. After all, her driving skills were not the best.

She had to be careful with Matysh to not cause trouble for Luke.

"One more thing," Luke said as he pulled her over to the bed and sat down.

"Mr. Crawford, what else do you want to talk about?" Luca stared at him. The lights were scattered onhis handsome face. He barely had any visible signs of aging.

In a trance, she seemed to be back in high school at the basketball court where many boys wereplaying their hearts out. He was the most eye-catching among all the boys.

"There are many researchers at Watson Biopharmaceuticals who have great ideas. I want to open twolaboratories for all the staff in the research department to use. It's mainly to provide them withequipment for research. That way, they won't be limited to working only on the company'spharmaceutical projects. People other than the few professors can explore their personal projects too.What do you think of the idea?" Luke said. He had thought about it for some time before he decided togo for it.

Although this project would increase the expenses of Watson Biopharmaceuticals, he was happy to doit for Luca.

He could see that her research was bogged down and the equipment she had on hand was not themost advanced.

"Mr. Crawford, it's a good idea but it'll lead to an increase in the company's operating expenses." Lucafrowned. She thought that it was a good idea. If implemented, it would benefit many researchers.novelbin

Their qualifications, education, and achievements in pharmaceuticals were not as many as those of theprofessors. They became researchers because they still needed to accumulate experience.

However, they also had ideas of their own.

Even so, their ideas were often limited by equipment and the company's development projects.

In doing this, Luke was helping them, and at the same time, strengthening the company's futureearnings.

Nevertheless, she did not agree with it from the standpoint of management. Opening the laboratories toeveryone was a huge expense for the company. It included the loss of experimental equipment and theconsumption of experimental materials...

Watson Biopharmaceuticals was not profitable yet because of what had happened with Dr. Albus.

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