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Chapter 2490

"That's wonderful!" Nina looked at the skewers on the tray and saw that there were many vegetablesand meat, all of which were her favorites.

"We're having a tea party between friends. We're not rich ladies getting together, so it feels natural toeat some down-to-earth food." Luca winked playfully at Nina.

"There are a lot of things here that I like to eat! Luca, you're too good to be true." Nina sighed with joy.She only had a few meals with Luca and had not expressed her preferences openly but Luca justseemed to know.

"I'm glad that you like them. Vivian helped too." Luca looked at Vivian, who was beside her smilingshyly.

Nina gave Vivian a hug and thanked her, "Vivian, thank you."

"Nina, you're welcome." Vivian hugged her back.

Luca put the tray on the table, looked at Aunt Neile, and said, "Aunt Neile, there are some skewers inthe kitchen. Please bring them to Mr. Crawford and get the children to come down for some snacks."

"Okay, Ms. Craw." Aunt Neile smiled and went upstairs.

Luca brought out the coffee, milk tea, and various baked snacks. It was a tea party between adults, soshe put some snacks for the children on another plate and asked them to watch TV in the living room.The three adults sat on chairs in the dining room, chatting and tasting the delicious food.

"Mm, it's appetizing! Luca, I love all the food you cook!" Nina picked a skewer and took a bite. Her tastebuds were instantly conquered.

"Yeah, it's so flavourful!" Vivian echoed. Having tasted the skewers made by Luca, she felt that theskewers in the school food street were not all that.

Luca's skewers were much better.

"Eat more if you like them." Luca poured some milk tea for Nina and looked at Vivian. "Vivian, do youwant to have some?"

"Try it. Don't just drink coffee. Milk tea and skewers is the perfect combination!" Nina was distracted bythe delicious food in front of her and temporarily forgot about the Mallory family.

She found that no matter when and where, the sadness in her heart could always temporarily meltaway when Luca was around.

Luca seemed to have a magical ability that made her misery disappear for the time being.novelbin

"Okay, I'll try some. Thank you." Vivian smiled shyly as Luca poured her a cup of milk tea. She took asip and fell in love with the taste. "I thought that you have to have tea or coffee at a tea party. I didn'texpect that milk tea would taste so good!"

"The milk tea made by Luca is top-notch." Nina praised. She knew that it was not a takeaway as soonas she tasted it.

"Luca, you're great! Anyone who lives with you will have a wonderful life." Vivian could not help but sighwith admiration.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Luca smiled awkwardly as the two praised her to the highheavens.

"We're not talking nonsense. The milk tea, skewers, and baked goods are really delicious," Nina saidwith a smile. She asked Vivian's opinion, "Vivian, what do you think?"

“Mm, you're right. They're mouth-watering," Vivian nodded in agreement.

Tommy came over with two cups in his hands and said in a childish voice, "Ms. Luca, can you give ussome more milk tea? Lanie and I both want another cup."

"Of course. Come here and give me your cups." Luca agreed. After all, she made this milk tea herself.It was made with organic ingredients and did not include any additives, so it was great for the children.

She poured two cups of milk tea and served it to them instead of letting Tommy do it.

Vivian could not help but say, "Luca is so kind to the children."

"Yeah, she treats the kids just like her own. She said children have no bad intentions. They'll treatwhoever treats them well just as much. Luca takes good care of the children, both in front of andbehind people. The kids love her." Nina sighed.

Vivian grinned and could not help but wonder how great it would be if she had a child too.

'Who can I have children with...?'

After Luca brought the milk tea to the living room, she returned and continued to hang out with them.

On the other hand.

In the hospital.

After Pierre sent Madam Mallory's ID card to the hospital, he paid the deposit and went through theadmission procedures under the guidance of the nurse. After that, he went to her ward.

Madam Mallory had not woken up yet.

Percy sat on the sofa in the ward. He nodded slightly when he saw Pierre walk in. His gaze was cold ashe said, "You're here."

"What did you do? You made Mom like this!" Pierre said indiscriminately and stepped forward toconfront the person sitting on the sofa.

Percy explained in a cold tone, "She has high blood pressure."

"You're talking nonsense. Mom has never had high blood pressure. I asked the doctor. Her bloodpressure rose because she was triggered. You know that she doesn't agree with you being with Nina,but you still pissed her off so badly! The Mallory family doesn't welcome you!" Pierre's mood darkenedas he tried to grab Percy's collar.

The two were about the same height, so Percy swatted his hand away when he noticed his intentions."Don't think I don't know what you're up to."

Pierre snorted coldly and replied, "You're cornered, Percy. After this incident, do you think you can stillrun amok at Mallory Corporation? When you're fired, you can't even protect Nina!"

"Even if I'm not at the Mallory Corporation, I won't make your life easy. Also, Nina is my woman. Don'teven think about touching her. She's your sister-in-law no matter if I'm running Mallory Corporation ornot. Pierre, you'll have to call her your sister-in-law for the rest of your life." Percy knew what he wasthinking.

Pierre's desire for Nina was inexplicable. He could not understand it.

Nevertheless, he would not let Nina go without a fight.

'It doesn't matter even if I'm no longer the CEO of Mallory Corporation. I've prepared for a long time toprotect Nina.'

"Hoho, brother. This may be the last time I refer to you as my brother. I'll own everything that you careabout, including Mallory Corporation and Nina. Do you know why? That's because I'm smarter thanyou. I'll make Nina leave you to be my mistress. When you have nothing, maybe I can give you a biteto eat if you beg me." Pierre's tone was gloomy. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly as heimagined how it would be when he had everything he wanted.

At that time, he would be blazed in eternal glory.

'Percy would be worse off than what I have to go through now!'

When he thought of having Percy beg for mercy at his feet, the smile on Pierre's mouth became evenmore wanton. It revealed his inner thoughts.

Percy calmly replied, "You'll never succeed."

After that, he glanced at Madam Mallory, who was still lying on the hospital bed. He turned around toleave.

It would only make Madam Mallory angry if he was there when she woke up. He preferred to haveJohann keep him posted on her condition.

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