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Chapter 2464

"Don't tell her yet," Old Master Crawford said immediately. He then glanced at Susan, who was next tohim. He wanted to have a peaceful lunch.

"Will do." The butler knew what Old Master Crawford meant.

Susan raised the corner of her mouth with pride. Her efforts had paid off.

During the past few days, many guests came by the house. As the hostess of Crawford Manor, sheentertained each guest in good taste and many praised her.

It had shifted Old Master Crawford’s opinion of her.

It was clear that he now favored her...

"Is lunch ready?" Old Master Crawford asked. He intended to leave Allison’s matter aside until he hadlunch.

"The cook has gotten everything ready. She prepared all vegetarian dishes as per your instructions.You can have lunch anytime." the butler said.

"Inform the kitchen to serve lunch now." Old Master Crawford walked into the dining room with the helpof his cane.

"Got it." The butler hurried to the kitchen.

When Thea heard that they were eating vegetarian food, she shook Yuri's hand and said, "Mom, I wantto eat meat."

Yuri was fully aware of Thea's eating habits. She squatted down to look her in the eye. "Dear, everyoneat home is eating vegetarian food today. It’s just for today. There’ll be meat tomorrow."

"Ah, we also have to eat vegetarian food for dinner?" Thea frowned deeper. She did not want to eatvegetarian food for dinner as well.

"It was like this before as well." Yuri looked at her daughter with some doubts in her heart. It was thesame every year, but Thea had never raised much concern.

‘Why is she so against it now?’

It was the Crawfords' rule to eat vegetarian food for the day, so she did not dare to prepare anythingwith meat for her daughter. Children were not good at keeping secrets, and the Crawfords would findout what she did.

At that time, a scolding was inevitable.

Seeing that Thea was about to cry, Yuri sighed in her heart that children were inconstant.

In the past, Thea would eat anything as long as the food was delicious, even if it did not have anymeat.

However, she was now clamoring for meat.

"Be good. I'll take you out to eat some delicious food tomorrow." Yuri was afraid that her daughterwould cry. After all, the last thing Old Master Crawford wanted to see was someone in the family cryingand making trouble during the New Year, so she hurriedly coaxed her.

Thea thought about it for a while and reluctantly agreed.

Yuri walked into the dining room with her daughter.

Allison was upstairs catching up on sleep and did not know that Old Master Crawford had returned. Assuch, they had a peaceful meal.novelbin

After he ate, Old Master Crawford slowly stood up with the help of his cane and said to the butler, "Holdme. I want to go to the study."

Susan, who was on the side, wanted to watch the drama unfold. If Old Master Crawford talked toAllison in the study, she would miss out on it, so she immediately said, "Dad, you don't need to go tothe study. We're all family here. If Allison has something to say, she can say it in the living room, no?"

Old Master Crawford knew what she had in mind when she suggested that. He glared at her andpointed out, "Don't even think about causing any trouble. Everyone, control yourselves today. No one isallowed to make a scene."

Susan pursed her lips contemptuously.

She wanted to see how far Allison would go. She thought that Allison was not looking for Old MasterCrawford because of her but it was likely to do with Luke.

The mother and son were at odds. Susan would never get tired of such theatrics.

"Mom, let's go. It's time for Thea's nap," Louis said for fear that Susan would dare to go to the study tosnoop on their conversation.

"What does it have to do with me? You're her father. Why do you want me to go?" Susan looked at him,dissatisfied.

She was certain that he knew that she wanted to see how it would play out.

'He's using Thea as an excuse. He just doesn't want me involved!'

Susan was dissatisfied. 'Did Louis forget that I'm his biological mother?!'

Old Master Crawford ignored Susan and went upstairs with the help of the butler.

Susan looked at the back of Old Master Crawford and glared at Louis. "You useless thing! Why can't Ibe there to see it when Allison is distressed?"

Louis frowned and asked, "Mom, how do you know she's in trouble?"

Susan took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and scolded, "Why else would she come look for yourgrandfather in desperation? Maybe she can't even afford to eat now!"

Louis was still skeptical.

'Could Allison be in distress?'

Although her relationship with Luke was terrible, Luke would never leave her to die. He had heard thatLuke was giving Allison a large sum of allowance to cover her living expenses every month. As long asshe did not spend it particularly extravagantly, it was enough for her to splurge.

'How does Mom know that Allison is desperate?'

In the study.

Susan was not allowed in. Old Master Crawford sat in the executive chair to wait for Allison.

Knock, knock. There was a knock on the door followed by the butler saying, "Old Master Crawford,Madam Allison is here."

"Come in." Old Master Crawford's was loud like a bell, full of power.

Allison's heart trembled inexplicably when she heard Old Master Crawford's voice. She had a hunchthat Old Master Crawford would criticize her for what she was about to tell him...

She instantly regretted her decision.

However, if she left, she would have to live in hunger and cold...

Allison gritted her teeth and glanced at Susan, who was standing far away in the corridor. Even from adistance, she could see the schadenfreude on her face.

She pushed the door and walked in.

Susan leaned against the wall and said in a lazy tone, "Ugh, no soap drama for me today."

The butler looked her way.

Susan had no intention of leaving although she was far away and the study was soundproofed. Sheknew that she could not hear anything at this distance.

However, she just wanted to see what would happen next, so she stayed here.

In the study.

Allison closed the door, took a deep breath, and walked over to the chair opposite Old MasterCrawford. She sat down and greeted him awkwardly, "Happy New Year, Dad."

"Get on with it," Old Master Crawford said ruthlessly. He had already learned from the maids aboutwhat happened from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day.

He believed that if Allison had not allowed it, a stranger would not have dared to do such anoutrageous act.

"Dad, I have no other options. Please help me," Allison said as her tears fell.

Old Master Crawford was indifferent to her tears. He looked at her coldly, waiting for her to get to thepoint.

Seeing that Old Master Crawford had no intention of comforting her, Allison knew that her trick wouldnot work. She cut to the subject and told him all about her being scammed.

"What were you thinking?" Old Master Crawford. He did not expect that Allison, who had always beennimble-witted, would be scammed out of all of her money.

Allison was taken aback. She said, "Dad, I'm desperate. If it weren't for my relationship with Luke fallingto bits, I wouldn't have thought about investing all my money."

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